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Created November 26, 2023 12:10
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Header-Only, Reference-Counting, Arena-based Garbage Collector (Working version)

gcx.h is a working garbage collector, header-only. It is a reference-counting garbage collector but it does not matter if you increase/decrease the refcount because if you dump an entire arena (aka 'frame') all the allocated memory pointers will get dumped alongside.

This is a very simple garbage collector. I have created it as a temporary solution for my projects, until I develop something more complex and sophistated. It's only hundred-odd lines. It is a header-only library, has a header guard and all the functions are static-inlined. You can include this file once in your file, and you can include it again because the functions are local to a single file. Alternatively, you can wget this file as a C file, remove the static keywords, and use it as a proper source file. It's entirely up to you.

As I said in the title, it is an arena-based garbage collector. Every arena is called a frame_t structure. The 'proper' way to use this garbage collector:

1- Create a frame/arena for every, or every other, structure/portion of your program. 2- Every time you need to allocate memory, request a 'subframe'. 3- Allocate/deallocate the subframe as needed. 4- Every time you need a copy of the data, request a copy, and the refcount shall increase automatically. Every time you need to get rid of the data, use the proper function, and the reference shall decrease. 5- If you have the resources, you can automatiically increase the refcounts --- it does so by looking in the static region of the program, and below (or above, according to how you look at it) the program break for instances of that pointer --- and increase it by one if it sees the pointer. Keep in mind that this aspect is prety so-and-so. Don't rely on it much. 6- Whenever you need to collect, you can call the function and it shall collect the dead references.

The example.c file contains an example of using all the functions.


#include "commonx/gcx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
main(int argc, char** argv)
frame_t* frame = new_frame("my_frame");
frame_t* subf = new_subframe(&frame, "my_subframe");
ALLOC_ERR res = allocate_subframe(frame, "my_subframe", 8);
if (res < 0)
return res;
uint64_t num = (uint64_t)copy_into_subframe(frame,
(void*)UINT64_MAX, 0, 8);
printf("%lu\n", num);
ALLOC_ERR res2 = reallocate_subframe(frame, "my_subframe", 16);
if (res2 < 0)
return res2;
void* data = set_subframe(frame, "my_subframe",
1, 0, 16);
printf("%lu", *((uint64_t*)data) & 0xffffffffffffffff);
uint64_t numcpy = (uint64_t)get_subframe_copy(frame,
printf("%lu\n", numcpy);
numcpy = (uint64_t)get_subframe_copy(frame, "my_subframe");
printf("%lu\n", numcpy);
destroy_subframe_copy(frame, "my_subframe");
destroy_subframe_copy(frame, "my_subframe");
#ifndef TOOLX_GCX_H_
#define TOOLX_GCX_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
extern int etext, edata, end;
static uint64_t
hash64(const char* str)
uint64_t h = 0x100;
char c;
while ((c = *str++)) {
h ^= c;
h *= 1111111111111111111u;
return h ^ h>>32;
typedef struct
Memory frame_t;
typedef struct
frame_t* next;
uint64_t hash;
size_t refcnt;
char* memory;
size_t size;
static inline frame_t*
new_frame(const char* id)
frame_t* frame = calloc(1, sizeof(frame_t));
frame->hash = hash64(id);
return frame;
static inline void
dump_frame(frame_t* frame)
for (frame_t* subf = frame; subf != NULL; subf = frame)
frame = subf->next;
if (subf->memory != NULL)
static inline frame_t*
new_subframe(frame_t** frame, const char* id)
uint64_t hash = hash64(id);
frame_t* subf = calloc(1, sizeof(frame_t));
subf->hash = hash;
subf->next = *frame;
*frame = subf;
return subf;
static inline frame_t*
get_subframe(frame_t* frame, const char* id)
uint64_t hash = hash64(id);
for (frame_t* subf = frame; subf != NULL; subf = subf->next)
if (subf->hash == hash)
return subf;
#define ALLOC_NO_ERR 0
#define ALLOC_ERR_MEM -1
#define ALLOC_ERR_SIZE -2
#define ALLOC_ERR int
static inline ALLOC_ERR
allocate_subframe(frame_t* frame, const char* id, size_t size)
frame_t* subf = get_subframe(frame, id);
void* new_subf = calloc(1, size);
if (new_subf == NULL)
subf->memory = new_subf;
subf->size = size;
return ALLOC_NO_ERR;
static inline ALLOC_ERR
reallocate_subframe(frame_t* frame, const char* id, size_t new_size)
frame_t* subf = get_subframe(frame, id);
if (subf->size >= new_size)
void* new_subf = realloc(subf->memory, new_size);
if (new_subf == NULL)
subf->memory = new_subf;
subf->size = new_size;
return ALLOC_NO_ERR;
static inline ALLOC_ERR
deallocate_subframe(frame_t* frame, const char* id)
frame_t* subf = get_subframe(frame, id);
subf->refcnt = 0;
return ALLOC_NO_ERR;
static inline void*
copy_into_subframe(frame_t* frame,
const char* id,
void* data,
size_t size,
size_t offset)
frame_t* subf = get_subframe(frame, id);
if (subf->size < size)
reallocate_subframe(frame, id, size);
return (void*)memmove(&subf->memory[offset],
&((char*)data)[0], size);
static inline void*
set_subframe(frame_t* frame,
const char* id,
long data,
size_t size,
size_t offset)
frame_t* subf = get_subframe(frame, id);
if (subf->size < size)
reallocate_subframe(frame, id, size);
return (void*)memset(&subf->memory[offset], data, size);
static inline void*
get_subframe_copy(frame_t* frame, const char* id)
frame_t* subf = get_subframe(frame, id);
return subf->memory;
static inline void
destroy_subframe_copy(frame_t* frame, const char* id)
frame_t* subf = get_subframe(frame, id);
static inline void
autocount_refcnt(frame_t* frame)
void* pbrk = sbrk(0);
void* next;
for (next = --pbrk; next != NULL; --next)
if (next == frame->memory)
for (next = (void*)&edata; next != (void*)&end; ++next)
if (next == frame->memory)
static inline void
iter_and_collect_frame(frame_t* frame)
for (frame_t* subf = frame; subf != NULL; subf = subf->next)
if (!subf->refcnt)
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