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Created January 5, 2025 00:27
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AI Studio patch to actually get the features users want
// This code structure is the function that provides a stable "reference" so that it gets the proper variable
const regex = /function\(\){var a=new _\...,b=new ..;return _\.(..)\(a,..,1,b\)}/gm;
// Reference to the null checker function used in serialization (and many other things [will filter later])
let nullchecker = ""
let nullcheckerWrapper = Object.keys(default_MakerSuite).find(
(makersuite_key) => {
const key = default_MakerSuite[makersuite_key]
if (typeof key != "function") return false
const sample_obj = {} // Was using for .bind() when testing injecting directly into the store.
// Might reuse later, but I can do things perfectly fine without access to the angular store so it was just unnecessary code
try {
nullchecker = regex.exec(key.toString())[1]
if (typeof nullchecker == "string"){
return true
} catch {return false}
window.frequency_penalty = 0.2
window.presence_penalty = 0.2
const originalChecker = default_MakerSuite[nullchecker]
default_MakerSuite[nullchecker] = (a,b,c,d)=>{
// filter actual payloads, that way we only get the payloads when nullchecking during serialization for Generating Content
try {if (a[Object.keys(a)[0]] !== undefined && a[Object.keys(a)[0]].length > 10 && c == 16){
if (a[Object.keys(a)].includes("text/plain")){
// Is generating content call
const modded = originalChecker(a,b,c,d)
modded[Object.keys(a)][10] = window.frequency_penalty
modded[Object.keys(a)][9] = window.presence_penalty
return modded
}} catch{ }
return originalChecker(a,b,c,d)
// SLIDER CODE (TERRIBLE SLOP I HATE THIS!!!!!!!) (will NEVER! refactor)
const step = .01
const normalize = (val, max, min) => (val - min) / (max - min);
const sliderResponsiveness = (containerElement, bounds, windowKey) => (e)=>{
const realValue = parseFloat(containerElement.querySelector("input").value)
const normalizedValue = normalize(realValue, bounds.max, bounds.min)
const computedWidth = containerElement.querySelector("mat-slider").getClientRects()[0].width
const change = computedWidth * normalizedValue
containerElement.querySelector("mat-slider-visual-thumb").style.transform = "translateX("+change+"px)"
containerElement.querySelector(".mdc-slider__track--active_fill").style.transform = "scaleX("+normalizedValue+")"
containerElement.querySelector(`input[type="number"]`).value = realValue
window[windowKey] = realValue
const slider = document.querySelector('[title="Top P set of tokens to consider during generation."]')
const sliderContainer = slider.parentElement.parentElement
// Frequency Penalty Setup [ SLOPPY CODE ]
frequencyPenalty = sliderContainer.cloneNode(true)
frequencyPenalty.querySelector("h3").innerText = "Frequency Penalty"
frequencyPenalty.querySelector("input").min = -2
frequencyPenalty.querySelector("input").max = 2
frequencyPenalty.querySelector("input").step = step
frequencyPenalty.querySelector("input").value = 0
frequencyBounds = {min:-2, max:2}
sliderContainer.parentElement.appendChild(frequencyPenalty).querySelector("input").addEventListener("input", sliderResponsiveness(frequencyPenalty, frequencyBounds, "frequency_penalty"))
// Presence Penalty Setup [ SLOPPY CODE ]
presencePenalty = sliderContainer.cloneNode(true)
presencePenalty.querySelector("h3").innerText = "Presence Penalty"
presencePenalty.querySelector("input").min = -2
presencePenalty.querySelector("input").max = 2
presencePenalty.querySelector("input").step = step
presencePenalty.querySelector("input").value = 0
presenceBounds = {min:-2, max:2}
sliderContainer.parentElement.appendChild(presencePenalty).querySelector("input").addEventListener("input", sliderResponsiveness(presencePenalty, presenceBounds, "presence_penalty"))
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holy based

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