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Last active January 7, 2025 11:20
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recursive expansions

for the latest chapter of what's becoming a blog on the most cursed bash you can imagine, let's do some maths together

euclid's algorithm for gcd could be written like this in python:

>>> def gcd(a, b):
...     if b:
...         return gcd(b, a%b)
...     return a
>>> gcd(36, 48)

here's a funky way to do the same thing in bash:

$ gcd=b?c=a,a=b,b=c%b,gcd:a
$ echo "$((a=36,b=48,gcd))"

bash recursively expands gcd in the arithmetic context as if it was a macro, lazily evaluating only one side of ?: at every level. there is a fixed recursion limit, mainly to prevent infinite expansions like a=a; echo $((a)), but it is 1024 steps, which is not too small and enough for many use cases

this turns out to be a powerful tool, and it's usually the fastest way to do nontrivial1 calculations in pure bash.

one could think of these recursive expansions as if they were functions, and try to build a library of convenient building blocks. unfortunately it's quite hard to compose them, because they're just evaluated via text replacement and not as proper functions. there is no separate scope for the variables, and all the names are fixed. using weird names is a possible way to simulate private variables, but it remains hard to calculate gcd(gcd(396, 594), gcd(462, 363))

and a possible solution to this could be: a stack 🥳

(this may sound obvious to you, dear reader, but i'm slow so it took me a bit)

here's how it can work:

  • an array of values v can serve as a generic stack, and a variable p as a stack pointer. note that this kind of expansion cannot unset array elements, but that's fine, decrementing the stack pointer is enough
  • to call our new "functions", we'll make sure that the correct number of parameters are on the top of the stack
  • the functions will be able to use all the space at the top of the stack (including the parameters) as a scratch buffer
  • they will finally leave their retun value(s) at the top of the stack. if they need to return a variable number of values, they can communicate this to their callers by also pushing the number of values

overall we have just created the exact opposite of type safety, but you're writing this kind of bash code, you don't need safety, or types, or sanity

what we're left with is a 1:1 translation for our old gcd:

p = ${#v[@]}  number of elements on the stack

a = v[p-2]    passed on the stack
b = v[p-1]    passed on the stack
c = v[p]      temp parameter created by gcd on top of the stack

we take 2 values from the stack
we return 1 value
--> decrement the stack pointer to return

       b  ? c  =   a  ,   a  =   b  ,   b  = c  %   b  ,gcd:   a

we can verify that it works, and compute our nested gcd from before:

$ gcd=v[p-1]?v[p]=v[p-2],v[p-2]=v[p-1],v[p-1]=v[p]%v[p-1],gcd:v[--p-1]

$ v=(36 48) p=${#v[@]}
$ echo "$((gcd))"
$ declare -p v p
declare -a v=([0]="12" [1]="0" [2]="36")
declare -- p="1"

$ echo "$((v[p++]=396, v[p++]=594, gcd, v[p++]=462, v[p++]=363, gcd, gcd))"
$ declare -p v p
declare -a v=([0]="12" [1]="33" [2]="0" [3]="198" [4]="66")
declare -- p="2"

previous: revolutionary invention


  1. shameless plug: one application of this trick is the wall hit code of my bash raycasting 3d engine, pretty much the only reason why things run at an almost acceptable speed

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