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Last active June 14, 2023 20:34
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#!/bin/bash -i
# This script runs python3 from within a virtual environment
# Put this file into the 'bin' folder of your venv
# Set it to the interpreter path
# Script Summary:
# - Launch this script as an interactive bash process
# - Find the venv from $0
# - Activate the venv
# - Display the python3 command to the user
# - Convert this bash process into a python3 process
# Don't pollute the bash history
# Stop if any line fails
set -e
# Activate the venv
# Use the current script's $0 path to find the venv's bin folder
. "`dirname $0`/activate"
# Print the prompt and python command to run
printf '%s' "${PS1@P}" >&2
echo python3 "$@" >&2
# Invoke python3 via exec
# Instead of creating a child process, replace this bash process with python3
exec python3 "$@"
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