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Sounds From Afar is the only part of Of Ballads and Brews Act I: Sounds From Afar during the Of Ballads and Brews event.


  1. Go to the Adventurers' Guild
  2. Go to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
  3. Go to the Grand Master's office
  4. Leave the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
  5. Go to Wolvendom
  6. Use Elemental Sight to trace Electro
  7. Go back to the Grand Master's office
  8. Wait for the Weinlesefest (08:00 – 10:00 two days later)
  9. Go to Weinlesefest's venue
  10. Talk to Venti


UI Quest Quest Description

As the harvest season arrives, the Mondstadt's Adventurers' Guild has received a great number of requests from the citizenry. You and Paimon have also arrived back in the city in response to Katheryne's call for aid...
(Talk to Katheryne)
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 katheryne 01.ogg Katheryne: Let me just confirm... Yes, all tasks on the checklist are complete. (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, we are grateful for your assistance.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 katheryne 02.ogg Katheryne: Thank goodness you were able to come as soon as we contacted you. Who knows how we would have coped with all these commissions otherwise.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Aww, it was nothin'! The last couple of days have been pretty busy, but it was all super easy stuff like delivering and escorting goods.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: When we heard that you were short on people, we thought we were gonna be in for another long and drawn-out adventure.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 katheryne 03.ogg Katheryne: Being the seasoned adventurers that you are, it's true that you are suited to work of a much higher caliber than your recent assignments. However, this situation is unavoidable in Mondstadt at this time of year.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh? Why's that?
Icon Dialogue Talk Probably because it's harvest season?
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 katheryne 04.ogg Katheryne: (TravelerTraveler), that's right. This is the ideal season for harvesting crops and fruits, and for the wine capital of Teyvat, it's also the all-important wine-making season.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 katheryne 05.ogg Katheryne: Farmers are anxious to sell off their fresh produce, and all the major wine merchants are seeking to purchase top-quality ingredients to make new product.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ahh. Well, no wonder we keep hearing people talking about wine these days.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 fynn 01.ogg Fynn: Huh? What do you mean? Seriously?
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 bernhard 01.ogg Bernhard: Yes, I swear, I'm not making this up. The Acting Grand Master wants everyone to gather at headquarters, in the main hall. Hurry! We need to leave right now, or we'll be late!
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 fynn 02.ogg Fynn: Hey, wait up!
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Why do those two Knights look so... flustered?
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Well hello there, if it isn't (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon. What a rare pleasure.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Kaeya, just the person we need! Um, why is everyone running off to the Knights of Favonius headquarters all of a sudden?
Icon Dialogue Talk And is our help required, too?
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Haha, don't worry, this isn't one of those occasions where you need to come to everyone's rescue.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: All that's happened is that the Knights of Favonius have just received a letter from the Grand Master. Acting Grand Master Jean will be convening a meeting in the main hall shortly to go through it.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Phew, well that's a relief. ...Wait, hold on a second. What did you say, again?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Knights of Favonius received...
Icon Dialogue Talk "A letter from the Grand Master"!?
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: The Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius? That's... Isn't that Varka? The leader of that legendary expedition!?
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: So, what did Varka say in the letter? How's the expedition going? When are they getting back?
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: Oho, so interested in our Grand Master all of a sudden? Never knew you were such a gossip.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: It's only normal, isn't it? Bet you'd be curious too if there was someone you'd heard loads about but never met! Even Master Jean says he's a living legend... Pretty hard not to get hyped up after hearing that.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Besides, the expedition has been going on for aaaages, and we've still never heard a single thing about what they're up to.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: Hahaha, the Acting Grand Master is very gracious in her appraisal.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: Varka brought quite a bit of trouble to those around him on the road to becoming a legend. I'll have to tell you about it sometime.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: Anyway, since this has piqued your interest, why don't you join me at headquarters, and we'll see what the letter says?
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 kaeya 08.ogg Kaeya: We do miss our Honorary Knight, after all. It's been quite a long time since your last visit.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Sure, let's go and see what it's all about. Bye, Katheryne, see ya soon.
Media:vo jnjeq001 1 katheryne 06.ogg Katheryne: Alright, take care now.
(Enter the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius)
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Hmm, it looks like just about everyone's here.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 lisa 01.ogg Lisa: Hey there, cutie, Paimon, I didn't know you two would be coming. So you heard about the letter?
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Yup, we ran into Kaeya near the Adventurers' Guild.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wow... Paimon's never seen so many people in the main hall at once before.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Paimon's getting kinda nervous now...
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Haha, don't get too carried away, alright? If I know the Grand Master, the fact that he has the time to be writing letters means it's probably nothing serious. It certainly won't be bad news.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 lisa 02.ogg Lisa: Kaeya's exaggerating a little, but otherwise I agree.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 lisa 03.ogg Lisa: After all, Mika's not the kind of person who'd be able to keep it hidden if something were the matter. The truth would be written all over his face.
Icon Dialogue Talk Mika? Who's that?
