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A DDNS-friendly wrapper/proxy for Cloudflare API with fine-grained permission control, deployed on Cloudflare Workers
// CloudFlare API token
// for zone: (Edit)
// Currently, there seems not to be a way to get zone ids with tokens. So hardcode it here.
// Trailing dots CANNOT BE OMITTED.
const ZONES = {
"": {
// Arbitrary API tokens, mapping domains to customizable tokens, which can be any text.
// Tokens for a domain can always be used to access its direct or indirect subdomains.
// Trailing dots CANNOT BE OMITTED.
const TOKENS = /* TOKENS: */ {
"": "b69541a8-0acd-4e14-aecf-053d5e1b923d",
"": "144e7c59-7c2b-4360-9d16-00bbad549fb9",
"": "218fa52e-d3c9-419d-a800-d8510e899a30",
} /* :TOKENS */;
// Time To Live in DNS record. 1 indictes automatic.
const TTL = 1;
class Flare {
constructor(api_token) {
this.api_token = api_token;
async request(method, path, data) {
const response = await fetch("" + path, {
method: method,
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${this.api_token}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify(data),
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Upstream response error (status code: ${response.status})`);
try {
return await response.json();
catch (e) {
throw new Error("Upstream invalid response");
get(path, data) {
return this.request("GET", path, data);
post(path, data) {
return this.request("POST", path, data);
put(path, data) {
return this.request("PUT", path, data);
delete(path, data) {
return this.request("delete", path, data);
const flare = new Flare(CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN);
class ClientError extends Error { }
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
* Respond to the request
* @param {Request} request
async function handleRequest(request) {
const url = new URL(request.url);
if (url.pathname === "/") {
return new Response("cfapi-ddns-worker.js is up");
try {
const path = url.pathname.startsWith("/") ? url.pathname.substring(1) : url.pathname;
const [action, token, domain, rtype, content] = path.split("/", 5);
if (["update", "create", "delete", "upsert"].includes(action)) {
if ([token, domain, rtype, content].some((e) => e === undefined)) {
throw new ClientError("Parameters Missing");
return await handleAction(action, token, domain, rtype, content);
else {
return new Response(`Unsupported action: ${action}`, { status: 404 });
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ClientError) {
return new Response(e, { status: 400 });
else {
return new Response(e, { status: 500 });
async function handleAction(action, token, domain, rtype, content) {
const canon_domain = canonicalizeDomain(domain);
const effective_domain = getEffectiveDomain(token, canon_domain);
if (effective_domain === undefined) {
throw new ClientError("Invalid token");
let { id: zone_id } = getZoneByDomain(effective_domain);
if (zone_id === undefined) {
throw new ClientError(`Zone ID has not been specified for the domain ${effective_domain}`);
const records = (await flare.get(`zones/${zone_id}/dns_records?name=${simplifyDomain(domain)}&type=${rtype}`)).result;
if (action === "upsert" && records.length === 0) {
action = "create";
else {
action = "update";
let result;
switch (action) {
case "create":
if (records.length > 0) {
throw new ClientError("Record Already Existing");
result = await`zones/${zone_id}/dns_records`, { type: rtype, name: simplifyDomain(domain), content: content });
case "update":
case "delete":
if (records.length > 1) {
throw new ClientError("Record Not Unique");
else if (records.length == 0) {
throw new ClientError("Record Not Found")
const record_id = records[0].id;
if (action === "update") {
result = await flare.put(`zones/${zone_id}/dns_records/${record_id}`, { type: rtype, name: simplifyDomain(domain), content: content });
} else { // delete
result = await flare.delete(`zones/${zone_id}/dns_records/${record_id}`);
if (!result.success) {
throw new Error(`Upstream erorr (${errors})`);
return new Response(`Successfully Updated at ${new Date()}`, { status: 200 });
// Search predefined ZONES for matching domain, returning the matched zone.
function getZoneByDomain(domain) {
let zone;
for (const parent_domain of parentDomains(domain)) {
if (ZONES[parent_domain] !== undefined) {
zone = ZONES[parent_domain];
return zone;
// Search TOKENS for matching token, serving as authentication process.
function getEffectiveDomain(token, domain) {
let effective_domain;
for (const parent_domain of parentDomains(domain)) {
console.log(parent_domain, TOKENS[parent_domain]);
if (TOKENS[parent_domain] && TOKENS[parent_domain] === token) {
effective_domain = parent_domain;
return effective_domain;
// Generator function yielding a canonicalized domain and all of its parent-domains.
// e.g. parentDomains("") -> ["",, org.]*
function* parentDomains(domain) {
if (domain !== ".") {
let dot = -1;
do {
domain = domain.substring(dot + 1);
yield domain;
dot = domain.indexOf(".");
while (dot != domain.length - 1)
yield ".";
// Strip the trailing dot indicating root domain, if it is present.
// Necessary because the poor CloudFlare cannot understand canonicalized domains.
function simplifyDomain(domain) {
if (domain.endsWith(".")) {
domain = domain.substring(0, domain.length - 1);
return domain;
// Canonicalize the domain by add trailing dot indicating root domain, if it is not present.
function canonicalizeDomain(domain) {
if (!domain.endsWith(".")) {
domain += ".";
return domain;
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Gowee commented Oct 1, 2019



