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Created July 1, 2024 23:14
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  • Save LukeberryPi/b52d2a5715fa3ae2ee0b69c729dcc896 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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my cv NO INFO
\noindent\textbf{#1} \hfill #2 \\
\noindent\textit{#3} \hfill \textit{#4} \\
\noindent\textbf{#1} \hfill #2 \\
\textbf{\Large FIRST LAST}
\noindent \faMapMarker ~ City, Country ~ \faUser ~ AGE years old \\
\faIdCard ~ Citizenship
{\color{blue}} \href{}{\faPhone \space +99 999 9999 999} \quad
{\color{blue}} \href{mailto:[email protected]}{\faEnvelope \space [email protected]}
{\color{blue}} \href{}{\faGlobe \space Website} \quad
{\color{blue}} \href{}{\faGithub \space GitHub} \quad
{\color{blue}} \href{}{\faLinkedin \space LinkedIn} \\
\entry{Company A}{\faCalendar \space Month Year -- present (\textbf{$\sim$ DURATION})}{Job Title}{\faMapMarker \space Location}
\item Description of responsibility 1.
\item Description of responsibility 2.
\item Description of responsibility 3.
\entry{Company B}{\faCalendar \space Month Year -- Month Year (\textbf{$\sim$ DURATION})}{Job Title}{\faMapMarker \space Location}
\item Description of responsibility 1.
\item Description of responsibility 2.
\item Description of responsibility 3.
\entry{Company C}{\faCalendar \space Month Year -- Month Year (\textbf{$\sim$ DURATION})}{Job Title}{\faMapMarker \space Location}
\item Description of responsibility 1.
\item Description of responsibility 2.
\item Description of responsibility 3.
\entry{Company D}{\faCalendar \space Month Year -- Month Year (\textbf{$\sim$ DURATION})}{Job Title}{\faMapMarker \space Location}
\item Description of responsibility 1.
\item Description of responsibility 2.
\item Description of responsibility 3.
\project{Project A | \normalfont{\textit{Technologies}}}{\textbf{Month Year}}
\item Description of project 1.
\item Description of project 2.
\item Description of project 3.
\project{Project B | \normalfont{\textit{Technologies}}}{\textbf{Month Year}}
\item Description of project 1.
\item Description of project 2.
\item Description of project 3.
\project{Project C | \normalfont{\textit{Technologies}}}{\textbf{Month Year}}
\item Description of project 1.
\item Description of project 2.
\item Description of project 3.
\entry{University A}{\faCalendar \space Month Year -- present (\textbf{$\sim$ DURATION})}{Degree}{\faMapMarker \space Location}
\entry{University B}{\faCalendar \space Month Year -- Month Year (\textbf{$\sim$ DURATION})}{Degree}{\faMapMarker \space Location}
\item \textbf{Languages:} \textbf{Native}: Languages | \textbf{Advanced}: Languages | \textbf{Intermediate}: Languages
\item \textbf{Technologies:} Technologies
\item \textbf{Developer Tools:} Tools
\item \textbf{Frameworks:} Frameworks
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ajudou demais, muito obrigado!

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de nada!

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