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#!/bin/bash | |
# Update Gradle, Java and other Android project settings in a Flutter project | |
# See: https://gradle.org/releases/ | |
# Build errors often show the required Java version | |
# See: https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads | |
DESIRED_NDK_VERSION="27.0.12077973" | |
# The minimum Android SDK version | |
# Google Play Stores requires a minimum target SDK version | |
# This shouldn't be too old, otherwise it won't compile with the DESIRED_GRADLE_VERSION set above | |
# Exit if this is not a Flutter project | |
if [ ! -f "pubspec.yaml" ]; then | |
echo "This is not a Flutter project" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
# Exit if the Android directory does not exist | |
if [ ! -d "android" ]; then | |
echo "The Android directory does not exist" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
# Navigate to the Android directory | |
cd android | |
# Update Gradle version (if specified) | |
if [ -n "$DESIRED_GRADLE_VERSION" ]; then | |
sed -i '' "s/gradle-.*-all.zip/gradle-${DESIRED_GRADLE_VERSION}-all.zip/" gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties | |
fi | |
# Update Java version (if specified) | |
if [ -n "$DESIRED_JAVA_VERSION" ]; then | |
sed -i '' "s/JavaVersion.VERSION_[0-9_]*/JavaVersion.VERSION_${DESIRED_JAVA_VERSION}/" app/build.gradle | |
fi | |
# Update NDK version (if specified) | |
if [ -n "$DESIRED_NDK_VERSION" ]; then | |
sed -i '' "s/ndkVersion = .*/ndkVersion = \"${DESIRED_NDK_VERSION}\"/" app/build.gradle | |
fi | |
# Update minSdk version (if specified) | |
if [ -n "$DESIRED_MIN_SDK_VERSION" ]; then | |
sed -i '' "s/minSdk = .*/minSdk = ${DESIRED_MIN_SDK_VERSION}/" app/build.gradle | |
fi | |
# Update targetSdk version (if specified) | |
if [ -n "$DESIRED_TARGET_SDK" ]; then | |
sed -i '' "s/targetSdk = .*/targetSdk = ${DESIRED_TARGET_SDK}/" app/build.gradle | |
fi | |
# Update com.android.application version in settings.gradle (if specified) | |
sed -i '' "s/id \"com.android.application\" version \".*\" apply false/id \"com.android.application\" version \"${DESIRED_ANDROID_APPLICATION_VERSION}\" apply false/" settings.gradle | |
fi | |
echo "Android project updated. Run 'git diff' to see the changes or 'git reset --hard' to discard them." |
Looks good! But I would suggest to either change DESIRED_ANDROID_APPLICATION_VERSION
name or add into a comment above information that this is Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) version. Also, instead of vague description for this variable This shouldn't be too old..
I would add a link to the official table of compatibility between Gradle version and Android Gradle Plugin versions: https://developer.android.com/build/releases/gradle-plugin
echo "Android project updated. Run 'git diff' to see the changes or 'git reset --hard' to discard them."
I would prefer 'git checkoout -- .' to clean up the temporary changes, instead of 'git reset --hard' which could cause problems by accident
Hi Andrea!
Thank you for your helpful courses! I have an app almost finished, but I have massive problems with Gradle and have been trying to solve the problems for 4 weeks again and again via ChatGPT or Gemini. But it all goes in circles and I can't find a solution. No matter which solution I try, there are always problems with the apk. Even your script didn't help me.
In the Ios emulator I can run the app. That works. But it's all only finished when I can make the apk. Can you help me or is there anyone who could help me? Best regards Tobias
Thank you for sharing this script!
thanks for sharing
On Windows I need to remove all '' after -i
if [ -n "$DESIRED_GRADLE_VERSION" ]; then
sed -i "s/gradle-.*-all.zip/gradle-${DESIRED_GRADLE_VERSION}-all.zip/" gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
How to use:
chmod +x update-android-project.sh