module ParseFuncs = struct |
type 'a t = string -> ('a * string) option |
let success (p: 'a t) : 'a t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) as x -> x |
| None -> None |
let failure (_: 'a t) : 'a t = |
fun _ -> None |
let void (p: 'a t) : unit t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (_, rest) -> Some ((), rest) |
| None -> None |
let satisfy (pred: char -> bool) : char t = |
fun input -> |
if String.length input > 0 && pred (String.get input 0) then |
Some (String.get input 0, String.sub input 1 (String.length input - 1)) |
else |
None |
let char (c : char) : char t = |
satisfy (fun x -> x = c) |
let string (s : string) : string t = |
fun input -> |
if String.starts_with ~prefix:s input then |
let offs = s |> String.length in |
let len = input |> String.length in |
Some (s, String.sub input offs (len - offs)) |
else |
None |
let icase (p: 'a t) : 'a t = |
fun input -> |
match input |> String.lowercase_ascii |> p with |
| Some (result, rest) as x -> x |
| None -> None |
let return (x: 'a) : 'a t = |
fun input -> Some (x, input) |
let const (p: 'a t) : unit t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (_, rest) -> Some ((), rest) |
| None -> None |
let (<<^) (p: 'a t) (_: 'b t) : 'a t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) as x -> x |
| None -> None |
let (^>>) (_: 'a t) (p: 'b t) : 'b t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) as x -> x |
| None -> None |
let (>>=) (p: 'a t) (f: 'a -> 'b t) : 'b t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> f result rest |
| None -> None |
let (>>-) (p: 'a t) (p': 'b t) : 'b t = |
p >>= fun _ -> p' |
let (<|>) (p1: 'a t) (p2: 'a t) : 'a t = |
fun input -> |
match p1 input with |
| Some result -> Some result |
| None -> p2 input |
let (<$>) (f: 'a -> 'b) (p: 'a t) : 'b t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> Some (f result, rest) |
| None -> None |
let optional (p: 'a t) : 'a option t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> Some (Some result, rest) |
| None -> Some (None, input) |
let optional_fallback (p: 'a t) (defl: 'a) : 'a t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) as x -> x |
| None -> Some (defl, input) |
let rec many (p: 'a t) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> |
(match many p rest with |
| Some (results, final_rest) -> Some (result :: results, final_rest) |
| None -> Some ([result], rest)) |
| None -> Some ([], input) |
let many1 (p: 'a t) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> |
(match many p rest with |
| Some (results, final_rest) -> Some (result :: results, final_rest) |
| None -> Some ([result], rest)) |
| None -> None |
let sep_by (sep: 'b t) (p: 'a t) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> |
let rec aux acc input = |
match sep input with |
| Some (_, sep_rest) -> |
(match p sep_rest with |
| Some (next_result, next_rest) -> aux (next_result :: acc) next_rest |
| None -> Some (List.rev acc, input)) |
| None -> Some (List.rev acc, input) |
in aux [result] rest |
| None -> Some ([], input) |
let sep_by1 (sep: 'b t) (p: 'a t) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> |
let rec aux acc input = |
match sep input with |
| Some (_, sep_rest) -> |
(match p sep_rest with |
| Some (next_result, next_rest) -> aux (next_result :: acc) next_rest |
| None -> Some (List.rev acc, input)) |
| None -> Some (List.rev acc, input) |
in aux [result] rest |
| None -> None |
let end_by (end_p: 'b t) (p: 'a t) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
let rec aux acc input = |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> |
(match end_p rest with |
| Some (_, end_rest) -> aux (result :: acc) end_rest |
| None -> Some (List.rev acc, input)) |
| None -> Some (List.rev acc, input) |
in aux [] input |
let end_by1 (end_p: 'b t) (p: 'a t) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> |
let rec aux acc input = |
match end_p input with |
| Some (_, end_rest) -> |
(match p end_rest with |
| Some (next_result, next_rest) -> aux (next_result :: acc) next_rest |
| None -> Some (List.rev (result :: acc), input)) |
| None -> Some (List.rev (result :: acc), input) |
in aux [] rest |
| None -> None |
let end_till (end_p: 'b t) (p: 'a t) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
let rec aux acc input = |
match end_p input with |
| Some (_, rest) -> Some (List.rev acc, rest) |