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 lisa 04.ogg Lisa: Over there, look. The kid standing next to Jean in front of the staircase.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 lisa 05.ogg Lisa: He used to be a land surveyor in Eula's team. He's very talented in what he does and a very reliable person. When the expedition team set out, the Grand Master appointed him to be the core member of the front-line team.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 lisa 06.ogg Lisa: He's the one that brought back the letter.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 qin 01.ogg Jean: Please may I have your attention, everyone. Now that we're all here, let's begin reading out the letter from the Grand Master.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 qin 02.ogg Jean: Mika, please go ahead.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 01.ogg Mika: Y—Yes, Master Jean!
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 02.ogg Mika: Right... *clears throat* Hello, everybody, I am Mika, surveyor of the Reconnaissance Company. Uh, recently, I have been taking part in an assignment with the expedition team. I will now be reading Grand Master Varka's letter aloud for you all.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 03.ogg Mika: Ahem. "To the Knights of Favonius: Greetings, everyone. This is Varka."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 04.ogg Mika: "The first thing I want to say to you all is: Please put your minds at ease, the expedition is safe and all of its members are accounted for."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 bernhard 01.ogg Bernhard: That's fantastic news!
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 fynn 01.ogg Fynn: Phew, my palms are sweating...
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 qin 03.ogg Jean: ...
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 05.ogg Mika: Umm... May I continue?
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 qin 04.ogg Jean: Go ahead, Mika.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 06.ogg Mika: "Alright, now that your fears are allayed, I trust you'll be ready to listen to the rest of my letter. I'm writing to you from the northernmost reaches of Teyvat by the light of a stove. The expedition forces are stationed here while we restock."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 07.ogg Mika: "I once told you that the purpose of this expedition was related to a dangerous secret from days long past. I am still unable to disclose more than this, but suffice to say that you needn't worry about how our mission is progressing."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 08.ogg Mika: "In the past couple of months, we received an unexpected visitor: the Fatui Harbinger known as 'The Captain.'"
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh? "The Captain"?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 09.ogg Mika: "I am fully aware of the Fatui's outrageous actions in Mondstadt in recent history. Nevertheless, The Captain was not hostile towards us on this occasion."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 10.ogg Mika: "Open parenthesis: I rather suspect that's because this time, Snezhnaya and we are in the same boat. Close parenthesis."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 11.ogg Mika: "The man hides everything under the mask he wears, so no one can know his past or his origins. However, one thing is for sure: He is as hard as iron for having the courage to challenge gods as an ordinary mortal."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 12.ogg Mika: "I don't doubt that he could even take out a Ruin Guard by stabbing it in its big, glowing eye with one of Klee's crayons. Open parenthesis: Don't get any ideas. Close parenthesis."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 13.ogg Mika: "Our scouts have confirmed that The Captain received orders to head for Natlan three days ago. We'll be able to sleep much better now that we don't need to worry about him anymore."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 14.ogg Mika: "I will admit that some of his actions have helped us. But even then, he owed us at least that much."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 15.ogg Mika: "This year's Weinlesefest must be kicking off in Mondstadt any day now? What a great pity that this year, once again, we will be unable to spend the festival together."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 16.ogg Mika: "Everyone here is always thinking back fondly upon the fine wines of Mondstadt, as well as all the happy times we have spent with each and every one of you."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 17.ogg Mika: "I hope that you and all the citizens of Mondstadt enjoy the festival to the fullest. Have a few drinks on our behalf — the Dawn Winery's limited-edition Weinlesefest seasonal special will do nicely."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 18.ogg Mika: "May Lord Barbatos bless Mondstadt, and may the wind carry our sentiments back to your side. Varka."
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 19.ogg Mika: "P.S.: If you're wondering who's tougher between me and The Captain, well, I'm the Grand Master! There are ten captains in the Knights of Favonius but only one Grand Master, ahahahaha." His laugh, not mine.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 20.ogg Mika: The letter ends here. Thank you, everyone, for your attention.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 qin 05.ogg Jean: Thank you, Mika.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 21.ogg Mika: Master Jean, um... I just noticed that there's something else written on the back of the last page...
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 mika 22.ogg Mika: "P.P.S.: I ran out of paper, so I'll add this here. Lisa, the following is a message for you." ...Oh, this part seems to be from the Grand Master to Miss Lisa.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 lisa 07.ogg Lisa: Oh? For me?
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 qin 06.ogg Jean: Ah, seeing that it's a special message... Lisa, we'll discuss this in private.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 qin 07.ogg Jean: Everyone, as the Grand Master mentioned in his letter, the Weinlesefest is in just a few days. And how fortunate we are at this time to receive word that all is well with the expedition.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 qin 08.ogg Jean: Though they are unable to return to Mondstadt and spend the festival with us, the Weinlesefest will nonetheless be a major event that all of Mondstadt is looking forward to.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 qin 09.ogg Jean: I hope that everyone will guard your stations and perform your duties, both for our far-flung colleagues involved in the expedition, and also for the hardworking people of Mondstadt.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 qin 10.ogg Jean: And of course, during your time off, I hope you will be able to rest, relax, and enjoy this long-awaited festival.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 qin 11.ogg Jean: That brings our meeting to a close. Dismissed.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Did Paimon hear that right? They ran into the Fatui's "Captain"...? Hmm... who knows what that was about, but it must have been important...
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: But ehh, Fatui Schmatooey, the real big deal here is the Weinlesefest — sounds like there'll be loads of free food and drink! Paimon wants to hear more!
Icon Dialogue Talk Typical Paimon...
