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//: A UIKit based Playground for presenting user interface
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
// MARK: - Models
struct Movie: Decodable {
let title: String
let rating: Double
detrick /
Created July 13, 2016 17:37 — forked from joshdover/
Idiomatic React Testing Patterns

Idiomatic React Testing Patterns

Testing React components seems simple at first. Then you need to test something that isn't a pure interaction and things seem to break down. These 4 patterns should help you use a pattern that is repeatable and readable for the type of test you need.


I recommend doing all setup in the most functional way possible. If you can avoid it, don't set variables in a beforeEach. This will help ensure tests are isolated and make things a bit easier to reason about. I use a pattern

detrick /
Created February 26, 2016 03:15
Fucking Yes! AWS setup for Wordpress Server

Fucking Yes! AWS setup for Awesome Fast Wordpress Server

Ramblings and notes of my experiments with AWS which I will later turn into more coherent instructions.

Sooo... I'm about to be released into the wild as a free roaming web developer. I won't have the company hosting anymore and it's damn well about time I got my own shit sorted. After a little reading I have decided to give Amazon Web Services a try. So far I am loving it.

I have oooooooodles of control. It's super nerdy and more importantly, it's super fast. Seriously - I had fun.

When I first set this up i tried following some third party tutorials to get a wordpress server setup and running on Amazon Web Services. After some trial and error I found the proper documentation and everything when much more smoothly (I know right)! The AWS docs are very detailed and easy to follow.

- (void)addRowOfPieces:(ccTime)dt {
// add new top row of grid cells
NSMutableArray *newCells = [NSMutableArray new];
int start = ((GRID_HEIGHT - 1) * GRID_HEIGHT);
GameGridCell *firstCellInLastRow = self.gridCells[start];
CGPoint position = firstCellInLastRow.boundingBox.origin;
for (int i = 0; i < GRID_WIDTH; i++) {
GameGridCell *cell = [GameGridCell new];
cell.gridIndex = firstCellInLastRow.gridIndex + (i + GRID_WIDTH);
(function() {
var hideUrlBar = function () {
var win = window,
doc = win.document;
// If there's a hash, or addEventListener is undefined, stop here
if( !location.hash || !win.addEventListener ){
//scroll to 1
window.scrollTo( 0, 1 );