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Six Crowns and Overnight Story is an Achievement in the category Wonders of the World. To complete this achievement, the player needs to reach Reputation Lv. 4 with all 6 tribes of Natlan.

As of Version/5.2, this achievement is unobtainable, as only 5 of the 6 tribes are available for reputation.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSix Crowns and Overnight Story
Roku Eikan to Ichiya Monogatari
Korean여섯 왕관과 밤의 전설
Yeoseot Wanggwan'gwa Bamui Jeonseol
Spanish(‍NotorioNotorio/NotoriaNotoria‍) en NatlanNotorious (M/F)Notorious (M/F) in Natlan
FrenchLa légende des six couronnes et de la nuitThe Legend of the Six Crowns and the Night
RussianЛегенда о шести коронах и ночи
Legenda o shesti koronakh i nochi
Legend of the Six Crowns and the Night
VietnameseTruyền Thuyết Sáu Vương Miện Và Đêm Đen
GermanSechs Kronen der Ehre und die Legende der NachtSix Crowns of Honor and the Legend of Night
IndonesianLegenda Enam Mahkota dan MalamThe Legend of the Six Crowns and the Night
PortugueseA Lenda das Seis Coroas e da Noite
TurkishAltı Taç ile Gece Hikayesi
ItalianLe sei corone nella notte

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