Voice-Overs are voiced dialogue from Characters. Voice-Overs are available in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
The Voice-Over Files for each language can be downloaded and deleted from the Settings > Language > Manage Voice-Over Files Menu.
All Playable Characters have Voice-Overs that can be accessed from Profile > Voice-Over in the Character Menu.
Some voice-overs are unlocked once the character is obtained, but others require increasing the Friendship Level with that character or completing specific Quests.
Characters also have Combat, Exploration, Idle, and Serenitea Pot Voice-Overs.
In specific cases, some voice-overs can be removed following the completion of certain quests.
General Unlock Requirements[]
Certain types of voice-overs generally have the same unlock requirements for all characters. They are as follows:
- Upon character acquisition (Friendship Level 1, ascension phase 0): Chat, weather, time of day greetings, some but possibly not all About (Character), some but not all About Us, Interesting Things, More About (Character) I, character's Hobbies, (Character)'s Troubles, Favorite Food, Least Favorite Food
- Reach Friendship Level 2: —
- Reach Friendship Level 3: More About (Character) II
- Reach Friendship Level 4: any About (Character) not already unlocked, About the Vision, Something to Share, About other characters, More About (Character) III
- Reach Friendship Level 5: More About (Character) IV
- Reach Friendship Level 6: another About Us, More About (Character) V
- Reach ascension phase 1: Feelings about Ascension: Intro
- Reach ascension phase 2: Feelings about Ascension: Building Up
- Reach ascension phase 4: Feelings about Ascension: Climax
- Reach ascension phase 6: Feelings about Ascension: Conclusion
- Login on the Traveler's birthday set by player: Birthday (also unlocks the line for all characters obtained afterwards without further action needed)
Some voice-overs require a higher Friendship Level than usual or have additional unlock requirements, such as completion of certain quests.
Playing Conditions[]
Apart from listening to characters' voice-overs in the Voice-Over menu, players can hear certain voice-overs while playing the game.
- Upon receiving a character for the first time, their "Hello" voice-over will play.
- Combat voice-overs are played when performing the corresponding combat actions.
- In previous versions, "Ally At Low HP" voice-overs could play when switching to a character from a character under 30% HP. This line currently can only be heard from characters controlled by other players in Co-Op Mode, when HP of the character controlled by the player drops under 30%.
- Exploration voice-overs may play when performing the corresponding action, such as sprinting, climbing, and gliding.
- "Joining Party" voice-overs do not play in Co-Op Mode.
- "Disengaging Wind Glider" voice-overs currently cannot be triggered.
- An "Opening Treasure Chest" voice-over plays upon opening a chest.
- This does not occur in Domains.
- "Chat" and idle voice-overs play at random when the character has been standing without moving for a while outside of combat.
- Weather voice-overs play when the area the character is in changes to the corresponding weather, whether due to movement or no movement.
- "After the Rain" plays when the weather changes from rain or a thunderstorm to sunny weather. This takes priority over "When the Sun Is Out."
- "When the Sun Is Out" plays when the weather changes from any non-sunny weather to sunny weather between sunrise and sunset. It may also play upon sunrise.
- There is no known trigger for the "When It's Windy" and "When the Wind Is Blowing" voice-overs.
- "More About" voice-overs are played if the character is the active character when their Friendship Level increases such that they unlock a "More About" voice-over.
- This occurs even if the corresponding voice-over is not actually unlocked due to having other requirements that have not yet been fulfilled, such as quest completion.
- "Feelings about Ascension" voice-overs are played in the Character Menu once a character's ascension level increases to one that unlocks a "Feeling about Ascension" voice line.
All characters involved in Archon Quests and most Story Quests have voiced dialogue, while some World Quests do as well.
Voice-Overs from Archon and Non-Event Story Quests can be replayed in the Archive > Travel Log.
- As of Version 2.7, playable characters generally talk about 7 to 12 other characters in their About (other character) lines. Some characters have two voice-overs for one or two characters.
- Diona has a voice-over for her father, Draff, and Qiqi has a voice-over for Dusky Ming. They are the only characters to have About (other character) voice-overs for NPCs found in-game who clearly use NPC models.
- Amber has two voice-overs for each of Jean, Lisa, and Kaeya. Freminet has two voice-overs for each of The Knave, Lyney, and Furina. They are the only characters to have multiple voice-overs for more than two characters.
- Keqing has three voice-overs about Ningguang. She is the only character to have more than two voice-overs about the same character.
Birthday Voice-Overs[]
- Mualani has the longest message for the Traveler in her "Birthday" voiceline.
- The Raiden Shogun has two birthday voicelines, one from The Shogun ("Birth Date") and one from Ei ("Birthday").
- Yae Miko also has a birthday voiceline called "Birth Date."
- Xingqiu also has two separate birthday voicelines for the Traveler: "Birthday: Wishing," and "Birthday: Customs."
- Ningguang has two separate birthday voicelines for Lumine and Aether; only one is available in-game depending on which Traveler you chose.
See Also[]
- Category:Character Voice-Overs for all Character Voice-Over pages
- Fallen Character/Voice-Overs for voice-overs when characters die
- Birthday/Voice-Overs for birthday voice-overs for the Traveler's birthday
- Elemental Skill/Voice-Overs for Elemental Skill voice-overs
- Elemental Burst/Voice-Overs for Elemental Burst voice-overs
Change History[]
- "Hello" voice-overs now play upon receiving a character for the first time.
- Added voice-overs for "Ally at Low HP" to the Character Profile menu.
- "Ally at Low HP" voice-overs play when a party member's HP is low in Co-Op Mode.
- Added voice-overs for opening chests to the Character Profile menu.
- Voice-overs for opening chests trigger faster.
- Added voice-overs when opening Chests.
- Added Combat voice-overs under Characters' Profile > Voice-Over in Character Menu.
- Added "Low HP" combat voice-overs, for when a character is under 30% HP.
- "Feelings about Ascension" voice-overs play when a Character's ascension level increases to one with a new voice-over.
- Weather voice-overs play when the Character moves to an area with the corresponding weather.
- "More About" voice-overs play when the active Character's Friendship Level increases to one with a new voice-over.
- Voice-Overs were released.