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Last active January 10, 2025 18:36
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  • Save bgolus/3a561077c86b5bfead0d6cc521097bae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bgolus/3a561077c86b5bfead0d6cc521097bae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pristine Grid applied to a grid that has support for major and minor lines and colored axis lines
Shader "Pristine Major Minor Grid"
[KeywordEnum(X, Y, Z)] _Axis ("Plane Axis", Float) = 1.0
[IntRange] _MajorGridDiv ("Major Grid Divisions", Range(2,25)) = 10.0
_AxisLineWidth ("Axis Line Width", Range(0,1.0)) = 0.04
_MajorLineWidth ("Major Line Width", Range(0,1.0)) = 0.02
_MinorLineWidth ("Minor Line Width", Range(0,1.0)) = 0.01
_MajorLineColor ("Major Line Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MinorLineColor ("Minor Line Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_BaseColor ("Base Color", Color) = (0,0,0,1)
_XAxisColor ("X Axis Line Color", Color) = (1,0,0,1)
_XAxisDashColor ("X Axis Dash Color", Color) = (0.5,0,0,1)
_YAxisColor ("Y Axis Line Color", Color) = (0,1,0,1)
_YAxisDashColor ("Y Axis Dash Color", Color) = (0,0.5,0,1)
_ZAxisColor ("Z Axis Line Color", Color) = (0,0,1,1)
_ZAxisDashColor ("Z Axis Dash Color", Color) = (0,0,0.5,1)
_AxisDashScale ("Axis Dash Scale", Float) = 1.33
_CenterColor ("Axis Center Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 100
#pragma shader_feature _ _AXIS_X _AXIS_Z // _AXIS_Y is default
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float _GridScale, _MajorGridDiv;
#if defined(_AXIS_X)
#elif defined(_AXIS_Z)
v2f vert (appdata v)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
float div = max(2.0, round(_MajorGridDiv));
// trick to reduce visual artifacts when far from the world origin
float3 worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(, 1.0)).xyz;
float3 cameraCenteringOffset = floor(_WorldSpaceCameraPos / div) * div;
o.uv.yx = (worldPos - cameraCenteringOffset).AXIS_COMPONENTS;
o.uv.wz = worldPos.AXIS_COMPONENTS;
return o;
float _MajorLineWidth, _MinorLineWidth, _AxisLineWidth, _AxisDashScale;
half4 _MajorLineColor, _MinorLineColor, _BaseColor, _XAxisColor, _XAxisDashColor, _YAxisColor, _YAxisDashColor, _ZAxisColor, _ZAxisDashColor, _CenterColor;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
float4 uvDDXY = float4(ddx(i.uv.xy), ddy(i.uv.xy));
float2 uvDeriv = float2(length(uvDDXY.xz), length(uvDDXY.yw));
float axisLineWidth = max(_MajorLineWidth, _AxisLineWidth);
float2 axisDrawWidth = max(axisLineWidth, uvDeriv);
float2 axisLineAA = uvDeriv * 1.5;
float2 axisLines2 = smoothstep(axisDrawWidth + axisLineAA, axisDrawWidth - axisLineAA, abs( * 2.0));
axisLines2 *= saturate(axisLineWidth / axisDrawWidth);
float div = max(2.0, round(_MajorGridDiv));
float2 majorUVDeriv = uvDeriv / div;
float majorLineWidth = _MajorLineWidth / div;
float2 majorDrawWidth = clamp(majorLineWidth, majorUVDeriv, 0.5);
float2 majorLineAA = majorUVDeriv * 1.5;
float2 majorGridUV = 1.0 - abs(frac(i.uv.xy / div) * 2.0 - 1.0);
float2 majorAxisOffset = (1.0 - saturate(abs( / div * 2.0))) * 2.0;
majorGridUV += majorAxisOffset; // adjust UVs so center axis line is skipped
float2 majorGrid2 = smoothstep(majorDrawWidth + majorLineAA, majorDrawWidth - majorLineAA, majorGridUV);
majorGrid2 *= saturate(majorLineWidth / majorDrawWidth);
majorGrid2 = saturate(majorGrid2 - axisLines2); // hack
majorGrid2 = lerp(majorGrid2, majorLineWidth, saturate(majorUVDeriv * 2.0 - 1.0));
float minorLineWidth = min(_MinorLineWidth, _MajorLineWidth);
bool minorInvertLine = minorLineWidth > 0.5;
float minorTargetWidth = minorInvertLine ? 1.0 - minorLineWidth : minorLineWidth;
float2 minorDrawWidth = clamp(minorTargetWidth, uvDeriv, 0.5);
float2 minorLineAA = uvDeriv * 1.5;
