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Yata Kouki (Japanese: 矢田幸喜 Yata Kouki) is an open-world NPC located in Inazuma City, Inazuma. He can be found at the Tenryou Commission headquarters.



(To be added.)


Yata Kouki wears a standard uniform modeled from the ashigaru (Japanese: 足軽) of feudal Japan. He wears a purple-gray shitagi, lavender kobakama, white socks, and waraji sandals. His eggplant-colored armor with pale gold accents consists of dou (breastplate) with the Inazuma Shogunate's crest, kote (armored sleeves), haidate (thigh guards), and sune-ate (greaves). He is also wearing a jingasa (Japanese: 陣笠) with the crest of the Inazuma Shogunate. He is equipped with a juumonji yari (cross-shaped spear), whose shaft is lavender colored, and contains the Shogunate crest under the spearhead.

Quests and Events[]

World Quests



Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle The defenses on the left...
Media:VO Yata Kouki 01.ogg "Hmm... The defenses on the left side of the tower need to be strengthened."


Yata Kouki: Hello! Glory to the Shogun and her everlasting...
Yata Kouki: Wait, who are you? What is your business here?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm just passing through.
Yata Kouki: Really?
Yata Kouki: Hmm... You weren't doing anything suspicious earlier, that's for sure. You may pass.
Yata Kouki: The exit's that way, so don't wander around. The headquarters of the Tenryou Commission can be a confusing place, and you don't want to get "lost."
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Yata Kouki: I'm warning you. Don't you get any wicked ideas!

Event Dialogue[]

Enchanted Tales of the Mikawa Festival[]

Dialogue Set #1[]

(Talk to Yata Kouki prior to completing As Though Beholding Illusions)‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Yata Kouki: Glory to the Shogun and her everlasting reign. Greetings. I have been assigned as a guard for the Mikawa Flower Festival. Madam Kujou has given orders for extra caution in this matter of grave importance.
Yata Kouki: ...Well, I say that, but would anyone dare try anything funny while you're around?

Dialogue Set #2[]

(Talk to Yata Kouki after completing As Though Beholding Illusions)
Yata Kouki: Alright, Tenryou Commission, let's give this a hundred twenty percent! We shan't fail Madam Kujou Sara this time!


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishYata Kouki
Shǐtián Xìngxǐ
Shǐtián Xìngxǐ
Yata Kouki
Korean야타 코키
Yata Koki
SpanishYata Kouki
FrenchYata Kouki
RussianЯта Коки
Yata Koki
ThaiYata Kouki
VietnameseYata Kouki
GermanYata Kouki
IndonesianYata Kouki
PortugueseYata Kouki
TurkishYata Kouki
ItalianYata Kouki

Change History[]