Icon Dialogue Talk Vintage Paimon.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 lisa 08.ogg Lisa: Hey, cuties. How about we go and chat with Jean? You didn't get a chance to say a proper hello with so many people here.
Media:vo jnjeq001 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Sounds good! Alright, let's go.
(Optional, talk to Mika and Kaeya)
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 mika 01.ogg Mika: Ah! Uh, h—hi there, umm... You must be looking for Captain Kaeya...? Please, don't mind me!
Icon Dialogue Talk Actually, I was looking for you.
Icon Dialogue Talk I just wanted to say hi.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 mika 02.ogg Mika: Huh? Wait, but... wha—!? Oh geez, Captain Kaeya... Wh—What should I say?
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Haha, oh, Mika... How have you not changed one bit after being out on the front line this long?
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: You were just asking me about the Stormterror incident, weren't you? Well, allow me to introduce you to the legendary Honorary Knight.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: That's right! And also the legendary Paimon!
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 mika 03.ogg Mika: H—Hi there, you guys are so strong, I'm... I'm in awe. Um... I have to go and report in with Captain Eula now, please excuse me!
(Mika leaves the Knights of Favonius in a hurry...)
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Aw, he just left... Well, that's too bad. Paimon was gonna ask him all about the expedition.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: That is a pity, it really is. But don't take it the wrong way. The way he sees it, every pair of eyes in Mondstadt is focused squarely on you.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: Give it some time and this'll all sort itself out. Next time you see him, I'm sure you'll get along just fine.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: In fact, let me share a little secret with you: Try talking to him about exploring the wild. You'll win his trust in no time.
(Optional, talk to Kaeya again)
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: Well, what do you think? Glad you tagged along this time?
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: A little birdie told me that you'll be staying in Mondstadt for the Weinlesefest? Hope you enjoy yourselves.
(Optional, talk to Bernhard and Fynn)
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 bernhard 01.ogg Bernhard: Can you believe the expedition party ran into The Captain of the Fatui? Whew... what a relief that nothing came of it.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 fynn 01.ogg Fynn: What's there to be afraid of? The Grand Master is there. One Grand Master should be able to take on at least, like... 10 Captains.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 fynn 02.ogg Fynn: Wait, forget that — you shouldn't be worrying about the expedition when you've got the Knights of Favonius charity fundraising booth that you're supposed to be organizing. So? How's it coming along?
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 bernhard 02.ogg Bernhard: *sigh* Actually... I still haven't really decided what to sell...
(Enter the Grand Master's office)
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 01.ogg Jean: Ah, Lisa. The Grand Master's letter is just on the table.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 02.ogg Jean: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, it's been a long time. Apologies, I didn't get the chance to talk with you during the meeting just now.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 03.ogg Jean: If you don't have any plans in the immediate future, why not stay in Mondstadt for a while? We'll be celebrating the Weinlesefest very soon.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 01.ogg Lisa: Don't be deceived — Jean may appear very composed, but she's been missing you both terribly recently.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 04.ogg Jean: *sigh* Lisa...
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 02.ogg Lisa: Hehe... I'll leave you to catch up. I'm going to read my letter.
Icon Dialogue Talk I've missed Mondstadt, too.
Icon Dialogue Talk I've missed everyone as well.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Yeah! Mondstadt's where our journey began, after all. We have a lot of fond memories here.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 02a.ogg Paimon: Um, Master Jean — neither of us really knows anything about this Weinlesefest... Could you tell us more about it?
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 05.ogg Jean: Yes, of course.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 06.ogg Jean: The Weinlesefest is an ancient Mondstadt festival, just like Ludi Harpastum and Windblume. In addition, it's the most important part of the fall.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 07.ogg Jean: Each fall, the west wind blows in Mondstadt. Legend has it that the wonderful scent of Mondstadt's wine-making during the harvest season entices even the Anemo Archon into attendance, being the great wine-lover that he is.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 08.ogg Jean: No matter where he is, he will transform into a soft breeze and return to his homeland.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ugh... Yeah, that sounds like the Anemo Archon, alright...
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 09.ogg Jean: For this reason, Mondstadters call the western wind the "returning wind." The Weinlesefest originally began as a celebration to welcome Lord Barbatos on his return.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 10.ogg Jean: In the past, every household would brew fresh wine around this time of year, and keep it sealed at least until Windcoming Day during the following year's Weinlesefest.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 11.ogg Jean: Uncasking the sealed wine is a symbolic way of inviting the Anemo Archon to share a drink. Legend holds that if the Anemo Archon is satisfied with the taste of the wine, he will summon a gentle breeze to richly bless the people.
Icon Dialogue Talk "Richly bless"? How?
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Knowing him, it was probably blessing them with more good wine the next year.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 12.ogg Jean: That's a good question... But there's really no way of knowing.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 13.ogg Jean: These are very old stories. Many of the details have been lost to time.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Yup, that'll happen! Some stories change completely as they get passed down... Hence why these days, Mondstadters will get into endless arguments over what kind of flower a Windblume is...
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 03.ogg Lisa: All part of how cultural heritage is created.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 14.ogg Jean: Indeed. But for the time being, at least, the tradition of paying tribute to the Anemo Archon on Windcoming Day is still alive and well, and the Weinlesefest remains a time for Mondstadters to share the joy of the harvest with one another as they partake of fine wines.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 15.ogg Jean: This is a time of the year when many Mondstadters living away from Mondstadt return to their hometown. For those unable to return, Weinlesefest is the period when they miss their family and friends most keenly.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh! So that's why the Grand Master wrote: "May the wind carry our sentiments back to your side."
