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Zoo Tycoon is an achievement set in the category Wonders of the World. The achievements are earned by using the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture wild animals.


There are 3 Achievements in the category Zoo Tycoon:

Achievement Description Requirements Primogem
Zoo Tycoon Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 1 wild animal. 5
Zoo Tycoon Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 30 wild animals. 10
Zoo Tycoon Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 100 wild animals. 20


  • The name is a reference to the simulation game series called Zoo Tycoon published by Microsoft.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishZoo Tycoon
Dòngwù-yuán Dàxiǎng
Zoo Tycoon
Dòngwù-yuán Dàxiǎng
Doubutsuen Taikoon
Zoo Tycoon[• 1]
Korean동물원 대부호
Dongmulwon Daebuho
Zoo Millionaire
Spanish(‍ReyRey/ReinaReina‍) de la jungla(‍KingKing/QueenQueen‍) of the Jungle
FrenchLa zoo-zanie !Zoo-Discord![• 2]
Russian(‍ХозяинХозяин/ХозяйкаХозяйка‍) зоопарка
(‍Khozyain/Khozyayka‍) zooparka
Zoo Owner (M/F)Owner (M/F)[• 3]
Chao haeng Suan Sat
Lord of the Zoo
VietnameseTrùm Sở ThúZoo Boss
GermanZoobesitzerZoo Owner
IndonesianZoo Tycoon[• 4]
Portuguese(‍DonoDono/DonaDona‍) do ZoológicoOwner (M/F)Owner (M/F) of the Zoo
TurkishHayvanat Bahçesi KralıZoo King
Italian(‍ReRe/ReginaRegina‍) della giungla
  1. Japanese: The name of the third tier of this achievement is 動物園園長 Doubutsuen Enchou, "Zoo Director."
  2. French: Portmanteau of zoo "zoo" and zizanie "discord, mischief."
  3. Russian: The name of the third tier of this achievement is always masculine.
  4. Indonesian: The name of the third tier of this achievement is Sekalian Saja Dirikan Kebun Binatang "Build a Zoo Too While You're at It."

Change History[]

Version 2.6
  • The names of the first and second tier of the achievement were changed to Zoo Tycoon to match the third tier.

Version 2.3

  • Zoo Tycoon was released with the achievements "Trying to Tame Me?", Natural Born Hunter, and Zoo Tycoon.