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Created August 21, 2024 13:39
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PowerShell Azure Monitor Log Ingestion
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Text
Function Send-AzMonitorLog {
#The access token to use for authentication. If not specified, will use the AzAuth module to retrieve a token if present.
#The objects that represent logs to convert to JSON and send to the DCR.
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
#Show the content of the logs being sent in the debug stream. Only do this for troubleshooting purposes.
[switch]$Trace = $ENV:__DCR_TRACE,
#Dont wait for the results of log submission. This will return job objects you can follow up on later or discard.
#Run batches sequentially rather than in parallel. Useful for troubleshooting/debugging
begin {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$thisName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
[int]$TotalLogs = 0
[int]$TotalBatches = 0
[uint32]$BatchBytes = 0
[List[PSObject]]$BatchBuffer = @()
[List[Management.Automation.Job2]]$jobs = @()
if (-not $AccessToken) {
try {
$getAzToken = Get-Command -Name Get-AzToken -CommandType Cmdlet -Module AzAuth
} catch {
throw '-AccessToken was not specified. The AzAuth module can be installed to automatically retrieve a token for you.'
if (-not $getAzToken) {
throw '-AccessToken was not specified. The AzAuth module can be installed to automatically retrieve a token for you.'
$resourceUrl = ''
$tokenInfo = try {
& $getAzToken -ManagedIdentity -ResourceUrl $resourceUrl
} catch {
& $getAzToken -ResourceUrl $resourceUrl
if (-not $tokenInfo) { throw "Failed to retrieve token automatically for resource $resourceUrl." }
$AccessToken = $tokenInfo.token | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText
$tokenInfo = $null
$iwrParams = @{
Uri = "$Endpoint/dataCollectionRules/$Id/streams/${StreamName}?api-version=2023-01-01"
Method = 'POST'
Authentication = 'Bearer'
Token = $AccessToken
ContentType = 'application/json'
process {
foreach ($logItem in $Data) {
#TODO: Concatenate this to a stringbuilder with a comma and check the length of the stringbuilder
$jsonObject = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $logItem -Depth 3 -Compress -EnumsAsStrings
$BatchBytes += $jsonObject.length + 1 #For comma added during concatenation
Write-Debug "${thisName}: Batch limit reached"
if ($BatchBuffer.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Error "${thisName}: Individual Log entry is too large to send ($BatchBytes bytes). Max size is $MAX_BATCH_BYTES bytes."
$batch = $BatchBuffer.ToArray()
$job = Submit-Logs $iwrParams $batch -Sequential:$Sequential -Trace:$Trace
if ($job) { $jobs.Add($job) }
$TotalLogs += $BatchBuffer.Count
$BatchBytes = 0
end {
if ($BatchBuffer) {
$job = Submit-Logs $iwrParams $batchBuffer -Sequential:$Sequential
if ($job) { $jobs.Add($job) }
$TotalLogs += $BatchBuffer.Count
if (-not $TotalLogs) {
Write-Verbose "${thisName}: No logs were provided and so none were sent."
Write-Verbose "${thisName}: Submitted $TotalLogs logs in $TotalBatches batches."
if (-not $Sequential) {
if ($AsJobs) {
return $jobs
$jobs | Receive-Job -AutoRemoveJob -Wait -ErrorAction 'Continue' #Continue is so we surface multiple batch errors if encountered.
# clean {
# if (-not $Sequential -and -not $AsJobs) {
# $jobs | Remove-Job -Force
# }
# }
function Submit-Logs ([Parameter(Mandatory)][hashtable]$iwrParams, [Parameter(Mandatory)]$Batch, [switch]$Sequential, [switch]$Trace) {
$thisName = 'Send-AzMonitorLog' #Workaround
$requestGUID = (New-Guid).Guid
Write-Debug "${thisName} [$requestGUID]: Submitting $($Batch.Count) records."
$submitTaskParams = [ordered]@{
iwrParams = $iwrParams
Batch = $Batch
requestGUID = $requestGUID
Trace = $Trace.IsPresent
if ($Sequential) {
SubmitLogsTask @submitTaskParams
} else {
Start-ThreadJob -Name "Send-AzMonitorLog-$requestGUID" -ScriptBlock (Get-Item Function:\SubmitLogsTask).ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $submitTaskParams.Values -Verbose -Debug
function SubmitLogsTask {
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
$thisName = 'Send-AzMonitorLog' #Workaround
Write-Debug "${thisName} [$requestGUID]: $($iwrParams.Method) $($iwrParams.Uri)"
$jsonBody = ConvertTo-Json $Batch -Depth 3 -Compress -EnumsAsStrings
if ($Trace) {
Write-Debug "${thisName}: ===REQUEST BODY===`n $jsonBody`n ===END REQUEST BODY==="
$iwrParams.Headers = @{ 'x-ms-client-request-id' = $requestGUID }
try {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest @iwrParams -Body $jsonBody -Verbose:$false
} catch {
$err = $PSItem
try {
$message = $err.ErrorDetails.Message
if (-not $message.Trim()?.StartsWith('{')) {
throw $err
$jsonMessage = ConvertFrom-Json $message
if (-not $jsonMessage.error.code -or -not $jsonMessage.error.message) {
throw $err
$PSItem.ErrorDetails = "[$requestGUID]: $($jsonMessage.error.code) - $($jsonMessage.error.message)"
$PSItem.FullyQualifiedErrorId = $jsonMessage.error.code
} catch {
throw $err
if ($response.StatusCode -eq 204) {
if ($response.Headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] -ne $requestGUID) {
Write-Error "Request ID mismatch. Sent: $requestGUID, Received: $($response.Headers['x-ms-client-request-id'])"
Write-Debug "${thisName} [$requestGUID]: $($batch.count) Logs ingested [ID: $($response.Headers['x-ms-request-id'])]"
} else {
Write-Error "${thisName} [$requestGUID] [$($response.Headers['x-ms-request-id'])]: Failed to send logs. Status code: $($response.StatusCode). [ID: $($response.Headers['x-ms-request-id'])]"
Export-ModuleMember Send-AzMonitorLog
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