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 16.ogg Jean: For this year, we've joined forces with the Church of Favonius and the Adventurers' Guild to host a celebration on the banks of Cider Lake, just outside of Springvale. There will also be a traditional Wine Market during the festival period.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: "Wine Market"?
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 17.ogg Jean: Well, originally it was simply a place where winemakers and farmers would come to trade in raw ingredients for wine-making.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 18.ogg Jean: These days, it is a much grander affair. Not only will you find a range of choice wines, but seasonal fruit beverages and food items for everyone to enjoy, too. A lot of people also sell second-hand goods and handicrafts at the market.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 19.ogg Jean: The Knights of Favonius plan to use this as an opportunity to do some fundraising for needy children and elderly people in the city.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Wow. Sounds pretty cool.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 20.ogg Jean: If you have the time, I encourage you to take a look around. I hope you'll find it a worthwhile experience. Now, Lisa — what was the Grand Master's message to you about?
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 04.ogg Lisa: I was just about to bring that up. The Grand Master says he wants me to handle something for him — something to do with Razor's past.
Icon Dialogue Talk Razor's past?
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Razor told us that he was raised by a pack of wolves in Wolvendom.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: He never knew his parents. In his own words, the wolf pack is his "lupical," which means family.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 05.ogg Lisa: Yes, that was as much as I knew as well.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 06.ogg Lisa: But in his letter, the Grand Master says that in the cabinet above the third bookshelf to the right of the grandfather clock in Jean's office, there's a wooden box containing some items that Razor's parents left for him. He says... "It's time to give the box to Razor."
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Does this mean the Grand Master knew Razor's parents?
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 07.ogg Lisa: It would seem so. The Grand Master didn't simply run into Razor one day in Wolvendom and teach him how to use a sword. No, the connection between them goes back much further.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Wow! Well c'mon, let's go find Razor! He'll be pretty excited to find out something about his true parents!
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 08.ogg Lisa: Hmm...
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon, wait.
Icon Dialogue Talk Lisa. Something's worrying you.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 09.ogg Lisa: Oh, cutie. Nothing escapes your eyes, does it?
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 10.ogg Lisa: For the child who never met their biological parents, this kind of conversation is always a difficult one. Even for the most well-adjusted.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 11.ogg Lisa: By contrast, Razor grew up in Wolvendom and has had very limited contact with human society... Who knows whether he's ready for this or not.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 qin 21.ogg Jean: I'm sure the Grand Master will have given due consideration to Razor's circumstances. Perhaps he felt that now would be the most appropriate time.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 12.ogg Lisa: Hmm, that's a good point. Okay, cuties, can I leave you to break the news to Razor?
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 13.ogg Lisa: He thinks of me as his teacher, so he might not open up to me if he gets upset. But you are his trusted friends. I think it makes more sense for him to hear about this from you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry, leave this to us.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll talk it out with Razor.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 14.ogg Lisa: Thank you, sweetie.
Media:vo jnjeq001 3 lisa 15.ogg Lisa: Try to be as encouraging as you can. Someone his age needs all the love and support they can get.
(Optional, talk to Lisa)
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 lisa 01.ogg Lisa: As his teacher, I have a duty to give him the best education and guidance that I can. I'll make sure I'm prepared by the time you get back.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 lisa 02.ogg Lisa: Go on now, cuties. I'll leave Razor in your hands.
(Optional, talk to Jean)
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 01.ogg Jean: (TravelerTraveler), is there something else you would like to discuss?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the expedition...
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02a 1.ogg Jean: It was good of Mika to bring the letter back all this way. Knowing that everyone is safe and sound is the best encouragement I could ask for.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02a 2.ogg Jean: Still... I hadn't counted on The Captain making an appearance.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02a 3.ogg Jean: The Grand Master has a rather... unconventional way of describing things, but even then... I've never heard him give such high recognition to anyone before.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02a 4.ogg Jean: (TravelerTraveler), if you ever encounter The Captain on your own journey, be on your guard. He is not someone to be underestimated.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 01.ogg Jean: (TravelerTraveler), is there something else you would like to discuss?
(Return to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About Mika...
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02b 1.ogg Jean: Mika tells me that rather than rejoining the expedition party, Grand Master told him to return to his post in Eula's Reconnaissance Company after delivering the letter.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02b 2.ogg Jean: Land surveyors are usually situated in the vanguard of an army on the move, and are tasked with exploring previously uncharted territory. It looks like the expedition must have entered into a much less intense phase...
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02b 3.ogg Jean: Have you had the chance to speak with Mika yet? When he's with people he hasn't met before, he tenses up and stands bolt upright...
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02b 4.ogg Jean: I really wish he had a little more self-confidence.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 01.ogg Jean: (TravelerTraveler), is there something else you would like to discuss?
(Return to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Weinlesefest...
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02c 1.ogg Jean: There is still some preparation to do, but don't worry. Everything's on track.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02c 2.ogg Jean: Actually, while we're on the topic, I have an assignment I'd like to give you, namely:
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02c 3.ogg Jean: Enjoy the festival to the fullest. Any objections?
