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Old Finch is an open-world NPC in Springvale, Mondstadt. He can be found standing by the spring during the day (06:00 – 19:00).



Old Finch is a resident of Springvale. When he was a boy, he befriended the Spring Fairy, although her existence was relegated to a mere fairy tale by most other residents of the village. He would often tell her about his life, while she told him about various things she had done in the village. One day, however, she refused to meet him again; Old Finch went on to live his life, but as an old man, was known to spend time waiting by the pool some thirty to forty years later just to see her again, to no avail. Over time, Finch's story spread and inspired the fictional book series Heart of Clear Springs. Younger generations born later on came to call Finch "Grandpa Finch", such as Diona, and Mika.

During the Wishful Drops event, the Traveler, Paimon, and the young Oceanid Endora visit him while investigating why Springvale's waters hadn't turned bitter while the Bishui River did. He remarks that Endora looks like a smaller Spring Fairy, which prompts Endora to inform him that they are both Oceanids. Although the Spring Fairy refuses to communicate with Endora, Endora gives her a message from Old Finch.[1] Later, the three return to Springvale, where Endora receives a reply from the Spring Fairy which explained why the Spring Fairy no longer met him, and imploring Old Finch to move on with his life.[2]

During the events of Waterborne Poetry, after the encouragement of Mika and Diona, Callirhoe the Spring Fairy finally chooses to meet Finch again after many years. She and Finch kiss for the first time since their first encounter.


Old Finch has dark hair and wears a brown cap.

Quests and Events[]


Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Spring fairy...
Media:VO Old Finch 01.ogg "Fountain spirits, please come to me again!"
Icon Dialogue Idle Spring fairy...
Media:VO Old Finch 02.ogg "Oh spring fairy, please hear me..."


Dialogue Set #1[]

Available before completing Heart of the Deep or Waterborne Poetry Event.

Old Finch: Spring fairy... Oh, spring fairy...
Old Finch: Hmm? Oh, sorry, Traveler. What's up?
Icon Dialogue Talk Who are you?
Old Finch: I'm Finch, haha. I'm also old, as you can see, which is why they all call me Old Finch.
Old Finch: What are you here for? Are you... are you here for the spring fairy, too?
Icon Dialogue Talk Spring fairy?
Old Finch: Yes, there's a fairy in this spring. You wouldn't have heard of it, and none of the villagers believe in it.
Old Finch: But when I was a boy, I would talk to her here all the time...
Old Finch: We'd talk about the weather, the spring water, the fish, who had fallen out with who in the village...
Old Finch: And when a kid fell into the spring, she'd tell me how she had secretly helped them back out and given them a few pretty stones to make them feel better...
Old Finch: She is a gentle-natured fairy.
Old Finch: But suddenly, one day, she refused to see me any longer.
Icon Dialogue Talk So... what are you doing here?
Old Finch: How many years now... thirty? No — forty?
Old Finch: Well anyway, it's been half a lifetime that I've waited here, just hoping to see her one last time... and to hear her wonderful, flowing voice...
Old Finch: But after all this time, I'm sure she's probably... gone...
Old Finch: Whenever I have that thought, I realize... Look how old I am now... Too old to go traveling around Teyvat looking for her...
Old Finch: So all I can do is wait here, on the off chance that there's still some hope.
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Old Finch: Goodbye.
Old Finch: *sigh* If only I were still young, like you...

Dialogue Set #2[]

Available after completing Heart of the Deep or Waterborne Poetry Event.

Old Finch: Spring fairy... Oh, spring fairy...
Old Finch: Hmm? Oh, sorry, Traveler. What's up?
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you doing?
Old Finch: Oh, me? I'm chatting with the Spring Fairy.
Old Finch: My name's Finch. Haha, but I'm old now, as you can see, so everyone calls me Old Finch.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell the Fairy I said hello.
Old Finch: ...Of course, of course. She likes everyone around these parts.
Old Finch: Way back when, she used to sneak into people's dreams to see the scenes being woven there.
Old Finch: Now, she even likes poems. She often reads them to me in my dreams.
Old Finch: Hahaha, but there's so much more she still wants to learn.
Icon Dialogue Talk What else do you and the Spring Fairy talk about?
Old Finch: Oh, anything and everything.
Old Finch: When I was younger, we used to talk a lot here...
Old Finch: About the weather and the water. About the fish in the spring, and about which townsfolk were arguing again...
Old Finch: We'd talk about which kids had fallen into the water. She'd secretly help them get out, and always made sure they found a few pretty stones to make them feel better, too...
Old Finch: She's very kind, you see.
Old Finch: Of course, the townspeople don't believe in her. They think she's a fairy tale. Haha! Maybe that's for the best...
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, enjoy your conversations.
Old Finch: We will. There's always something for us to talk about...


  • Old Finch's story with Callirhoe is the basis of that told in the book collection Heart of Clear Springs. However, there are several discrepancies between the two.
    • Callirhoe did not actually kiss Old Finch at the moment she did in the story.
    • Unlike the boy in the story, Old Finch eventually learns the reason why the Spring Fairy left him, as well as confirmation that she truly existed.
    • Old Finch eventually reunited with Callirhoe and was given a droplet condensed from her own power, dubbed "The true Heart of Clear Springs" by the Traveler, with which he could call for her and meet her in his dreams.
  • Old Finch is mentioned in the description of the following Furnishing:

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishOld Finch
Lǎo Fēnqí
Lǎo Fēnqí
Toshi-totta Finchi
Pinchi Ssi
SpanishViejo Finch
RussianСтарина Финч
Starina Finch
ThaiOld Finch
VietnameseLão Finch
GermanAlter Finch
IndonesianFinch Tua
PortugueseVelho Finch
Turkishİhtiyar Finch
ItalianVecchio Finch

Change History[]

Version 4.2

Version 1.0

  • Old Finch was released.


  1. Event Wishful Drops World Quest: Life Flows On (I)
  2. Event Wishful Drops World Quest: Life Flows On (II)