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Working from home

Drew Blas drewblas

Working from home
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drewblas /
Last active March 30, 2016 14:30 — forked from gamache/
Validating Data in Elixir with ExJsonSchema


  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Events API Schema",

  "definitions": {

    "event_collection": {
drewblas / gist:6977965
Last active December 25, 2015 12:39 — forked from markmcspadden/gist:6976551
Forking for love

Disclaimer: In the coder spirit, I've forked Mark's gist. I do this not to take his words, but rather to echo his sentiments, reinforce his approach, and add my voice to his in a fashion I hope will help keep this discussion alive. I invite others to do the same.


I'm writing in response to events that have recently come to light involving a sexual assault at a tech conference. Background information can be found [here][1], [here][2], and [here][3] as well as on twitter and google.

drewblas /
Created November 14, 2011 15:41 — forked from fnichol/
Chef Bootstrapper For SuSE/SLES

Chef Bootstrapper For SuSE/SLES


Note: Run this script as the root user (no sudo calls are used in the script).

You will need the curl package installed, though I would have no idea why it wouldn't be installed by default:

zypper --non-interactive install curl