float2 minorGridUV = abs(frac(i.uv.xy) * 2.0 - 1.0);
minorGridUV = minorInvertLine ? minorGridUV : 1.0 - minorGridUV;
float2 minorMajorOffset = (1.0 - saturate((1.0 - abs(frac( / div) * 2.0 - 1.0)) * div)) * 2.0;
minorGridUV += minorMajorOffset; // adjust UVs so major division lines are skipped
float2 minorGrid2 = smoothstep(minorDrawWidth + minorLineAA, minorDrawWidth - minorLineAA, minorGridUV);
minorGrid2 *= saturate(minorTargetWidth / minorDrawWidth);
minorGrid2 = saturate(minorGrid2 - axisLines2); // hack
minorGrid2 = lerp(minorGrid2, minorTargetWidth, saturate(uvDeriv * 2.0 - 1.0));
minorGrid2 = minorInvertLine ? 1.0 - minorGrid2 : minorGrid2;
minorGrid2 = abs( > 0.5 ? minorGrid2 : 0.0;
half minorGrid = lerp(minorGrid2.x, 1.0, minorGrid2.y);
half majorGrid = lerp(majorGrid2.x, 1.0, majorGrid2.y);
float2 axisDashUV = abs(frac(( + axisLineWidth * 0.5) * _AxisDashScale) * 2.0 - 1.0) - 0.5;
float2 axisDashDeriv = uvDeriv * _AxisDashScale * 1.5;
float2 axisDash = smoothstep(-axisDashDeriv, axisDashDeriv, axisDashUV);
axisDash = < 0.0 ? axisDash : 1.0;
half4 xAxisColor = half4(GammaToLinearSpace(_XAxisColor.rgb), _XAxisColor.a);
half4 yAxisColor = half4(GammaToLinearSpace(_YAxisColor.rgb), _YAxisColor.a);
half4 zAxisColor = half4(GammaToLinearSpace(_ZAxisColor.rgb), _ZAxisColor.a);
half4 xAxisDashColor = half4(GammaToLinearSpace(_XAxisDashColor.rgb), _XAxisDashColor.a);
half4 yAxisDashColor = half4(GammaToLinearSpace(_YAxisDashColor.rgb), _YAxisDashColor.a);
half4 zAxisDashColor = half4(GammaToLinearSpace(_ZAxisDashColor.rgb), _ZAxisDashColor.a);
half4 centerColor = half4(GammaToLinearSpace(_CenterColor.rgb), _CenterColor.a);
half4 majorLineColor = half4(GammaToLinearSpace(_MajorLineColor.rgb), _MajorLineColor.a);
half4 minorLineColor = half4(GammaToLinearSpace(_MinorLineColor.rgb), _MinorLineColor.a);
half4 baseColor = half4(GammaToLinearSpace(_BaseColor.rgb), _BaseColor.a);
half4 xAxisColor = _XAxisColor;
half4 yAxisColor = _YAxisColor;
half4 zAxisColor = _ZAxisColor;
half4 xAxisDashColor = _XAxisDashColor;
half4 yAxisDashColor = _YAxisDashColor;
half4 zAxisDashColor = _ZAxisDashColor;
half4 centerColor = _CenterColor;
half4 majorLineColor = _MajorLineColor;
half4 minorLineColor = _MinorLineColor;
half4 baseColor = _BaseColor;
#if defined(_AXIS_X)
half4 aAxisColor = yAxisColor;
half4 bAxisColor = zAxisColor;
half4 aAxisDashColor = yAxisDashColor;
half4 bAxisDashColor = zAxisDashColor;
#elif defined(_AXIS_Z)
half4 aAxisColor = xAxisColor;
half4 bAxisColor = yAxisColor;
half4 aAxisDashColor = xAxisDashColor;
half4 bAxisDashColor = yAxisDashColor;
half4 aAxisColor = xAxisColor;
half4 bAxisColor = zAxisColor;
half4 aAxisDashColor = xAxisDashColor;
half4 bAxisDashColor = zAxisDashColor;
aAxisColor = lerp(aAxisDashColor, aAxisColor, axisDash.y);
bAxisColor = lerp(bAxisDashColor, bAxisColor, axisDash.x);
aAxisColor = lerp(aAxisColor, centerColor, axisLines2.y);
half4 axisLines = lerp(bAxisColor * axisLines2.y, aAxisColor, axisLines2.x);
half4 col = lerp(baseColor, minorLineColor, minorGrid * minorLineColor.a);
col = lerp(col, majorLineColor, majorGrid * majorLineColor.a);
col = col * (1.0 - axisLines.a) + axisLines;
col = half4(LinearToGammaSpace(col.rgb), col.a);
return col;
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SimonVirgo commented Aug 14, 2024

Hey Ben, Thanks for putting this out here! Can you specify under which license you release this code or your open code in general?

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bgolus commented Aug 14, 2024

Unlicense or CC0.

Basically do whatever you want with it. No license notice or attribution needed.

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Thanks a lot! Much appreciated!

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