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Ruben Nic RubenSandwich

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// to compile (using mingw-w64)
// g++ this_filename.c -lole32
// outputs current system volume (out of 0-100) to stdout, ex: output "23"
// mostly gleaned from examples here:
// download a compiled version here:
// (updated, can set it too now!)
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <mmdeviceapi.h>
#include <endpointvolume.h>
RubenSandwich /
Last active July 11, 2018 15:56
Code Review Template

Case: X


Fixes Y through preventing Z which is the only way to Y.

What to Review:

What should the reviewer focus on?

RubenSandwich / eveIntroExerciseProblems.eve
Last active January 17, 2017 21:41
Code & Supply Eve exercise problems
# Exercise Problems
Try to solve this problems by yourself or as a group.
If you need help ask your neighbor.
If you still need help raise your hand and Alec or I will come over to help.
Good Luck!
RubenSandwich / eveIntroOne.eve
Last active January 18, 2017 16:44
Code & Supply Eve intro
# Eve Intro
Welcome to Eve.
We are going to be going through this document as a group. But if you feel like I'm going too slow, feel free to zip ahead. After this short intro to the basic Eve concepts there will be some exercise problems, those can be done as an individual or as a group.
If you ever have questions about one of the concepts in here feel free to raise your hand and ask. The one thing I ask about questions is that wait until I introduce a concept before asking questions about it. If I haven't introduced a concept your curious about then please wait till the workshop problem time begins and call me over or find me after the talk.
With pleasantries out of the way let's learn some Eve!