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牧瀬紅莉栖 MakiseKurisu

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MakiseKurisu /
Last active December 24, 2023 06:10
Install Pimox on Rock Pi 4B+
# You will need a real Debian machine to perform cross debootstrap
# Debian on WSL does not work
# Enter root mode
sudo -i
# Define variables
MakiseKurisu /
Last active November 18, 2021 14:33
Install vanilla UEFI Debian on Raspberry Pi 3
# You will need a real Debian machine to perform cross debootstrap
# Debian on WSL does not work
# Enter root mode
sudo -i
# Define variables
MakiseKurisu /
Last active July 5, 2022 19:36
Install vanilla UEFI Debian on Rock Pi 4B+
# You will need a real Debian machine to perform cross debootstrap
# Debian on WSL does not work
# Enter root mode
sudo -i
# Define variables
MakiseKurisu /
Last active December 26, 2022 05:17
Install vanilla UEFI Debian for ESPRESSOBin
# You will need a real Debian machine to perform cross debootstrap
# Debian on WSL does not work
# Enter root mode
sudo -i
# Install dependency
apt update && apt install -y btrfs-progs dosfstools qemu-user-static debootstrap
# Set up partition table and file systems
MakiseKurisu / gist:1e16ef1448d66a56f3f9f07740010d35
Created February 11, 2021 16:18
Thinkpad W540 GPU passthrough
# Reference guides:
# Based on fresh Debian Buster install
# Remember to turn on SVM in BIOS and disable CSM
# Disable closing lid event
MakiseKurisu /
Last active October 2, 2024 04:08
Recover Proxmox VE RAID-1 configuration when one disk is replaced / readded
# TODO: Add ESP disk replacement
# Assuming the disk in problem is /dev/sdb, and we are running off /dev/sda in degraded mode.
# However, if both /dev/sda and /dev/sdb have been booted in degraded mode,
# then the next time when you boot with both disk present, initramfs will not be able to mount root in rw mode.
# In that case, you may have PERMANENT DATA LOSS if you are not careful, and MAKE BACKUPS of your current disks before any recovery.
# I HAVE NOT tried to recovery from such situation, as my plan is always recovery from existing backups.
# However, I'm more likely to recreate the system from scratch, as my data are stored in RAID and with multiple backups,
# so I only need to recreate my VM environment according to the script I'm writting on Gist. I love fresh system anyway.
MakiseKurisu /
Last active December 3, 2024 19:31
Convert Proxmox VE over Btrfs to RAID-1 configuration
# Please follow first to set up rootfs
# Assuming rootfs on /dev/sdb2, and adding /dev/sda to the RAID-1 configuration
# Remove existing Proxmox installation and LVM Thin storage
pvesm remove local-lvm
vgremove pve -y
# Set up partition table
(echo g; echo n; echo ''; echo ''; echo '+512M'; echo t; echo 1; echo n; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo w) | fdisk /dev/sda
MakiseKurisu /
Last active October 2, 2024 04:07
Migrate Proxmox VE to a custom partition layout feat. Btrfs
# The following script was tested for fresh install only, without any VM
# Assuming Proxmox is installed in /dev/sda with LVM-ext4 partition and UEFI boot, and the target disk is /dev/sdb
# Prepare
sed -i "s/deb/#deb/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list
apt update
apt full-upgrade -y
# WARNING! Check your target disk device name!
MakiseKurisu / ssh.txt
Last active April 5, 2020 22:25
SSH Tunnel
# Scenario
# You have control of one computer <remote_address> behind NAT and its public internet facing router <sshd_address>.
# You want to access them from another computer <local_address> that is behind another uncontrolled NAT,
# and also from <remote_address> to this <local_address>.
# Run following command in <local_address>.
# Enable sock5 proxy and allow remote access of local RDP
ssh -R -D 8765 -N <sshd_address>
# Access remote SSH and another computer's RDP
MakiseKurisu /
Last active March 8, 2020 00:22
Install Arch Linux ARM to ESPRESSObin with custom storage layout
# Please refer to for details
# We will set up a SD card install with an EXT4 boot partition and a Btrfs root partition
# Upgrade system and install Btrfs user land utilities
sudo pacman -Syu btrfs-progs --needed --noconfirm
# Prepare necessary files
mkdir root