Qingce's Lanterns is the third request in Part III of the Lantern Rite Tales event. It opens on the ninth day of the event.
- Talk to Granny Ruoxin
- Talk to Ms. Bai
- Help Ms. Bai prepare three servings of Raw Meat and Fowl
- Talk to Pops Kai
- Talk to Granny Ruoxin
- Talk to Granny Ruoxin
- Head to the entrance of Qingce Village at night (18:00 – 00:00)
- Talk to Granny Ruoxin
Gameplay Notes[]
- If all requests are accepted at the same time, this request will not unlock until Guardians of the Countryside is completed.
- (Talk to Granny Ruoxin)
- Granny Ruoxin: *sigh* The Lantern Rite is here once again...
Is there something on your mind, Granny Ruoxin?
- Granny Ruoxin: Things should be festive and lively during the Lantern Rite, you know?
- Granny Ruoxin: But in Qingce Village, the elderly are too old and the young are too young.
- Granny Ruoxin: All those young workers that have since flocked to the big city are either too busy and can't get time off work to celebrate the festival...
- Granny Ruoxin: Or they're too far way to make it back home in time.
- Granny Ruoxin: Lantern Rite is a lively festival, it's a time when everyone should gather together to celebrate...
- Granny Ruoxin: Sure, I understand that it mustn't be easy for them either, but... *sigh* What about all the festivities?
- Granny Ruoxin: Ugh, there's no use in complaining. That's no way to celebrate...
- Granny Ruoxin: If you'd be so kind, I'm sure Ms. Bai could use a hand right about now.
- Granny Ruoxin: The young lady said that she wanted to prepare a table full of food for everyone and is already hard at work on the preparations. I'm afraid that she won't be able to manage on her own...
Leave it to me.
Don't worry, I'll go lend her a hand.
- Granny Ruoxin: Oh, thank you. You're too kind!
- (Talk to Granny Ruoxin again)
- Granny Ruoxin: *sigh* Who knows when the young folks will finally get some time to rest...
- (Talk to Ms. Bai)
- Ms. Bai: Seems we still need quite a few more ingredients...
Let me lend you a hand.
- Ms. Bai: Huh? Oh, are you willing to help? You've come right on time! I was just starting to worry that we wouldn't manage to get all the ingredients.
- Ms. Bai: Let me see here... If you could, please help me get three chunks of Raw Meat and three pieces of Fowl.
- Ms. Bai: In the meantime, I'll think a way to procure the other ingredients.
- (Give the ingredients to Ms. Bai)
- Ms. Bai: Were you able to get those three chunks of Raw Meat and Fowl?
- (After giving the ingredients)
- Ms. Bai: Great, that should be just enough. Ah yes, I'll also need you to help me go to Pops Kai and tell him to bring all the chairs and tables over.
- Ms. Bai: I plan on making lots of dishes, so if we wait too long to set up the tables, I'm afraid that the food might start getting cold.
- (Talk to Ms. Bai again)
- Ms. Bai: I think we've got just about everything we need...
- (Talk to Pops Kai)
- Pops Kai: Oh? Are you looking for me?
We'll be needing the tables and chairs soon.
- Pops Kai: Ah yes, the tables and chairs... I remember now. I've already prepared everything.
- Pops Kai: Ah, but there should still be some more inside the shop. Alrighty, let's just bring them all out then.
- You bring out the tables and chairs together with Pops Kai...
- Pops Kai: That should be enough tables and chairs for everybody.
- Pops Kai: I never expected that you'd come all the way here to help me.
I'm happy that I could help.
- Pops Kai: Heh! I must say that you're quite an extraordinary young (manman/
ladylady)... But why haven't you gone home yet? Don't you plan on celebrating with your family? ...
Well, there's reasons...
- Pops Kai: No need to fret, I won't ask any further. I'm sure you have your reasons.
- Pops Kai: If you're willing to celebrate the festival here, you're more than welcome to join us. As they say, the more the merrier.
- (Talk to Pops Kai again)
- Pops Kai: This year's festival is turning out to be quite the big one...
- (Talk to Granny Ruoxin)
- Granny Ruoxin: Ah, you're back. Sorry for making you do so much work on a festive day like this.
I'm glad I could help.
- Granny Ruoxin: Thank you, you're too kind. I've also been doing my part and managed to make quite a few Xiao Lanterns for the people of Qingce Village.
- Granny Ruoxin: If you'd like, you can find me near the gate later this evening. We'll release the Xiao Lanterns and celebrate the festival together.
- Granny Ruoxin: But who knows where the children have run off to... There's no way I could go and find them with these old legs...
- Granny Ruoxin: Could I trouble you to round them up for me? They've always loved releasing the Xiao Lanterns.
- Granny Ruoxin: And be sure to tell anyone else you find along the way to head back to the village... The more the merrier, you know.
