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Genshin Impact Wiki

Smaragdus Jadeite is a Quest Item obtained during the World Quest A Teapot to Call Home: Part I. Madame Ping uses the Smaragdus Jadeite to create the Serenitea Pot for the player.


It is an item abundant with elemental energy, coming from Stonemarrow in the mountains. If a person without a Vision is in prolonged contact with it, they will fall seriously ill and suffer from hallucinations. Tang Wuchou is one of the victim of this side-effect after unknowingly buying a Jade Pendant that is made from Smaragdus Jadeite.[1]

Smaragdus Jadeite is different from Smaragdus Nephrite, a less rare and valuable substance often said to be the outer surface of the ore. Unlike the jadeite core, the nephrite does not contain traces of elemental energy.

Krosl spent a lot to get his hand on a small amount of Smaragdus Jadeite, hoping to turn it into a jewelry. But after carrying it around for a few days, he started to feel extreme discomfort and constant state of agitation. After realizing its effects, he instead used Smaragdus Nephrite to craft some hairpins, which he lent to Zhiqiao but he claimed that it is made from Smaragdus Jadeite due to the pressure of his business partners.[2]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSmaragdus Jadeite
Cuìjué Yán
Jadeite Conjoined-Jade Rock
Cuìjué Yán
Kingfisher-green Conjoined-Jade Stone
Jadeite Conjoined-Jade Rock
SpanishJadeíta smaragdusSmaragdus Jadeite
FrenchJadéite smaragdusSmaragdus Jadeite
RussianИзумрудный нефрит
Izumrudnyy nefrit
Emerald Nephrite
ThaiSmaragdus Jadeite
VietnameseThúy Ngọc Nham
GermanSmaragdjadeEmerald Jade
IndonesianSmaragdus Jadeite
PortugueseJadeíta SmaragdusSmaragdus Jadeite
TurkishSmaragdit Yeşimi
ItalianGiadeite di SmaragdusSmaragdus Jadeite

Change History[]

