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goldsborough /
Last active January 1, 2025 17:14
Instructions for installing GCC >= 4.9 for PyTorch Extensions
# Instructions for installing GCC 4.9 on various platforms.
# The commands show instructions for GCC 4.9, but any higher version will also work!
# Ubuntu (
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9
adinata-id / bwtest.txt
Last active January 1, 2025 17:13
Public Bandwith Test Mikrotik
New Bandwith test Publik (Datacenter JKT)
IP Address :
username : mid
password : midtest
chirag-chhajed /
Created June 15, 2024 15:56
Expo APK/AAB Building Tutorial (No EAS Required)

Here's the list with the additional points:

  1. Ensure that you have OpenJDK 17, Android Studio, and its associated tools and NDK (Native Development Kit) installed on your system.

  2. Initialize a new Expo project by executing the following command in your terminal: pnpm create expo-app@latest. This command will prompt you to provide some details about your project, such as the project name and configuration options.

  3. Before building the Android app, you need to prebuild the android directory. Run the command pnpm expo prebuild to generate the necessary files. Additionally, you should provide your app's package name during this step. For example, if your app's package name is

  4. Generate a keystore file. Use an administrator shell to create the keystore. Run the following command: keytool -genkeypair -v -storetype PKCS12 -keystore my-upload-key.keystore -alias my-key-alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 and enter your password (store it safely somewhere) and details.

CaptainVincent /
Last active January 1, 2025 17:10
Improve your vscode quickinput-widget

Customize your quickinput-widget

This is a small tool designed to emulate the Sublime style Command Palette as follows.


It requires the use of a specific extension to load the js file from this gist.

I'm using the APC extension, and the usage is as follows.

azu / TypeScriptの設定の良し悪し.md
Last active January 1, 2025 17:03

tsconfig.json の設定についてのメモ書きです。


target は 変換後のコードのECMAScriptバージョンを指定する たとえば、Node.js 14はES2020をサポートしている。そのため、Node.js 14向けのコード(サーバなど)ならtarget: "ES2020"を指定することで、余計なTranspileが省かれててコードサイズや実行時間が最適化される。

wikiti / !
Last active January 1, 2025 17:03
A script to automatically add all Quixel MegaScans items to your FAB account


This script was built for educational purposes. Due to how FAB APIs are built to handle search pagination, all assets might not be claimable through this script. With the last script update, a total of ~600 scanned pages, with ~14k assets. Please note that, by clicking on the "Claim All" quixel button, you'll already have claimed all assets for future free usage, beyond 2024 (official response). This script simply makes sure that assets are added to a library.

Script to add all quixel megascan items to your FAB account

As quixel megascan items will stop being free after 2024. So, this script will go through all Quixel MegaScan items and add them to your account. Quixel would be working on a tool to automatically add all resources to your FAB account, but I couldn't help myself and I wrote a script to do it.

How to use

jamiephan /
Last active January 1, 2025 17:03
A script to automatically add ALL items to your account in quixel

Script to add all items from quixel

As quixel is being removed, all items are free to aquire. This script is to automate the process to add items to your account (As of writing, a total of 18874 items)

Note: This script only tested in the latest version of Chrome.

How to use

  1. Copy the script from below (run.js)
  2. Login into
flibitijibibo /
Last active January 1, 2025 17:02
GLon12 Instructions
adrianhajdin / constants.index.ts
Created October 27, 2023 09:18
Build and Deploy a Full Stack Social Media App | React JS, Appwrite, Tailwind CSS, React Query
export const sidebarLinks = [
imgURL: "/assets/icons/home.svg",
route: "/",
label: "Home",
imgURL: "/assets/icons/wallpaper.svg",
route: "/explore",
label: "Explore",
hlfshell /
Created January 15, 2023 22:08
Ultralearning Notes


The following is the notes I took years ago on the book Ultralearning by Scott Young. The bombastic title and promise to learn virtually anything quickly makes it sound as if its the typical marketing-powered fluff-filled nonfiction book stores are overflowing with, but something about this book stuck with me. After finishing it I quickly went back and wrote these thoughts down. While I don't follow his layout of plans regularly, I have used it to guide a lot of my own self education.

I've successfully utilized it when I needed to refresh on mathematics for my Master's degree (a host of skills that atrophied sigificantly for the dozen years between undergrad and the masters). I've also used it to self-study subjects like Robotics and Deep Learning (though I did decide in the end to go for the Master's accreditation).

I share it here with hopes that someone finds it useful.

Principle 1 - Metalearning