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Save begin-theadventure/d35f8602dd15762bf2e8648728272ca5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Explained list of all caller IDs for ID/waveform/voice cards from Titanfall 2 + how to export their banners.
05 - Apex Predators - Kuben Blisk
06 - Vinson Dynamics - Ashleigh Reid "Ash"
07 - Angel City Elite (ACEs) - Robert Taube "Barker"
10 & 12 - The Last Resort - Davis & Droz
11 - ARES Division - General Elias Marder
13 - The 6-4 - Gates
20 - Marauder Corps (M-COR) - Sarah Briggs
36 - Marvin's Finest Hour
Special Recon Squadron (SRS)
09 - BT-7274
ARES Division
14 - Ion
15 - Legion
18 - Tone
19 - Scorch
21 - Ronin
23 - Northstar
The 6-4
09 - Bear
Apex Predators
17 - Imahara "Viper"
22 - Richter
24 - Slone
25 - Kane
16 - Tai Lastimosa
30 - Lieutenant Freeborn "Wombat 3-2"
31 - Crow Captain "The 6-4"
32 - Lieutenant Shaver
33 - Blackbird Actual
34 - Blackbird 3-2 / Blackbird 2-4
35 - Blackbird 3-1
04 - Captain Meas
01, 02, 03
ARES Division
26, 27, 28, 29
37+ - Invalid
If you want to export banners of all caller_ids (DDS format):
Legion+ -> Load File: path/to/Titanfall2/r2/paks/Win64 ui.rpak-> hud (UI Image Atlas v10).
The last Marvin's caller_id_36 is in ui(05).rpak -> hud (UI Image Atlas v10).
Now go to /path/to/Legion+/exported_files/atlases/hud and search here for caller_id.
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begin-theadventure commented Jun 11, 2023

Started thanks to NachosChipeados, who showed me 96 line in cl_conversation.gnut file.

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