Update: Seems to be real https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11587416
I received this message on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 7:35 PM. Couldn't find anything about it on Gitlab's Blog or Twitter so I asked for clarification here: https://twitter.com/tehwey/status/725612585886842880
Anyone else got one of these, maybe to an address that's exclusively used on Gitlab? There also seems to be a huge spam issue going on in their issue tracker right now:
We have discovered a critical security issue in all GitLab CE and EE versions from 8.2 to 8.7.
On Monday May 2, 2016 at 4:59pm PDT (23:59 GMT), we will publish new GitLab patch releases for all affected versions. We strongly recommend that all installations running a version mentioned above be upgraded as soon as possible after the release. Please forward this alert to the appropriate person at your organization and have them subscribe to Security Notices
The following versions are affected:
8.6.0 through 8.6.7
8.5.0 through 8.5.11
8.4.0 through 8.4.9
8.3.0 through 8.3.8
8.2.0 through 8.2.4
You ([email protected]) were sent this security alert because our records indicate you may use GitLab CE or EE. If we are mistaken, we apologize and kindly ask you to opt out of security alerts.
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
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Wed, 27 Apr 2016 13:35:52 -0400
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Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 12:35:50 -0500 (CDT)
From: GitLab Security <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Message-ID: <1755089477.1819760797.1461778550878.JavaMail.root@abmas02.marketo.org>
Subject: Major Security Update Coming Monday
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We have discovered a critical security issue in all GitLab CE and EE versions from 8.2 to 8.7.
On Monday May 2, 2016 at 4:59pm PDT (23:59 GMT), we will publish new GitLab patch releases for all affected versions. We strongly recommend that all installations running a version mentioned above be upgraded as soon as possible after the release. Please forward this alert to the appropriate person at your organization and have them subscribe to Security Notices <http://email.gitlab.com/ZVwdh00cO0000S06N00BCVA>
The following versions are affected:
- 8.7.0
- 8.6.0 through 8.6.7
- 8.5.0 through 8.5.11
- 8.4.0 through 8.4.9
- 8.3.0 through 8.3.8
- 8.2.0 through 8.2.4
You ([email protected]) were sent this security alert because our records indicate you may use GitLab CE or EE. If we are mistaken, we apologize and kindly ask you to opt out of security alerts <http://email.gitlab.com/a0000B00SV0600dCOVwAdhO>.
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<body ><div ><div class="mktEditable" id="edit_text_1" ><p style="font-family: helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">We have discovered a critical security issue in all GitLab CE and EE versions from 8.2 to 8.7.<br /><br />On Monday May 2, 2016 at 4:59pm PDT (23:59 GMT), we will publish new GitLab patch releases for all affected versions. We strongly recommend that all installations running a version mentioned above be upgraded as soon as possible after the release. <strong>Please forward this alert to the appropriate person at your organization and have them subscribe to <a href=
"http://email.gitlab.com/ZVwdh00cO0000S06N00BCVA" target="_blank"
>Security Notices</a></strong><br /><br />The following versions are affected:</p>
<ul style="font-family: helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">
<li>8.7.0<br /></li>
<li>8.6.0 through 8.6.7 <br /></li>
<li>8.5.0 through 8.5.11 <br /></li>
<li>8.4.0 through 8.4.9 <br /></li>
<li>8.3.0 through 8.3.8 <br /></li>
<li>8.2.0 through 8.2.4 </li>
<p style="font-family: helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">You ([email protected]) were sent this security alert because our records indicate you may use GitLab CE or EE. If we are mistaken, we apologize and kindly ask you to <a href=
"http://email.gitlab.com/a0000B00SV0600dCOVwAdhO" target="_blank"
>opt out of security alerts</a>.</p></div>
<img src="http://email.gitlab.com/trk?t=1&mid=MTk0LVZWQy0yMjE6Njk5OjIyNjU6NTI5NzowOjE3OTI6NzozMzA2MjI5Om1haWxAbm90bXlob3N0bmEubWU%3D" width="1" height="1" style="display:none !important;" alt="" />
I recently also received a similar email not from Gitlab but seemingly from Lenovo. I was initially fooled thinking that it was directly from Lenovo.. but if you check the header carefully, you will notice that its actually probably coming from
which is posing asgitlab
. If you search onlinemarketo
is a legit company. My guess is that Gitlab has hired marketo for marketing purposes.. so thats why they can use the Gitlab email address in thefrom