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Last active December 27, 2024 23:38
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Memory usage in a Lisp image
;;;; mem-usage.lisp
;;; MEM-USAGE returns memory used by Lisp image in a plist.
;;; MEM-USED prints memory allocated while running the given forms.
;;; Works on SBCL, CMUCL, CCL and CLISP.
;;; Relies on internal APIs (the ones that ROOM uses). Can break at any time.
(defpackage #:mem-usage
(:use #:cl)
(:export #:mem-usage #:mem-used))
(in-package #:mem-usage)
(defun mem-usage ()
"Memory used (in bytes) by various memory spaces in a Lisp image. Returns a plist."
#+sbcl (list :dynamic (sb-vm::dynamic-usage)
:static (sb-kernel::static-space-usage)
:immobile (sb-kernel::immobile-space-usage))
#+cmu (list :dynamic (lisp::dynamic-usage)
:static (lisp::static-space-usage))
#+ccl (multiple-value-bind (usedbytes static-used staticlib-used frozen-space-size)
(list :dynamic usedbytes
:static (+ static-used staticlib-used frozen-space-size)))
#+clisp (multiple-value-bind (used room static)
(declare (ignore room))
(list :dynamic used
:static static)))
(defun print-usage (usage stream)
"Prints memory usage plist returned by MEM-USAGE in a human-readable format."
(format stream "~&~{~{~50<~:(~A~) space usage is:~;~:D bytes.~%~>~}~}"
`((:dynamic ,(getf usage :dynamic 0))
(:static ,(getf usage :static 0))
(:immobile ,(getf usage :immobile 0))))
(defun mem-difference (x y)
"Difference between two mem-usage records"
:for metric in '(:dynamic :static :immobile)
:for x-value = (getf x metric)
:when x-value
:nconc (list metric (- x-value (getf y metric)))))
;; Copied from TRIVIAL-GARBAGE
(defun run-gc (&key full verbose)
"Initiates a garbage collection. @code{full} forces the collection
of all generations, when applicable. When @code{verbose} is
@em{true}, diagnostic information about the collection is printed
if possible."
(declare (ignorable verbose full))
#+(or cmu scl) (ext:gc :verbose verbose :full full)
#+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full full)
#+allegro (excl:gc (not (null full)))
#+(or abcl clisp) (ext:gc)
#+ecl (si:gc t)
#+openmcl (ccl:gc)
#+corman (ccl:gc (if full 3 0))
#+lispworks (hcl:gc-generation (if full t 0)))
(defmacro mem-used ((&optional place (stream '*standard-output*)) &body forms)
"Prints memory allocated by running FORMS. Memory usage is recorded
before and after FORMS are run, and the difference in usage is printed
Full GC is run before and after running forms to eliminate as many
temporary allocations as possible. Make sure to save a reference to
the objects whose memory usage you want to measure. (If the object you
want to measure is the last one returned, and you use this form in the
REPL, then * and / will refer to these objects, so you don't need to
handle this explicitly.
Does not work well for small allocations. In that case, predefine a
vector of appropriate size, make repeated allocations and insert the
newly allocated objects in that vector.
Returns the values returned by the last form.
If PLACE is non-nil, nothing is printed and instead the raw
values (see MEM-USAGE) are saved in PLACE."
(let ((start-usage (gensym "START-USAGE-"))
(diff (gensym "DIFF-")))
(run-gc :full t)
(let ((,start-usage (mem-usage)))
(progn ,@forms)
(run-gc :full t)
(let ((,diff (mem-difference (mem-usage) ,start-usage)))
,(if place
`(setf ,place ,diff)
`(print-usage ,diff ,stream))))))))
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