Qingzhou is an open-world NPC in Liyue. He can be found at the ground floor of the Wangshu Inn in Dihua Marsh, standing by the fence.
Qingzhou is a poet of some renown, as Linling brings him up while talking about famous poets in Liyue, while Baiwen comments that his reputation is well-earned. However, it appears that he is to inherit the family business in three years' time, one which does not involve his artistic pursuits. As such, he is taking the time to make a pilgrimage around Liyue for poetic inspiration.
Qingzhou also has a good memory, remembering most of the contents of Meadow of Gems word-for-word and transcribing it for the Traveler on short notice when they were unable to find a copy of it.
(To be added.)
Quests and Events[]
World Quests
Idle Quotes[]
- "Hmm... ABAB...ABC...CBCD...A!"
- Qingzhou: To fish, forever moor on the pampas sea... When will the next line come to me? *sigh* ...Oh, hello there!
Adventure Challenge
- (Opens Genius Invokation TCG match interface)
- (If the player loses the match)
- Qingzhou: Oh, I was just lucky this time. Let's go for another round — and let's play for keeps this time!
- (If the player wins the match)
- Qingzhou: What bold play! If you'll allow me, let me compose a verse in praise of this game!
Who are you?
- Qingzhou: My name is Qingzhou, my liege. I might add that I consider myself a poet, if I may be so bold.
- Qingzhou: In a few years' time I shall have to inherit the family business. I gave my word to meet my father back home in three years' time.
- Qingzhou: In the meantime, I am on something of a poetic pilgrimage in Liyue; I thought I would avail myself of the relative freedom one tends to be afforded in the years before fully fledged adulthood.
- Qingzhou: I merely wish for the chance to spread my poetic wings and see how far they carry me... before I either crash or get shot down, that is. Hahahaha.
Tell me about your pilgrimage.
- Qingzhou: I've been to all of the Lord of Geo's sacred sites, which has already given me some inspiration to work with.
- Qingzhou: But all the true marvels to be beheld in terms of Liyue scenery take place in a semi-mystical realm. There is a saying about Liyue's name that captures this very idea: "As man hides Li in a box, so nature hides Yue between the clouds," Li being a precious ceramic ornament and Yue referring to the moon.
- Qingzhou: The next thing for me to do is to seek guidance from the adepti.
- Qingzhou: There are legends throughout Liyue of people becoming adepti and ascending to the celestial realm in broad daylight. They say that to take a single visit to the island in the clouds is to say goodbye to the world for many a year.
- Qingzhou: In other words... Once you set off down this path, you'll get lost in the clouds — and then who knows when you'll come back down to earth...
- Qingzhou: Hahahaha...
Can you show me some of your work?
- Qingzhou: "The sole survivor of an endless war, plagued by anguish for eons more."
- Qingzhou: "His fleeting figure through Guyun soars, conquering demons in service of his Lord."
- Qingzhou This one is about an adeptus. For some reason, it just seems so fitting reciting it here...
- Qingzhou: Hah, listen to me, I must sound like such a fool.
- Qingzhou: Fare thee well! Though I shan't be accompanying you, I will be with you in spirit.
- Qingzhou's idle quote is about rhyme scheme.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Qingzhou |
Chinese (Simplified) | 清昼 Qīngzhòu |
Chinese (Traditional) | 清晝 Qīngzhòu |
Japanese | 清昼 Seichuu[!][!] |
Korean | 청주 Cheongju |
Spanish | Chingzhou |
French | Qingzhou |
Russian | Цин Чжоу Tsin Chzhou |
Thai | Qingzhou |
Vietnamese | Qingzhou |
German | Qingzhou |
Indonesian | Qingzhou |
Portuguese | Qingzhou |
Turkish | Qingzhou |
Italian | Qingzhou |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0