- selectolax
- AdvancedHTMLParser
- grequests
- parsel
- mechanicalsoup
- beautifulsoup4
- gazpacho
- cloudscraper
- cfscrape
- ipwhois
- saas
- parse-utils
- looter
- xlseries
- sriram-twitter-scraper
- scrapy
- scrapyrt
- scrapy-splash
- scrapy-autoextract
- scrapy-pagestorage
- scrapy-jsonschema
- scrapy-wayback-middleware
- scrapy-rss
- scrapy-rotating-proxies
- django-dynamic-scraper
- yt-videos-list
- twint
- play-scraper
- instagramscraper
- instalooter
- instabotnet
- linkedin-scraper
- google-search-results-serpwow
- youtubedata
- TikTokApi
- imgur-scraper
- tropescraper
- google-search-results
- pastepwn
- wikitablescrape
- recipe-scrapers
- name-scraper
- lyrics-extractor
- newsman
- ludoj-scraper
- python-rapidjson
- orjson
- jsonslicer
- nujson
- yapic.json
- htmldate
- newspaper3k
- acora
- hext
- boltons (boltons.strutils)
- w3lib
- textnormaliser
- hyperlink
- shorttext
- postal
- readability
- cypunct
- justext
- iso4217parse
- isbnlib
- tesserocr
- imagecodecs
- imagecodecs-lite
- miniaudio
- pysndfile
- pdfquery
- cnamedtuples
- pybase64
- lz4 and zstd
- pikepdf and PyMuPDF
- fortuna, pyewacket, and rng
- cytoolz
- psutil
- libuuid
- hoedowm
PS: Not going to include the obvious ones like requests, pandas and numpy