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 01.ogg Jean: (TravelerTraveler), is there something else you would like to discuss?
(Return to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 qin 02d 1.ogg Jean: Goodbye. I wish you a very pleasant Weinlesefest.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

In the letter, Varka entrusted Lisa to give the belongings left by Razor's biological parents to Razor. But the news from his parents may not be easy for Razor...
(Leave the Knights of Favonius Headquarters)
Media:vo jnjeq001 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Razor's usually around Wolvendom, right?
Media:vo jnjeq001 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uh, how do you think he'll react after hearing about this?
(Approach the first hunting trap in Wolvendom)
Media:vo jnjeq001 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, look, it's a hunting trap. It looks like the ones that the hunters from Springvale use...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo jnjeq001 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hmm? What is it?
Icon Dialogue Talk There are traces of Electro energy near the trap.
Media:vo jnjeq001 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Electro energy? Hmm, Paimon wonders if it could be Razor. But, Paimon thought he was pretty good at avoiding the hunters...
Media:vo jnjeq001 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Well anyway, let's follow the traces of Electro and see where they lead.
(Follow the path of Electro energy)
Media:vo jnjeq001 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Look, there's another trap up ahead! And can you feel that Electro energy, too?
Media:vo jnjeq001 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: The Electro traces lead deep into Wolvendom. Let's keep going.
Media:vo jnjeq001 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Raaazooor...! Are you there?
(Optional, talk to Allan while looking for Razor)
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 allan 01.ogg Allan: Oh, hi, Traveler. Back in Mondstadt for the Weinlesefest, huh? Well, watch out for boars if you're out exploring the open country.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hey, it's Allan, Draff's apprentice! Um, have you seen Razor? You know — the young guy who lives in Wolvendom?
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 allan 02.ogg Allan: Razor? Wait, who's that again... Oh! You mean the guy who goes hunting with Draff? I haven't actually seen him today.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Okay... Well, there aren't any traces of Electro around here anyway. Let's try somewhere else.
(Reach the end of the Electro energy path)
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 01.ogg Draff: Alright! The last trap has been set. Razor, thanks for coming with me all this way.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 01.ogg Razor: It's okay. My legs are strong. ...Hmm?
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 02.ogg Draff: What is it, Razor?
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 02.ogg Razor: *sniff* It smells... familiar. Friend, from far away.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Razor!
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, and it's Draff, too! Are you two hunting together?
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 03.ogg Draff: Yes, it's almost harvest season, and the boars are venturing into the towns and wineries looking for food.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 04.ogg Draff: They're trampling crops and destroying the vineyards. Someone could get seriously hurt.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 05.ogg Draff: The Knights of Favonius came to us asking for help keeping the boars a safe distance away from the population.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 03.ogg Razor: I and Uncle Brown Cat, catch boars, protect everyone.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wow, Razor, this is a big step for you! Paimon remembers you used to hide away from the hunters.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 06.ogg Draff: Hehe, you can say that again! Razor was the star of the show this time. He let the wolves know we'd be coming, so we were able to get through Wolvendom without anyone getting hurt.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 04.ogg Razor: Helping everyone, helping lupical, makes me happy. But... much talking. Very tired now.
Icon Dialogue Talk Still, it's a sign of progress.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm happy for you.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Yeah! But, um... Actually, we came here today because we have some really important news...
You tell Razor about Varka's letter...
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 05.ogg Razor: Oh...
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 06.ogg Razor: I... don't know.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Razor... Do you mean, you don't want to know about your real parents?
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 07.ogg Razor: I want to know, but... don't want to know.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Uhh... So you do wanna know, but at the same time, you don't wanna know? Sounds complicated...
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 07.ogg Draff: Traveler, come and take a look at the trap I just placed. Let's give Razor some space to process things.
Icon Dialogue Talk What is it?
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems like you have something to say.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 08.ogg Draff: Yes, I have some thoughts about all this after seeing how Razor reacted.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 09.ogg Draff: We've been hunting together a lot recently. The kid might not talk much, but still, I feel like I've come to understand him a little over the time we've spent together.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 10.ogg Draff: Here's what I think... He definitely wants to find out about his parents. It's just that his fear of the unknown is overwhelming everything else he's feeling.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 11.ogg Draff: I'm a father myself, so I know a thing or two about kids.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 12.ogg Draff: You know, when Diona was little, if I got back late from a hunt one night, she'd be watching me like a hawk for days afterwards, as if she was worried that I might abandon her.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Do you mean Razor's worried that he was abandoned by his own parents...?
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 13.ogg Draff: Exactly. I think that's the heart of it. And if it turns out they did, well, I don't think there's anything we could say to console him. That's not my only concern, though...
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 14.ogg Draff: Razor is developing at his own pace. There are lots of issues that can't be solved all in one go, but he's making progress, one step at a time.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 15.ogg Draff: But now this thing with his parents is added into the mix... It might push him to want to figure out once and for all where he comes from and where he's going.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Seems like a similar take to Lisa's. Maybe all mature adults think like this, huh?
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Wait, but then again... Master Jean had a different view. She said it's more about trusting other people and in your own instincts!
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Uhh... (TravelerTraveler), what do you think?