| None -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> aux (result :: acc) rest |
| None -> Some (List.rev acc, input) |
in aux [] input |
let skip_many (p: 'a t) : unit t = |
fun input -> |
let rec aux input = |
match p input with |
| Some (_, rest) -> aux rest |
| None -> Some ((), input) |
in aux input |
let skip_many1 (p: 'a t) : unit t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (_, rest) -> |
let rec aux input = |
match p input with |
| Some (_, rest) -> aux rest |
| None -> Some ((), input) |
in aux rest |
| None -> None |
let chainl1 (p: 'a t) (op: ('a -> 'a -> 'a) t) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
let rec aux acc input = |
match op input with |
| Some (f, op_rest) -> |
(match p op_rest with |
| Some (next_result, next_rest) -> aux (f acc next_result) next_rest |
| None -> Some ([acc], input)) |
| None -> Some ([acc], input) |
in |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> aux result rest |
| None -> None |
let chainr1 (p: 'a t) (op: ('a -> 'a -> 'a) t) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
let rec aux input = |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> |
(match op rest with |
| Some (f, op_rest) -> |
(match aux op_rest with |
| Some (next_results, final_rest) -> |
let combined = |
List.fold_left (fun acc x -> f x acc) result next_results in |
Some ([combined], final_rest) |
| None -> Some ([result], rest)) |
| None -> Some ([result], rest)) |
| None -> None |
in aux input |
let prefix (pre: 'a t) (p: 'b t) : 'b t = |
fun input -> |
match pre input with |
| Some (_, rest) -> p rest |
| None -> None |
let postfix (p: 'a t) (post: 'b t) : 'a t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> |
(match post rest with |
| Some (_, final_rest) -> Some (result, final_rest) |
| None -> None) |
| None -> None |
let between (open_p: 'a t) (close_p: 'b t) (p: 'c t) : 'c t = |
fun input -> |
match open_p input with |
| Some (_, open_rest) -> |
(match p open_rest with |
| Some (result, p_rest) -> |
(match close_p p_rest with |
| Some (_, final_rest) -> Some (result, final_rest) |
| None -> None) |
| None -> None) |
| None -> None |
let wrap (p_wrap : 'b t) (p: 'a t) : 'a t = |
fun input -> |
match p_wrap input with |
| Some (_, after_leading_wrap) -> |
(match p after_leading_wrap with |
| Some (result, after_p) -> |
(match p_wrap after_p with |
| Some (_, final_rest) -> Some (result, final_rest) |
| None -> Some (result, after_p)) |
| None -> None) |
| None -> None |
let wrap_either_side (p_wrap : 'b t) (p : 'a t) : 'a t = |
between (optional p_wrap) (optional p_wrap) p |
let sequence (parsers: 'a t list) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
let rec aux acc remaining_parsers current_input = |
match remaining_parsers with |
| [] -> Some (List.rev acc, current_input) |
| p :: ps -> |
match p current_input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> aux (result :: acc) ps rest |
| None -> None |
in |
aux [] parsers input |
let count (n: int) (p: 'a t) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
let rec aux acc n current_input = |
if n = 0 then |
Some (List.rev acc, current_input) |
else |
match p current_input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> aux (result :: acc) (n - 1) rest |
| None -> None |
in |
aux [] n input |
let range (min: int) (max: int) (p: 'a t) : 'a list t = |
fun input -> |
let rec aux acc count current_input = |
if count >= max then |
Some (List.rev acc, current_input) |
else |
match p current_input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> aux (result :: acc) (count + 1) rest |
| None -> |
if count >= min then Some (List.rev acc, current_input) |
else None |
in |
aux [] 0 input |
let with_input (p: 'a t) : ('a * string) t = |
fun input -> |
match p input with |
| Some (result, rest) -> |
let consumed = String.sub input 0 (String.length input - String.length rest) in |
Some ((result, consumed), rest) |
| None -> None |
end |
module ParseCharacter = struct |
open ParseFuncs |
let p_any = satisfy (fun _ -> true) |
let p_some = many p_any |
let p_not_apostrophe = satisfy (fun c -> c != '\'') |
let p_not_quote = satisfy (fun c -> c != '"') |
let p_bdigit = satisfy (fun c -> c == '0' || c == '1') |
let p_zdigit = satisfy (fun c -> c >= '0' && c <= '9') |
let p_odigit = satisfy (fun c -> c >= '0' && c <= '7') |
let p_ndigit = satisfy (fun c -> c >= '1' && c < '9') |
