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During Lantern Rite, Huixing, the navigator of the Crux fleet seems to be preparing for a unique training test...

Vigilance at Sea is a subevent during The Exquisite Night Chimes.


Tutorial Vigilance at Sea 1
Vigilance at Sea has both a multiplayer Billowing Waves mode and a single-player Tranquil Waters mode. You may obtain all rewards by completing challenges in either mode.

Tutorial Vigilance at Sea 2
Vigilance at Sea has three stages. Before each challenge begins, a stage will be chosen randomly.
View Gameplay Details for the rules of the different stages.

Tutorial Vigilance at Sea 3
The Waverider will not be able to use its Heavy Cannon when the challenge begins. You will gain random Techniques by collecting Prop Lamps in each stage.
Make use of these Techniques to smoothly sail through the challenge.

Tutorial Vigilance at Sea 4
During the challenge, the Waverider's HP will be replaced by Durability.
In Billowing Waves mode, once your Waverider's Durability is depleted, you will lose all Challenge Coins you have already gained and enter the Voyage Observer state. Your Waverider will not be able to collect any Challenge Coins or Prop Lamps in this state. You will exit this state after a while and your Waverider can participate in the challenge again.
In Tranquil Waters mode, once your Waverider's Durability is depleted, the challenge will end and your score will be calculated.

Tutorial Vigilance at Sea 5
The more Challenge Coins you have at the end of the challenge, the higher your final score will be.


Gameplay Notes[]

  • Complete Vigilance at Sea to unlock this event segment.
  • When you participate in Vigilance at Sea, the stage will be randomly chosen from the list below.
  • The score cap will be increased over several days.

Crossing the Thrumming Waves[]

Available 2023-01-19 10:00:00

Vigilance at Sea Crossing the Thrumming Waves 1 The sea lanes where danger and opportunity meet are dotted with vortexes and hidden currents that can speed your Waverider up. When the challenge progresses to a specific checkpoint, a giant vortex may appear.
Vigilance at Sea Crossing the Thrumming Waves 2 A giant vortex that will pull on your Waverider very strongly is present in this sea region, and large numbers of Challenge Coins can be found at the edges of this vortex.

The Floating Lanterns' Mystique[]

Available 2023-01-19 10:00:00

Vigilance at Sea The Floating Lanterns Mystique 1 A great number of Xiao Lanterns are floating atop the glimmering waves, and special Luxurious Challenge Coins will be present within a few of these Xiao Lanterns. When the challenge progress reaches a certain checkpoint, fireworks will go up in the surrounding sea region. Follow their colors and choose the correct Xiao Lantern to solve lantern riddles.
Vigilance at Sea The Floating Lanterns Mystique 2 When fireworks go up in the surrounding sea region, follow their colors and shapes to choose the correct Xiao Lantern and obtain Challenge Coins. If you do not choose correctly, your Waverider will be destroyed, so keep your eyes peeled for the correct solutions to the lantern riddles!

Mystical Elevation[]

Available 2023-01-19 10:00:00

Vigilance at Sea Mystical Elevation 1 Luxurious Challenge Coins may be found within the ocean lanes lined with Sea Balloons. When the challenge reaches a specific checkpoint, these balloons will begin to dump cargo, and a mist shall descend over the ocean's surface.
Vigilance at Sea Mystical Elevation 2 The Sea Balloons will dump out cargoes that hold either Luxurious Challenge Coins or bombs. Keep your wits about you as you collect the cargoes, for risk and opportunity walk hand-in-hand here.
Vigilance at Sea Mystical Elevation 3 Thick mists may cover the seas nearby, so navigate with care.


Technique Effect
Vigilance at Sea Technique 1 Dustblind Unleashes a dustball at the current location of the Waverider. While the dustball remains on the field, Waveriders that sail into the area of the dustball will have their sight obscured.
Vigilance at Sea Technique 2 Show Me the Mora! After using this skill, the Waverider's Challenge Coin collection radius will increase for a while.
Vigilance at Sea Technique 3 Fortify After using this skill, the Waverider will not take DMG for a while.
Vigilance at Sea Technique 4 Roiling Waves Unleashes a vortex at the current location of the Waverider. While the vortex remains on the field, any Waveriders that sail into the area of the vortex will be pulled towards it continuously, and the Durability of Waveriders that sail into the center of the vortex will be decreased.
Vigilance at Sea Technique 5 Full Throttle After using this skill, the Waverider will rush forward a certain distance in the direction its prow is facing.