Icon Dialogue Talk He'll have to face this sooner or later...
Icon Dialogue Talk I will be there for him as a friend through this...
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 16.ogg Draff: Gotcha. Well, knowing that he's got a friend like you to rely on makes me feel much better about this whole thing.
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon, how about this:
You tell Paimon about how you plan to approach the situation...
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Okay, got it! Right, let's head back. We don't wanna keep him waiting.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Hey, Razor... So, what are your thoughts?
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 08.ogg Razor: Still thinking... My heart, it feels strange... like being stabbed by Wolfhook.
Icon Dialogue Talk What do you think of Varka?
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 09.ogg Razor: Varka? Hmm... Tall, very strong, likes to laugh.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then... do you trust Varka?
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 10.ogg Razor: Yes. Trust.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 11.ogg Razor: ...He's very good to me. Give me a name, teach me to fight. But now... busy with important work... I miss him.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: You know, Razor, Varka used up all the paper writing this letter, but he still made sure he found room on the back to add a note for Lisa. He specifically told her to give you the things that your parents left for you...
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: That means that he thinks the items have a special meaning for you.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: But more importantly than that... Whatever happens, (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, Lisa, and all your other friends will always be here for you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry, everything will be fine.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 17.ogg Draff: That's right! And old Uncle Brown Cat's here to support you as well.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 razor 12.ogg Razor: ...Okay. Thank you. I decide... I want to go with you, to see teacher.
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 18.ogg Draff: Haha, that's the spirit, kiddo!
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 draff 19.ogg Draff: Well, you folks had better be heading off, then. I'm just about finished here, so I'll be heading home very shortly myself. I'd better try and get plenty of father-daughter time in before the Weinlesefest starts, hahaha...
Media:vo jnjeq001 6 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Bye, Draff, see you again next time.
(Go back to the Grand Master's office)
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Lisa, we've brought Razor.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 01.ogg Razor: Hello, Teacher. I'm here, to see the box.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 01a.ogg Lisa: Ah, my little wolf cub's in a good mood. I'm assuming they've discussed the whole story with you already?
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 02.ogg Lisa: Here, this is it, the wooden box. I haven't touched it, except for taking it out of the cabinet. When you're sure you're ready, you can open it yourself.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 02.ogg Razor: Yes, I am sure.
The wooden box: *click*
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh... This is just a pile of junk. Paimon thought there'd at least be a letter, or something.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Uh oh, you don't think that... after all this time, Varka might be getting mixed up between different boxes?
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 03.ogg Razor: *sniff* There is a scent.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: A scent? What kind?
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 04.ogg Razor: A scent I remember from a long, long time ago. It's... their scent.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 05.ogg Razor: Human scent... Father and mother's scent.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 03.ogg Lisa: Incredible... You still remember scents from all the way back in your childhood.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Wow, you really have a good sense of smell, Razor. Guess being wild by nature has its advantages... Let's see what other leads we can find!
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Hmm, this woolen hand puppet looks kinda wonky. Guess it must be handmade, huh... Is this a part from a Ruin Guard?
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Wait... Hey, look, this wine bottle is still half full!
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: And there's a note stuck on it: "Thousand," uh... "Thousand-Wind Wine."
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 04.ogg Lisa: Oh? So it's a bottle of Thousand-Wind Wine?
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 06.ogg Razor: Teacher, you know?
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 05.ogg Lisa: Of course. Thousand-Wind Wine was the first kind of wine that Mondstadters ever learned to make, or so they say.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 06.ogg Lisa: As to how it got its name, some say it's a reference to the numerous ingredients used to make it, while others say it's because every bottle tastes slightly different.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 07.ogg Lisa: I remember reading somewhere that there are all sorts of weird and wonderful ways of brewing it, and that it's very difficult to ensure it comes out tasting the same each time.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 08.ogg Lisa: This all makes it impractical to commercialize. Wine merchants are much more comfortable working with reliable, consistent-tasting products.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 09.ogg Lisa: That's why you'll almost never see Thousand-Wind Wine in the markets or taverns.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 10.ogg Lisa: In fact, it looks like your parents brewed this bottle themselves.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: That must mean there's something pretty important about it... Ooh, Paimon has an idea! Razor, you've got a good nose. Why don't you open it up and take a whiff? Maybe it'll tell you something!
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 07.ogg Razor: Okay.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 08.ogg Razor: ...
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Huh, he seems really in the zone... and is that a smile?
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 11.ogg Lisa: Find anything?
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 09.ogg Razor: Sweet, cold, a little bitter... I like. Many things, all mixed together.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 10.ogg Razor: But, things in wine, smell different...
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Even you can't tell what it is, Razor?
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 11.ogg Razor: I will try again.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 12.ogg Razor: ...
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 13.ogg Razor: Hmm...
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 12.ogg Lisa: It's okay, Razor, don't push yourself too hard. What do we do when we try something and it doesn't work?
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 14.ogg Razor: Try... another way.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 13.ogg Lisa: That's right. You still remember what I taught you.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 14.ogg Lisa: It's almost the Weinlesefest. Everyone who knows anything worth knowing about wine will be gathering in Mondstadt. Surely someone will know a thing or two about Thousand-Wind Wine.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Ohh, great idea!
Icon Dialogue Talk (Will Venti be coming...?)