let p_xdigit = satisfy (fun c -> (c >= '0' && c <= '9') |
|| (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') |
|| (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')) |
let p_upper = satisfy (fun c -> c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') |
let p_lower = satisfy (fun c -> c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') |
let p_letter = satisfy (fun c -> (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') |
|| (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) |
let p_blank = satisfy (fun c -> c == '\t' || c == ' ') |
let p_newline = satisfy (fun c -> c == '\n' || c == '\r') |
let p_symbols = satisfy (function |
| '~' | '@' | '$' | '?' | '!' -> true |
| _ -> false) |
end |
module ParseLexeme = struct |
open ParseFuncs |
open ParseCharacter |
let p_lexeme lexeme = string lexeme |
let p_some_blank_opt = skip_many1 p_blank |
let p_some_newline_opt = skip_many1 p_newline |
let p_some_whitespace_opt = skip_many1 (p_blank <|> p_newline) |
let p_wrap_space p = wrap p_some_whitespace_opt p |
let p_ninteger = prefix p_ndigit (many1 p_zdigit) |
let p_binteger = prefix (char '#') (many1 p_bdigit) |
let p_ointeger = prefix (char '$') (many1 p_odigit) |
let p_xinteger = prefix (char '"') (many1 p_xdigit) |
let p_integer = p_ninteger |
<|> p_binteger |
<|> p_ointeger |
<|> p_xinteger |
let p_real = (many1 p_zdigit) |
>>- (char '.') |
>>- (many1 p_zdigit) |
let p_identifier = |
prefix (p_letter |
<|> (char '_')) |
(many1 (p_letter |
<|> char '_' |
<|> p_zdigit)) |
let p_upper_identifier = |
p_upper >>- p_identifier |
let p_char_lit = between (char '\'') |
(char '\'') |
(many1 p_not_apostrophe) |
let p_string_lit = between (char '"') |
(char '"') |
(many p_not_quote) |
let p_op_add = p_lexeme "+" |
let p_op_sub = p_lexeme "-" |
let p_op_mul = p_lexeme "*" |
let p_op_mod = p_lexeme "%" |
let p_op_pow = p_lexeme "**" |
let p_op_fdiv = p_lexeme "/" |
let p_op_idiv = p_lexeme "//" |
let p_op_eq = p_lexeme "==" |
let p_op_ne = p_lexeme "<>" |
let p_op_gt = p_lexeme ">" |
let p_op_ge = p_lexeme ">=" |
let p_op_lt = p_lexeme "<" |
let p_op_le = p_lexeme "<=" |
let p_op_shr = p_lexeme ">>" |
let p_op_shl = p_lexeme "<<" |
let p_op_ror = p_lexeme ">>>" |
let p_op_conj = p_lexeme "&&" |
let p_op_disj = p_lexeme "||" |
let p_op_and = p_lexeme "&" |
let p_op_or = p_lexeme "|" |
let p_op_xor = p_lexeme "^" |
let p_op_cat = p_lexeme ".." |
let p_op_lexg_eq = icase (p_lexeme "eq?") |
let p_op_lexg_ne = icase (p_lexeme "ne?") |
let p_op_lexg_gt = icase (p_lexeme "gt?") |
let p_op_lexg_ge = icase (p_lexeme "ge?") |
let p_op_lexg_gt = icase (p_lexeme "gt?") |
let p_op_lexg_lt = icase (p_lexeme "lt?") |
let p_op_lexg_le = icase (p_lexeme "le?") |
let p_assign_simple_op = p_lexeme "=" |
let p_assign_deepcopy_op = p_lexeme ":=" |
let p_assign_immutable_op = p_lexeme "=>" |
let p_assign_move_op = p_lexeme "<-" |
let p_assign_lazy_op = p_lexeme "~=" |
let p_assign_async_op = p_lexeme "@=" |
let p_assign_cow_op = p_lexeme "=^" |
let p_assign_mon_op = p_lexeme "<=>" |
let p_assign_casual_op = p_lexeme "<?=" |
let p_assign_weakref_op = p_lexeme "=>=" |
let p_assign_add_op = p_lexeme "+=" |
let p_assign_sub_op = p_lexeme "-=" |
let p_assign_mul_op = p_lexeme "*=" |
let p_assign_mod_op = p_lexeme "%=" |
let p_assign_pow_op = p_lexeme "**=" |
let p_assign_fdiv_op = p_lexeme "/=" |
let p_assign_idiv_op = p_lexeme "//=" |
let p_assign_shr_op = p_lexeme ">>=" |
let p_assign_shl_op = p_lexeme "<<=" |
let p_assign_ror_op = p_lexeme ">>>=" |
let p_assign_conj_op = p_lexeme "&&=" |
let p_assign_disj_op = p_lexeme "||=" |
let p_assign_and_op = p_lexeme "&=" |
let p_assign_or_op = p_lexeme "|=" |
let p_assign_xor_op = p_lexeme "^=" |
let p_delim_lparen = p_lexeme "(" |
let p_delim_rparen = p_lexeme ")" |
let p_delim_lbrack = p_lexeme "[" |
let p_delim_rbrack = p_lexeme "]" |
let p_delim_lbrace = p_lexeme "{" |
let p_delim_rbrace = p_lexeme "}" |
let p_sep_comma = p_lexeme "," |
let p_sep_semi = p_lexeme ";" |
let p_sep_colon = p_lexeme ":" |
let p_sep_pipe = p_lexeme "|" |
end |
module ParseExpression = struct |
open ParseCharacter |
open ParseLexeme |
open ParseFuncs |
end |
module ContrlflowGraph = struct |
type t = |
{ entry : basic_block |
; exit : basic_block |
; dominators : LabelMap.t list |
; immediate_dominators : LabelMap.t |
; dominance_frontiers : LabelMap.t list |
; loop_depth : IntMap.t |
; loops : LoopSet.t |
} |
end |