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Last active January 14, 2020 20:19
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Conda Commands for Development
Basic Commands
% conda info Check info about conda
% conda update conda Update conda to latest version
% conda install [package_name] Install [package name]
% conda update [package_name] Update [package_name]
% conda create --name py36 python=3.6 Create new environment and install py 3.5
% conda activate py35 Activate new environment
% conda create --clone py35 --name py35-clone Creates a clone of an environment
% conda list List installed packages
% conda list --revisions List history of current environment
% conda install --revisions 2 Restore environment to previous version
% conda list --explicit > my-env.txt Save environment to a text file
% conda env create --file my-env.txt Create environment from text
% conda env remove --name my-env.txt Delete environment
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