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 lisa 15.ogg Lisa: Make sure you don't miss the opening ceremony, cutie. Everyone will be there. Razor, you should go too — it'll be a good opportunity to ask around.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 15.ogg Razor: Okay. Ask many people... I will try.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Don't worry, we'll be right there with you. We can be your go-betweens. You know, like you were with the wolves, for Draff!
Icon Dialogue Talk Interesting comparison...
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll be there with you. Just like we promised.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 razor 16.ogg Razor: Okay. Then, I will go back now. I need to tell lupical about human mother and human father.
Media:vo jnjeq001 7 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Great! See you at the opening ceremony!
(Talk to Lisa again, optional)
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 lisa 03.ogg Lisa: As Razor's teacher, I'm so happy to see him taking this first step.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 lisa 04.ogg Lisa: And you must be tired from running around trying to find Razor. Why don't you rest here a while? I'll make you a nice cup of tea.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

For the exact information about Thousand-Wind Wine, you'd better go to the venue of Weinlesefest and ask someone who knows about wine.
(Approach Springvale)
Media:vo jnjeq001 8 qin 01.ogg Jean: Thank you, everyone, for your patience. I am pleased to announce that this year's Weinlesefest has officially begun.
Media:vo jnjeq001 8 qin 02.ogg Jean: We hope the residents of Mondstadt and visitors from all over will enjoy the magnificent wines and experience the joy of the harvest.
Media:vo jnjeq001 8 qin 03.ogg Jean: When Windcoming Day arrives, we will hold a grand toasting ceremony to welcome the Anemo Archon, Barbatos, back home.
Media:vo jnjeq001 8 qin 04.ogg Jean: Let the Wind lead!
Media:vo jnjeq001 8 together 01.ogg Crowd: Let the Wind lead!
Media:vo jnjeq001 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Razor! You're here already.
Media:vo jnjeq001 8 razor 01.ogg Razor: Mmm... So many... people...
Media:vo jnjeq001 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Come on, let's sneak outta here. There's someone we gotta find!
Media:vo jnjeq001 8 razor 02.ogg Razor: Find? Who?
Media:vo jnjeq001 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Just some tone-deaf bard. But he's also a know-it-all and loves nothing more than drinking, so he might actually be able to help.
(Talk to Venti)
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, Tone-Deaf Bard!
Icon Dialogue Talk It's been a while.
Icon Dialogue Talk So nice to see you again.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 01.ogg Venti: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, how do you do? Haha, I had a feeling I'd run into you soon, during this most enchanting of festivals.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Spoken like a true poet... Hmm, but reading between the lines here — if one bottle is tipsy, and two is merry, just how many is "enchanting," exactly?
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 02.ogg Venti: Hahaha, oh, don't say that. This festival has so much more to offer than just drinking.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 03.ogg Venti: Anyway, hey, Razor! How have you been?
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 01.ogg Razor: Alright. I have... a question.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yeah, Razor has something he wants to ask you about. Know anything about Thousand-Wind Wine?
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 04.ogg Venti: Ooh, now there's a name that takes me back. Let me think... how long has it been since I last heard someone mention Thousand-Wind Wine?
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Razor's parents left him a box with a half-bottle of wine inside, and there's a label on it that says "Thousand-Wind Wine."
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: We heard there's a lotta history behind this type of wine, and the brewing methods go way, way back, so we figured you'd be a good person to ask.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 02.ogg Razor: It smells good, but... don't know, what's inside.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 05.ogg Venti: I see, I see, so you want to know how Thousand-Wind Wine is made? Well, you came to the right person. I happen to know a little rhyme called... well, as it happens, "Thousand-Wind Wine."
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 06.ogg Venti: I was going to save it for Windcoming Day, but far be it from me to deny an early serenade to a friend in need. How about it? Shall I recite it for you?
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 03.ogg Razor: A song... Not easy to understand, but still want to hear.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 07.ogg Venti: Excellent answer. Then, ahem, hear it you shall:
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 08.ogg Venti:
"Fill up the barrels and store them away,
Then wait, wait for a windier day.
Wax the bottles, seal them tight,
For the south wind that soothes, for the north wind that bites."
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 09.ogg Venti:
"How does this fine wine taste to the tongue?
As 'Mondstadt' to the ear: like a sweet dream of freedom.
And what are the fruits that went into the brew?
An explorer's courage, a love tender and true."
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 10.ogg Venti:
"A defender's will, strong as yesteryear,
Joining the thousand winds in a song of good cheer,
Turning sour into sweet, bitter notes fade away,
As we wait, wait for a windier day."
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 11.ogg Venti: Hehehe, thank you so much for the applause. Was the rhyme of help to you?
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 04.ogg Razor: Like wine. A little sweet, but now, head spinning. Don't understand.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Don't worry, it's not just you! That was supposed to be about wine-making, but it didn't give a single detail about the process!
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 12.ogg Venti: Haha, well, maybe it's a little abstract and romanticized, but that's one of the defining features of Mondstadt poetry.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Okay, so let's try to pin this down. What did the poem say the ingredients are? Hmmm... Ummm...
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: An explorer's courage, a love tender and true, a defender's will, and... the thousand winds'... "song of good cheer"...
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Nope, Paimon has absolutely no idea what any of these refer to!
