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The Yun family or house of Yun (Chinese: 云氏 Yún-shì, 云家 Yún-jiā) was a notable family in Liyue which ran a family forge five hundred years ago, collaborating with Han Wu of the Han Family to create the Prototype Series weapons.[1]

Over the centuries, however, the family would shift focus from weaponsmithing to the performing arts, and by Yun Jin's generation, few of its members still practice forging.[2]

The name Yun means "cloud."[3]



Little is currently known about the Yun family's origins, but its two named members who lived during the cataclysm were the family's seventh and eighth family heads,[4] and the family forge had been in operation for hundreds of years at this point.[5]

It appears every generation of the Yun family practiced martial arts, with polearms and bows among their known specialties.[4][6]

A certain generation of the Yun family came to possess the Eye of Perception, an item that originated from the adepti, after it landed in Liyue's marketplace through unknown means. Its owner encountered an exorcist named Huang, who sought the guidance of the adepti, and gifted it to him.[7]


When the monster threat was resolved, a martial arts renaissance began, which caused a lot of demand for weaponry that manufacturers couldn't keep up with. To solve the issue, Yun Hui, the head of the Yun family at the time, approached the master craftsman Han Wu in order to revolutionize their craft. The two conducted extensive research and Han Wu used that research to draw up the prototype designs.[8] Initially this only included a longsword, a greatsword and a polearm. When the polearm was made, Yun Hui dedicated it to his father because the tip glowed like a star.[6] Yun Hui personally requested a bow be added to the prototypes, so Han Wu gathered a large variety of resources to experiment with and made a bow for the series.[9] Some time afterward the thaumaturges came to Yun Hui asking him to make a new kind of catalyst. He agreed and alongside Han Wu used the Cor Purum they gave him to make a catalyst and named it 'Prototype Amber', adding it to the prototype series.[10]

After some time, Yun Hui became one of the Liyue Qixing, stepping down as head of the family. In accordance to the family custom, his only child, a daughter named Yun Huang, would marry and have her husband become the head of the house. Huang, as a headstrong martial artist ever since childhood, refused that option and took over the family's business operations herself. But unfortunately for her, she took over during a time when the land was plagued by earthquakes, threatening her business if she can't reliably get ore. As she was worrying, Han Ce visits her and shows her his father's added notes on the prototype designs, promising that the problem will be resolved via blackcliff.[4]

Sometime later, a thaumaturge visited Yun Huang, and after she sent for Han Ce the thaumaturge gave them a piece of crimson Cor Purum in order to help Liyue through this time of rampant earthquakes. They made a catalyst using this Cor Purum and used it as an indicator of tectonic activity so that people knew when it was safe to go into the mines.[11]


Generations later, the Yun Family has changed its focus to Liyue Opera and has maintained the Yun-Han Opera Troupe since at least Yun Jin's grandfather's generation.[2][12]

Known Members[]

Roughly 500 years ago[]

  • Yun Hui's unnamed father, possibly named Yun Xing[6][Note 1] - Sixth family head



  1. In Prototype Starglitter's original Chinese description, it says that Yun Hui's father's name contained the character Xīng, "Star". It is unclear whether his father's given name contained one character or two, but based on the other known members of the Yun Family who all had single-character given names, it is possible that his name was Yun Xing.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishHouse of Yun
Yun Family
Yun Family
Korean 가문가문
Un-ssi Gamun
Yun-Surname Family
SpanishFamilia YunYun Family
FrenchClan YunYun Clan
RussianКлан Юнь
Klan Yun'
Yun Clan
Thaiตระกูล Yun
Trakun Yun
Yun Family
VietnameseGia TộcGia Tộc YunYun Clan
GermanFamilie YunYun Family
IndonesianKeluarga YunYun Family
PortugueseCasa de YunHouse of Yun
TurkishYun Ailesi
ItalianFamiglia Yun


  1. Weapon: Prototype Archaic
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Yun Jin's Character Story: Longevity Lock
  3. Weapon: Cloudforged
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Weapon: Blackcliff Warbow
  5. Weapon: Blackcliff Warbow (Chinese)
    云凰辗转难眠,恐怕云家百年有余的锻兵传承要在她手中断绝。 "Yun Huang tossed and turned, unable to sleep, afraid that the Yun family legacy which had persisted for hundreds of years would end with her."
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Weapon: Prototype Starglitter
  7. Weapon: Eye of Perception
  8. Weapon: Prototype Rancour
  9. Weapon: Prototype Crescent
  10. Weapon: Prototype Amber
  11. Weapon: Blackcliff Agate
  12. Yun Jin's Character Story: Character Story 3
  13. Event Fleeting Colors in Flight Quest, Part 3: The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes (Japanese Voice-Over)