Archive for January, 2016
Cucumber: Passing Test Data as Table from Scenario
January 20, 2016
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While we can pass test data as table from the feature file through Scenario Outline:
Scenario Outline: User updates user information Given I login to application And I go to user profile page And I enter "<gender>" into field of "gender_element"; And I enter "<age>" into field of "age_element"; And I enter "<location>" into field of "location_element"; Then I verify user updates are saved Examples: | gender | age | location | | Female | 20 | Singapore |
Here’s another option to pass your data in table format through your step definition.
Scenario: User updates user information Given I login to application And I go to user profile page When I update user information with options: | Gender | Female | | Age | 20 | | Location | Singapore | Then I verify user updates are saved
#Step Definitions File
#step definition to populate textfields Then /^I enter "(.*)" into field of "(.*)"$/ do |value, field| textfield(I18n.translate!(field)).click textfield(I18n.translate!(field)).send_keys value end #step definition that accepts test data from the feature file as table When /^I update user information(?: with options:)?$/ do |table| options = table.rows_hash step %Q[I enter "#{options['Gender']}" into field of "gender_element"] step %Q[I enter "#{options['Age']}" into field of "age_element"] step %Q[I enter "#{options['Location']}" into field of "location_element"] step %Q[I press button labelled "bt_address_suggestion_use_this"] #step definition that accepts test data from the feature file as table with default value When /^I update user information(?: with options:)?$/ do |table| default_value = { 'Age' = "18", 'Location' = "United States" } options = default_value.merge(table.rows_hash) step %Q[I enter "#{options['Gender']}" into field of "gender_element"] step %Q[I enter "#{options['Age']}" into field of "age_element"] step %Q[I enter "#{options['Location']}" into field of "location_element"] step %Q[I press button labelled "bt_address_suggestion_use_this"]
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