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Look, Tone-Deaf Bard, you clearly know what the whole thing means, so could you do us a favor and at least give us a hint?
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 13.ogg Venti: You misunderstand me. I'm not trying to make you work for it or anything, but the lyrics are what they are. If there's anything they left out, even I can't fill in the blanks.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 14.ogg Venti: If you want to know the secret behind this sweet scent, you might have to start by rolling up your sleeves...
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Rolling up our sleeves...? You mean, we need to go and make this wine for ourselves, and somehow that'll teach us everything we wanna know? ...This better not be a prank!
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 15.ogg Venti: We've known each other for so long, and you still don't trust my intentions? Oh, the pain...
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 05.ogg Razor: ...I trust. I... want to try.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 06.ogg Razor: I want to... make wine, and find answers.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 07.ogg Razor: If I know how to make wine, then I know what is in father and mother's wine.
Icon Dialogue Talk By reliving their actions, maybe we will understand...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...what kind of people they were.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 08.ogg Razor: Right.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 09.ogg Razor: I want to... know about them.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Well, if you say so, Razor. Guess we'll have to take Tone-Deaf Bard's word on this one. We'll give it a try, and as first-time wine-makers, there's no shame if it turns out bad!
(Camera pans to show Rosaria hidden nearby)
(Rosaria leaves)
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 16.ogg Venti: Don't worry, really. Freedom is the key here. It's not as hard as you might think.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 venti 17.ogg Venti: As long as you add ingredients to the mix in a spirit of joy and sincerity, I promise you will reap the rewards you wish for.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 10.ogg Razor: ...
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 11.ogg Razor: I will tell poem to teacher.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 12.ogg Razor: Then... I need to think alone.
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: That's the spirit. So, how about we meet again in two days? Let's say same place, right here?
Media:vo jnjeq001 9 razor 13.ogg Razor: Okay. I will remember. See you, then.
(Quest ends)

(Talk to Venti again at the Wine Festival venue, optional)
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 01.ogg Venti: Ah, good. I was hoping we might get to chat some more.
Icon Dialogue Talk Can I hear the poem again?
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 02a 1.ogg Venti: You need a refresher? Okay, I'll perform the first half again.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 02a 2.ogg Venti:
"Fill up the barrels and store them away,
Then wait, wait for a windier day.
Wax the bottles, seal them tight,
For the south wind that soothes, for the north wind that bites."
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 02a 3.ogg Venti:
"How does this fine wine taste to the tongue?
As 'Mondstadt' to the ear: like a sweet dream of freedom.
And what are the fruits that went into the brew?
An explorer's courage, a love tender and true."
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 02a 4.ogg Venti:
"A defender's will, strong as yesteryear,
Joining the thousand winds in a song of good cheer,
Turning sour into sweet, bitter notes fade away,
As we wait, wait for a windier day."
Icon Dialogue Talk What are your thoughts on the Weinlesefest?
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 02b 1.ogg Venti: I am fond of each and every one of Mondstadt's festivals, but if I'm honest, Weinlesefest has an extra-special place in my heart.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 02b 2.ogg Venti: You know, the Anemo Archon goes into a slumber after the west wind dies down, leaving the north wind to blow during the winter.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 02b 3.ogg Venti: Which means, this festival is the big feast before the winter slumber!
Icon Dialogue Talk About Razor...
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 02c 1.ogg Venti: I wouldn't worry yourself too much about him.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 02c 2.ogg Venti: Staying true to their journey and discovering joy and freedom for themselves is what Mondstadters do best.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 02c 3.ogg Venti: The same goes for you. You have to find the thing that makes you happy. Haha, mostly because your happiness is very important to me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Media:vo dialog jnjeq001 venti 02d 1.ogg Venti: See you around. Remember, there's no rush. Take your time, and you'll find all the answers that you're looking for.
(Talk to Lisa or Razor in the Mondstadt Library, optional)
Media:vo jnjeq004 1 lisa 01.ogg Lisa: Well, that was an interesting poem.
Media:vo jnjeq004 1 razor 01.ogg Razor: Already understand?
Media:vo jnjeq004 1 lisa 02.ogg Lisa: Hehe... I am your teacher, after all. It wouldn't be much good if my mind couldn't keep up with my students'.
Media:vo jnjeq004 1 lisa 03.ogg Lisa: But you should understand it however it makes sense to you. My little wolf cub will improve much more quickly that way.
Media:vo jnjeq004 1 razor 02.ogg Razor: Okay.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSounds From Afar
Zì Yuǎnfāng Chuīlái de Yīnxùn
Correspondence Blown In From Afar
Zì Yuǎnfāng Chuīlái de Yīnxùn
Enbou kara Maikomu Tayori
Correspondence Fluttering From Afar
Korean 곳에서 전해온 소식
Meon Goeseo Jeonhaeon Sosik
News From Far Away
SpanishMensajes llegados de lejosMessages Brought from Far Away
FrenchSons au lointainSounds From Afar
RussianВесть, прилетевшая издалека
Vest', priletevshaya izdaleka
Message Coming From Afar
VietnameseTin Từ Phương Xa Thổi Đến
GermanKlänge aus der FerneSounds From Afar
IndonesianSuara dari KejauhanSound from Afar
PortugueseMensagens Vindas de LongeMessages That Came from Afar

Change History[]
