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Hilichurl Hullaballoo is a weekly Reputation Request that occurs in Inazuma.


  1. Defeat the Hilichurls

Request Details[]

Request from Furuya Noboru[]

UI Quest Quest Description

The hilichurls are causing chaos somewhere on Narukami Island. Furuya Noboru hopes that someone can put a stop to this quickly.

Help Needed:
The Guild has received a number of escort commissions that seem to stem from chaos caused by Hilichurls somewhere on Narukami Island.
The adventurers are all busy with their commissions and we can't spare the people at the moment, so it would be great if someone could help cut this problem off at the source.

Request from Utsumi[]

UI Quest Quest Description

The hilichurls are causing chaos somewhere in Kannazuka. Utsumi hopes that someone can put a stop to this quickly.

Help Needed:
Monsters have become more active in Kannazuka lately. If you don't watch it, you'll get attacked by hilichurls.
I won't stand for such things. That is where my son is buried. How can he rest in peace with all the racket those Hilichurls are making?
Someone, please take up a father's plea, and drive those hilichurls making trouble in Kannazuka away!


Request from Furuya Noboru[]

Request from Utsumi[]

  • The two samachurls will appear when the lawachurl reaches ~50% of its HP.


  • Upon completing Utsumi's variant of the request, the Thunderhelm Lawachurl and objects that were normally there will appear with no delay.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishHilichurl Hullaballoo
Qiūqiū-rén Yǐnqǐ de Hǔnluàn
Chaos Caused by Hilichurls
Qiūqiū-rén Yǐnqǐ de Hǔnluàn
Hiruchaaru ga Okoshita Konran
Chaos Wrecked by Hilichurls
Korean츄츄족이 일으킨 혼란
Chuchujok-i Ireukin Honran
Confusion Wrecked by Hilichurls
SpanishCatástrofe HilichurlHilichurl Catastrophe
FrenchBrutocollinus en plein tohu-bohuHilichurls in the Midst of a Hustle and Bustle
RussianХиличурлский беспредел
Khilichurlskiy bespredel
Hilichurl Outrage
Thaiความโกลาหลที่เกิดจาก Hilichurl
VietnameseHilichurl Gây Rối
GermanHilichurl-TohuwabohuHilichurl Hullaballoo
IndonesianHilichurl Hullabaloo
PortugueseO Caos dos Hilichurls
TurkishDağ Yabanisi Yaygarası
ItalianIl chiasso degli HilichurlThe Hilichurls' Fuss

Change History[]
