Date: Sept 11, 2017.
Summary of the glTF 2.0 ecosystem, as it affects WebVR devs.
- three.js, BabylonJS, and A-Frame v0.7.0+ support glTF2.0.
- ... and more.
- Blender glTF 2.0 exporter is quite good, I'd start there.
- COLLADA2GLTF has a 2.0 branch that should be functional, but still beta-quality.
- obj2gltf, works great from my tests so far.
- ... and more.
- Exporting multiple animations per model isn't well-supported. Tracking issues here and here.
- The Draco extension isn't quite ready for use yet, but looks very promising.
- Currently all materials are PBR. If you need unlit for mobile performance, there's another extension in progress.
- When creating models, you can test them quickly in this drag-and-drop viewer.
- Sketchfab has 100,000+ glTF models for download! They're great.