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This page contains information about a past event that may or may not return in a future version.

Come make some drinks and enjoy the gentle breeze~

Savoring the Breeze is a Web Event in Version 4.6.

Event Details[]


  • April 29, 2024 – May 6, 2024 23:59 (UTC+8)



  • During the event, log in to Genshin Impact daily, claim Daily Commission Rewards, consume Original Resin, and complete other missions to obtain Inspiration. Inspiration can be used to create various drinks with different recipes based on customers' preferences. Accumulate positive ratings from customers to obtain Primogems and other rewards.

Making Drinks[]

  • After obtaining Inspiration, players can check the hints given by different customers at the trailer and try to figure out the correct recipe based on the hints. Each drink requires three ingredients, one each from the Base, Adjunct, and Flavoring areas.
  • Some customers come with a special ingredient, and while making their requested drinks, players must add the corresponding special ingredient.
  • Drag the completed drink to the customer to receive feedback on whether the recipe is correct. If the recipe is correct, 10 Inspiration will be deducted, and players will receive 1 positive rating from said customer. If the recipe is incorrect, the customer will provide a more detailed hint! (No Inspiration will be deducted at this point.)
  • There is no limit to the supply of ingredients. Players can try making different drinks as many times as they want.
  • Unlocked recipes can be found in the "Drinks Menu" of the archive.
    • If players exit in the middle of the making process, the progress of the drink currently being made will not be saved.

Obtain Inspiration[]

Players can obtain Inspiration through the following methods:

  • Complete the following actions in Genshin Impact every day, including: log into Genshin Impact every day, consume 40 Original Resin daily, etc.
  • Complete the following actions on the website, such as: logging into the web event daily, etc.
  • Daily missions refresh daily at 04:00 (Server Time).
    • Inspiration need to be collected manually in the event page. Inspiration that have not been collected will also be reset when daily quests are refreshed the next day.
    • If Players try to visit the event at around 04:00 (Server Time), which is when the daily missions refresh, they may encounter a brief network error. Please refresh the page if this error is encountered.

Mission List[]

  • Log in to Genshin Impact daily (30 Inspiration)
  • Claim Commission Rewards 2 times daily (10 Inspiration)
  • Use 40 Original Resin daily (10 Inspiration)
  • Login to the web event daily (20 Inspiration)
  • Join the Genshin Impact Discord server (10 inspiration)
  • Cutscene Animation: "Cinder of Two Worlds' Flames" | Genshin Impact (10 inspiration)
  • Cutscene Animation: "Execution" | Genshin Impact (10 inspiration)

Total Rewards[]

Positive Ratings Rewards
Mora 30,000 Mora
Mora 40,000 Mora
Mora 70,000 Mora


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
43Que le vent soit douxFountain of BelleauA Little Stroll Backstage (menu), Savoring the Breeze
Locations, Quests, Serenitea Pot

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSavoring the Breeze
Wēifēng Yǐnyóu
A Gentle Breeze, Drinks Along the Journey
Wéifēng Yǐnyóu
Soyokaze to Dorinku no Tabi
Korean바람 따라 미식 여행
Baram Ttara Misik Yeohaeng
SpanishViaje de bebidas refrescantesJourney of Refreshing Drinks
FrenchBoissons dans la douce briseDrinks in the Soft Breeze
RussianОсвежающий бриз
Osvezhayushchiy briz
Refreshing Breeze
VietnameseHương Vị Của Gió
GermanIn der sanften BriseIn the Gentle Breeze
IndonesianEmbusan Angin Kaya RasaFlavourful Breeze
PortugueseJornada Refrescante
Turkishİç Bir Yudum, Ferahla
ItalianViaggio di sapori rinfrescanti

Change History[]
