Importance of Immutability in JavaScript
What is the good part of the immutability? Why do we need to care about the immutability in the first place? Why even bother?
Immutability gives stricter control over your data immediately making your code safer and more predictable. In other words, immutable objects allow you to control the interface and data flow in a predictable manner, discovering the changes efficiently. It also makes it easier to implement complex features such as undo/redo, time travel debugging, optimistic updates and rollback, and so on.
If we talk about the frontend library React, Vue os state management library Redux then immutability can also help achieve better performance by enabling quick and cheap comparisons between versions of the state before and after changes. Components can take advantage of this and intelligently re-render itself only when needed. This can significantly boost performance.
The main benefits of immutability are predictability, performance, and better mutation