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Forked from bmaupin/
Created November 27, 2024 12:23
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Free database hosting

See also:

Service Type Storage Limitations
Amazon DynamoDB ⚠️ Proprietary NoSQL 25 GB ⚠️ Payment method required
Amazon RDS ⚠️ Proprietary RDBMS ⚠️ Only free for 1 year
Azure SQL Database MS SQL Server ⚠️ Only free for 1 year
👉 Clever Cloud PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis 256 MB (PostgreSQL) Max 5 connections (PostgreSQL)
ElephantSQL PostgreSQL 20 MB 5 concurrent connections PostgreSQL 3 GB ⚠️ Credit card required, limited outbound traffic, no way to avoid accidental overage fees
Google Cloud Firestore ⚠️ Proprietary NoSQL 1 GB ⚠️ After the first year there's no way to avoid accidental overage fees
Heroku Postgres (discontinued) 😭 PostgreSQL 10K max rows
IBM Cloud Cloudant ⚠️ Proprietary NoSQL 1 GB Deleted after 30 days of no activity
IBM Cloud Db2 Db2 200 MB ⚠️ "users are asked to re-extend their free account every 90 days by email. If you do not re-extend, your free account is cleaned out a further 90 days later"
MongoDB Atlas MongoDB 512 MB
OpenShift Developer Sandbox MariaDB, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL 15 GB ⚠️ Expires after 30 days (can resubscribe for free but not extend subscription), pods are automatically deleted after 12 consecutive hours of runtime
Oracle Cloud Oracle Database 20 GB each per two databases ⚠️ Payment method required
Redis Enterprise Redis 30 MB
Scalingo PostgreSQL 128 MB Max 10 connections
⚠️ Payment method required after 30 day trial
👉 Supabase PostgreSQL 500 MB Paused after 1 week inactivity
2 GB transfer limit
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