Cloudflare API is too complicated for some basic scenarios because an update of a record usually invokes more than one API call. Hence it is hard to take CloudFlare as a DDNS service provider without clumsy DDNS clients which are not always available.
Cloudflare API is too rough in the sense that neither its global API key nor its new API tokens provide with fine-grained controls over record resources, imposing security risks when hardcoding them into DDNS client configurations or scripts on terminal devices.

What the script gives?

Serving as an API proxy between end-users (terminal devices) and Cloudflare API, the script exposes a simplistic API to update DNS records.

Deployment Guide

  1. Navigate to "Profile" - "API Tokens" after signing in.
  2. "Create token" and be sure to include "Zone - DNS - Edit" permissions of targeting zone resources ("Include - Specific zone - EXAMPLE.COM").
  3. Filled in CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN of the script by replacing the example with the actual one from the last step.
  4. Filled in ZONES in the script. Zone ids are available in the "Overview" panel per domain, and can also be fetched following the CloudFlare API (a global API key which is not needed for the script per se is needed).
  5. Filled in TOKENS in the script.
  6. Deploy the script onto CloudFlare Workers with the Web-based editor.

Note: CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN is the token provided by CloudFlare and stored in the script, for the script to access the upstream API. TOKENS is customized tokens for terminal devices to access API exposed by the script.


Update a record

  • Endpoint: /{create,update,upsert,delete}/TOKEN/FQDN/RECORD_TYPE/CONTENT
  • Methods: All HTTP methods are expected to be equivalent (totally not RESTful™️).
  • Params:
    • TOKEN is a token specified in TOKENS.
    • FQDN is the targeting (sub)domain name to update.
    • RECORD_TYPE, as is. e.g. A and AAAA.
    • CONTENT, is the new content to put in the record. It should be omitted for the delete action.
  • e.g.
    • (curl)
    • (curl)
  • Return:
    • Upon success, it returns something like Successfully Updated at Tue Oct 01 2019 12:07:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)⏎ with HTTP Status Code 200.
    • Upon failure, it returns a readable error message with HTTP Status Code 400 or 500 for client error and server error, respectively.
  • Note:
    • update is for updating an existing record. To update or create a record, upsert is available.


Access to Cloudflare Workers over HTTPS, just like Cloudflare CDNs, expects the client-side support of TLS SNI-extension which might not be feasible on some old-fashioned router firmware. Fortunately, Cloudflare does not block HTTP, although it should be seen as a less secure alternative.


Inspired by @ProfFan 's idea.

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