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Last active September 21, 2024 09:13
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  • Save MrModest/d0708d4303bc85761e0d7b6674e45104 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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enum class PageType { Note, Table, List }
enum class PropertyType { String, Number, Select, MultiSelect, Date, Time, DateTime, Checkbox, Links }
class PropertyOption (
val id: String,
val order: Int,
val title: String,
val color: String // #FF0000
class Property (
val key: String,
val type: PropertyType,
val default: String, // if 'type is 'Select' or 'MultiSelect', contains ID(s).
val options: PropertyOption[]
class PageTemplate (
val id: UUID,
val name: String,
val type: PageType,
val properties: Property[]
class Page (
val id: UUID, // or Timestamp
val title: String,
val aliases: String[],
val template: PageTemplate,
val virtualPath: String, // to emulate hierarchy in UI
val createdAt: DateTime,
val updatedAt: DateTime,
val properties: Map<String, String>,
val backlinks: UUID[] // IDs of pages that explicitely linked this page
- .vault/
- settings.yml
- templates/
- 7d6bc389-05af-46c7-b06b-a5b546fb99d3.yml
- db/
- db.sqlite // or Redis
- notes/
- // or
- assets/
- 960cd651-d3a4-482f-b5eb-119299f9ddc7.png
- dc9a6bad-751c-424e-b12e-6b26501685b5.pdf
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