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Created December 28, 2024 18:16
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Ghostty config
font-family = BerkeleyMono Nerd Font
#font-family = Iosevka Nerd Font
# font-family = SFMono Nerd Font
font-size = 20
theme = GruvboxDarkHard
shell-integration-features = no-cursor,sudo,no-title
cursor-style = block
adjust-cell-height = 35%
# background-opacity = 0.96
mouse-hide-while-typing = true
mouse-scroll-multiplier = 2
window-padding-balance = true
window-save-state = always
window-colorspace = "display-p3"
background = 1C2021
# foreground = d4be98
# keybindings
keybind = cmd+s>r=reload_config
keybind = cmd+s>x=close_surface
keybind = cmd+s>n=new_window
# tabs
keybind = cmd+s>c=new_tab
keybind = cmd+s>shift+l=next_tab
keybind = cmd+s>shift+h=previous_tab
keybind = cmd+s>comma=move_tab:-1
keybind = cmd+s>period=move_tab:1
# quick tab switch
keybind = cmd+s>1=goto_tab:1
keybind = cmd+s>2=goto_tab:2
keybind = cmd+s>3=goto_tab:3
keybind = cmd+s>4=goto_tab:4
keybind = cmd+s>5=goto_tab:5
keybind = cmd+s>6=goto_tab:6
keybind = cmd+s>7=goto_tab:7
keybind = cmd+s>8=goto_tab:8
keybind = cmd+s>9=goto_tab:9
# split
keybind = cmd+s>\=new_split:right
keybind = cmd+s>-=new_split:down
keybind = cmd+s>j=goto_split:bottom
keybind = cmd+s>k=goto_split:top
keybind = cmd+s>h=goto_split:left
keybind = cmd+s>l=goto_split:right
keybind = cmd+s>z=toggle_split_zoom
keybind = cmd+s>e=equalize_splits
# other
copy-on-select = clipboard
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