Billowing Waves
Objective Score
Obtain victory in this challenge 300
Obtain 50 Challenge Coins in total 150
Obtain 100 Challenge Coins in total 150
Obtain 150 Challenge Coins in total 100
Obtain 200 Challenge Coins in total 50
Obtain 300 Challenge Coins in total 50
Use special techniques 5 times 100
Sunk the Waverider no more than 5 times 100
Sunk the Waverider no more than 3 times 100
Have a Waverider survive 30s 100
Obtained 10 or more Luxurious Challenge Coins 100
Obtained 5 or more Sea Balloon Cargoes 50
Obtained 5 or more Xiao Lanters 100
Tranquil Waters
Objective Score
Challenge Coin Score 2
Challenge Success Score 300


Objective Rewards
In Vigilance at Sea, attain a total score of 500
Primogem 20
Festive Fever (The Exquisite Night Chimes) 30
Mora 20,000
Agnidus Agate Fragment 3
In Vigilance at Sea, attain a total score of 1,000
Primogem 20
Festive Fever (The Exquisite Night Chimes) 30
Mora 20,000
Varunada Lazurite Fragment 3
In Vigilance at Sea, attain a total score of 1,500
Primogem 20
Festive Fever (The Exquisite Night Chimes) 30
Mora 20,000
Nagadus Emerald Fragment 3
In Vigilance at Sea, attain a total score of 2,000
Primogem 20
Festive Fever (The Exquisite Night Chimes) 30
Mora 20,000
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment 3
In Vigilance at Sea, attain a total score of 2,500
Primogem 20
Festive Fever (The Exquisite Night Chimes) 30
Mora 20,000
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment 3
In Vigilance at Sea, attain a total score of 3,000
Primogem 20
Festive Fever (The Exquisite Night Chimes) 30
Mora 20,000
Shivada Jade Fragment 3
In Vigilance at Sea, attain a total score of 3,500
Primogem 20
Festive Fever (The Exquisite Night Chimes) 30
Mora 20,000
Prithiva Topaz Fragment 3
In Vigilance at Sea, attain a total score of 4,000
Primogem 20
Festive Fever (The Exquisite Night Chimes) 30
Mora 20,000
Agnidus Agate Fragment 3
In Vigilance at Sea, attain a total score of 4,500
Primogem 20
Festive Fever (The Exquisite Night Chimes) 30
Mora 20,000
Varunada Lazurite Fragment 3
In Vigilance at Sea, attain a total score of 5,000
Primogem 20
Festive Fever (The Exquisite Night Chimes) 30
Mora 20,000
Nagadus Emerald Fragment 3


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
08Melody of JellyfishThe Shimmering VoyageAdventurer's Trials, Radiant Sparks, Vigilance at Sea, Floral Pursuit, Mesmerizing Dream at Sea, A Journey Through Pages (Explore Now interface)
14Happy JourneyThe Wind and The Star TravelerAdventurer's Trials, Radiant Sparks, Vigilance at Sea, Floral Pursuit, Slime Paradise, Spring Wonderland, Overture of Wandering Notes (finding notes)
Locations, Quests, Domains, Serenitea Pot

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishVigilance at Sea
Yānhǎi Suōxún
Sea Fog Patrol
Yānhǎi Suōxún
Enkai Junkai‍[!][!]
Sea Fog Patrol
Korean해무 순찰
Haemu Sunchal
Sea Fog Patrol
SpanishPatrulla oceánicaOceanic Patrol
FrenchVigilance en merVigilance at Sea
RussianМорское патрулирование
Morskoye patrulirovaniye
Sea Patrolling
VietnameseTuần Du Biển Sương
GermanDurch Nebel und WellenThrough Fog and Waves
IndonesianPatroli di LautanPatrol at the Ocean
PortugueseVigilância no Mar
TurkishDenizde Teyakkuz
ItalianVigilanza in mare