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Focused on people for growth the business

Gabriel Marquez gblmarquez

Focused on people for growth the business
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:: Extract date fields - language dependent
FOR /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/-. " %%i in ('date /t') do (
SET v1=%%i& SET v2=%%j& SET v3=%%k
IF "%%i:~0,1%%" gtr "9" (SET v1=%%j& SET v2=%%k& SET v3=%%l)
FOR /f "skip=1 tokens=2-4 delims=(-)" %%m in ('echo.^|date') do (
gblmarquez /
Created June 23, 2018 16:57
Importar Certificados das Autoridades Certificadoras (ACs) da ICP-Brasil no Azure VMSS
az vmss extension set \
--publisher Microsoft.Compute \
--version 1.8 \
--name CustomScriptExtension \
--resource-group myResouce \
--vmss-name myType \
--settings '{"fileUris":[""],"commandToExecute":"powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File Import-ICPBrasil-CertiticateAuthorities.ps1"}'
gblmarquez / Import-ICPBrasil-CertiticateAuthorities.ps1
Last active October 4, 2019 12:12
Importar Certificados das Autoridades Certificadoras (ACs) da ICP-Brasil
# How to execute
# Using Windows
# PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))"
function DownloadWithRetry([string] $Uri, [string] $OutFile, [int] $retries = 5) {
while($true) {
try {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -OutFile $OutFile
gblmarquez / countries_codes_and_coordinates.csv
Created October 10, 2017 12:49 — forked from tadast/countries_codes_and_coordinates.csv
Countries with their (ISO 3166-1) Alpha-2 code, Alpha-3 code, UN M49, average latitude and longitude
Country Alpha-2 code Alpha-3 code Numeric code Latitude (average) Longitude (average)
Afghanistan AF AFG 4 33 65
Albania AL ALB 8 41 20
Algeria DZ DZA 12 28 3
American Samoa AS ASM 16 -14.3333 -170
Andorra AD AND 20 42.5 1.6
Angola AO AGO 24 -12.5 18.5
Anguilla AI AIA 660 18.25 -63.1667
Antarctica AQ ATA 10 -90 0
Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG 28 17.05 -61.8
# Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
# File Name : WS2016Optimisations.ps1 #
# Author : George Spiers with thanks to Keith Campbell #
# for assistance. #
# Email : [email protected] #
# Twitter : @JGSpiers #
# Website : #
Get-AppxPackage |
Where-Object Name -notlike *Libs* |
Where-Object Name -notlike *Native* |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.WindowsStore |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.AccountsControl |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.BioEnrollment |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.CredDialogHost |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.LockApp |
gblmarquez /
Created May 18, 2017 13:44 — forked from wsargent/
Windows Development Environment for Scala

Windows 10 Development Environment for Scala

This is a guide for Scala and Java development on Windows, using Windows Subsystem for Linux, although a bunch of it is applicable to a VirtualBox / Vagrant / Docker subsystem environment. This is not complete, but is intended to be as step by step as possible.

Sadly, much of this pertains to Git, GPG, SSH, and Windows all not working, rather than Windows Subsystem for Linux. There is no unified command line experience for native Windows still -- instead, there's a bunch of different conflicting programs which all bring along their own environment and need to be told about each other.

Harden Windows 10

Read the entire Decent Security guide, and follow the instructions, especially:

default-cache-ttl 900
max-cache-ttl 999999
pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac
log-file /var/log/gpg-agent.log
gblmarquez / gist:e1543e0087c38fa79b4cfc4e0920dc04
Created October 21, 2016 15:57
Aluminum 3-Port USB 3.0 and Ethernet Hub - Upgrade Patch (Mac OS 10.10) Driver
gblmarquez / acesso.txt
Created October 5, 2016 18:46
Live TIM Modem acesso
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