- (Talk to Yundan)
- Yundan: Heh, thank you. Let's go release some Xiao Lanterns in a bit.
- (Talk to Pops Kai)
- Pops Kai: This is exactly how a festival should be!
- (Talk to Dongdong)
- Dongdong: I wonder what food I should try...
- (Talk to Little Liu)
- Little Liu: When will I get to release a Xiao Lantern...
- (Talk to Ms. Bai)
- Ms. Bai: It's such a busy Lantern Rite this year...
- (Talk to Granny Ruoxin)
- Granny Ruoxin: You're here. Well then, let us prepare. We shall begin releasing the Xiao Lanterns once night falls.
- (Proceed to the next step)
Please wait a moment...
- Granny Ruoxin: Ah, you must still have others you'd like to invite then? We can wait awhile longer.
- (Talk to Little Luo)
- Little Luo: I wonder if Mr. Adeptus will come to Lantern Rite...
We'll be releasing Xiao Lanterns in the village soon...
- Little Luo: Oh, we'll be releasing the lanterns back at the village? Thanks for letting me know.
- Little Luo: If we release enough Xiao Lanterns, maybe Mr. Adeptus will come...
- (Talk to Chang the Ninth)
- Chang the Ninth: Ah, hello. Do you need anything?
We'll be releasing Xiao Lanterns in the village soon...
- Chang the Ninth: Granny Ruoxin will be releasing the lanterns? *sigh* She'll probably start to worry if I don't show up...
- Chang the Ninth: Alright, thanks for letting me know. I'll make my way over there shortly. At a festival like this one...the more, the merrier.
- (Talk to Jiangcheng)
- Jiangcheng: Wife...Wife?
We'll be releasing Xiao Lanterns in the village soon...
- Jiangcheng: Xiao Lanterns? Ah yes, I remember now. Hmm, I suppose it is about time to release the lanterns.
- Jiangcheng: Thankfully Granny Ruoxin always remembers such traditions. Let's go make a wish together, shall we?
- (Talk to Little Luo again)
- Little Luo: I wonder if Mr. Adeptus will come to Lantern Rite...
- (Talk to Chang the Ninth again)
- Chang the Ninth: At a festival like this one... the more, the merrier.
- (Talk to Jiangcheng again)
- Jiangcheng: Think it's about time to release a Xiao Lantern now...
- (Talk to Granny Ruoxin at night)
- Granny Ruoxin: With so many of us gathered together now, things are finally starting to feel like a festival.
- Granny Ruoxin: Heh, now let's release this Xiao Lantern together, shall we?
- Everyone releases their Xiao Lanterns...
- Granny Ruoxin: I wish everyone excellent health and good fortune in the coming year.
- Granny Ruoxin: And may all the youngsters, wherever they are, see their dreams come true...
- Ms. Bai: Alright Granny Ruoxin, if we wait any longer, the food I prepared will start getting cold.
- Little Liu: Wow! Look at all the tasty food!
- Dongdong: Can we go now, Granny?
- Granny Ruoxin: Oh, children... Very well then, off you go now.
Won't you be joining them, Granny Ruoxin?
- Granny Ruoxin: Oh, me? I'm in no hurry. Besides, I'd like to watch the Xiao Lanterns awhile longer.
- Granny Ruoxin: Which reminds me, these are for you, dear. It's my way of saying thank you for helping prepare all the festivities.
Thank you, Granny Ruoxin.
- Granny Ruoxin: You're most welcome. From the looks of it, you must still be quite young. I imagine that all this running around must have left you quite tuckered out indeed...
- Granny Ruoxin: Why don't you stay with us for a while and join the festivities?
- Granny Ruoxin: It's good to have a rest after rushing about all year long...
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Qingce's Lanterns | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 轻策庄的霄灯 Qīngcè-zhuāng de Xiāodēng | Qingce's Xiao-Lanterns |
Chinese (Traditional) | 輕策莊的霄燈 Qīngcè-zhuāng de Xiāodēng | |
Japanese | 軽策荘の霄灯 Keisaku-sou no Shoutou | Qingce's Xiao-Lanterns |
Korean | 경책 산장의 소등 Gyeongchaek Sanjang-ui Sodeung | Qingce Mountain Cabin's Celestial Lantern |
Spanish | Las linternas de Chingtsé | The Lanterns of Qingce |
French | Lanterne céleste, version Qingce | Celestial Lantern, Qingce Version |
Russian | Фонари в деревне Цинцэ Fonari v derevne Tsintse | Lanterns in Qingce Village |
Thai | โคม Xiao กับ Qingce Village Khom Xiao kap Qingce Village | |
Vietnamese | Đèn Tiêu của Khinh Sách Trang | |
German | Die Laternen von Qingce | The Lanterns of Qingce |
Indonesian | Lentera Qingce | Qingce's Lanterns |
Portuguese | Lanterna Celeste da Vila Qingce |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.3