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Created August 5, 2018 19:53
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sluthub v1 design
{% extends '_layout' %}
{% block main %}
<!-- main content -->
<div class="container mx-auto">
<div class="flex-1 shadow-inner mb-4 h-screen w-full">
<div class="flex mb-4">
<div class="w-3/8 h-12 p-3 flex-col">
<div class="max-w-md w-full lg:flex">
{% for entry in craft.entries.section('slut').limit(10).all %}
<!-- item start -->
<div class="h-48 lg:h-auto lg:w-48 flex-none bg-cover img-responsive lg:rounded-t-none shadow lg:rounded-l text-center overflow-hidden" style="background-image: url('')" title="placeholder"></div>
<div class="border-r border-b border-l border-grey-light lg:border-l-0 lg:border-t shadow lg:border-grey-light bg-white rounded-b lg:rounded-b-none lg:rounded-r p-4 flex flex-col justify-between leading-normal">
<div class="mb-8">
<p class="text-sm text-grey-dark flex items-center">
<svg class="fill-current text-grey w-3 h-3 mr-2" xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 20 20">
<path d="M4 8V6a6 6 0 1 1 12 0v2h1a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H3a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-8c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h1zm5 6.73V17h2v-2.27a2 2 0 1 0-2 0zM7 6v2h6V6a3 3 0 0 0-6 0z"/>
<div class="text-black font-bold text-xl mb-2">
<a href="{{ entry.url }}">{{ entry.title }}</a>
<p class="text-grey-darker text-base">{{ entry.slutShortDescription }}</p>
<div class="flex justify-between items-center">
<button onclick="window.location.href=''" class="bg-grey-light hover:bg-grey text-grey-darkest font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded inline-flex items-center">
<svg class="fill-current w-4 h-4 mr-2" xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 20 20">
<path d="M13 8V2H7v6H2l8 8 8-8h-5zM0 18h20v2H0v-2z"/>
<span class="font-mono">$25</span>
<!-- item end -->
<!-- split each -->
{% endfor %}
<!-- footer -->
<div class="flex mb-4">
<div class="w-1/2 bg-grey-light h-12">1</div>
<div class="w-1/2 bg-grey h-12">2</div>
{% endblock %}
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