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Harpastum Bombs Loaded... Blow 'Em Away! is part of the Midsummer Island Adventure event in Version 1.6.

Event Details[]


2021-06-17 4:00 – 2021-06-28 03:59



Tutorial Harpastum Bombs Loaded... Blow 'Em Away! 1 In the "Harpastum Bombs Loaded... Blow 'Em Away!" challenge, Travelers can make use of Harpastum Bombs to defeat monsters more easily.
Harpastum Bombs can only be used within challenge areas. When the Harpastum Bombs are equipped, your Elemental Skill will be replaced by the ability to throw the bombs.
Tutorial Harpastum Bombs Loaded... Blow 'Em Away! 2 There are three kinds of Harpastum Bombs.
Tutorial Harpastum Bombs Loaded... Blow 'Em Away! 3 Use the crafting bench to create Harpastum Bombs. Using these bombs will consume them from your Inventory, so pay attention to the amount you have remaining!

Camp Compositions[]

There are six camps in total, with the next one being unlocked after the previous camp is cleared. After the sixth camp, the next is looped back to the first.


What do you get if you cross a light and floaty harpastum with a heavy, unwieldy explosive? Voila, the small but powerful Harpastum Bomb!
Just how powerful will Klee's inspired invention be? Test it out on a nearby monster encampment and find out...

Use the small but powerful Harpastum Bombs to clear out nearby monster encampments!

Challenge Reward
Clear out 3 monster camps
Primogem 30
Mora 20,000
Clear out 6 monster camps
Primogem 30
Mora 20,000
Clear out 9 monster camps
Primogem 30
Mora 20,000
Use Straight Shooters to defeat 2 opponents 2 times in a single challenge
Hero's Wit 2
Mora 20,000
Use Floaty Splodies to defeat 3 opponents 2 times in a single challenge
Hero's Wit 2
Mora 20,000
Use Floaty Splodies to defeat 3 opponents 4 times in a single challenge
Hero's Wit 2
Mora 20,000

Event Shop[]

ItemItem Mini "Harpastum"StockTotal
Dodoco Tales Dodoco Tales8001800
"Fragments of Innocence" "Fragments of Innocence"50042,000
"Feather-Light Praise"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Feather-Light Praise"2001200
"The Blue Ocean's Treasure"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "The Blue Ocean's Treasure"2001200
"Witch's Chorus"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Witch's Chorus"2001200
Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator10660
Debris of Decarabian's City Debris of Decarabian's City10660
Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth10660
Lustrous Stone from Guyun Lustrous Stone from Guyun10660
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir10660
Piece of Aerosiderite Piece of Aerosiderite10660
Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore5100500
Mora Mora ×10,0001024240
Total cost for all items


  • Harpastum Bombs appear to deal a set amount of damage to enemies depending on World Level and cannot score a critical hit.
  • Enemies in the challenge appear to take a significant damage reduction to attacks that do not involve throwing Harpastum Bombs.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishHarpastum Bombs Loaded... Blow 'Em Away!
Yǔqiú? Bàodàn! Zhàfēi la!
Harpastum? Bomb! Blown Away!
Yǔqiú? Bàodàn! Zhàfēi la!
Badorudoo? Bakudan! Dokaan Shiyo'!
Battledore? Bomb! Let's Go Blasting!
Korean하르파스툼? 폭탄! 폭발!
Hareupaseutum? Poktan! Pokbal!
Harpastum? Bomb! Explosion!
SpanishExplota, explótame, explo...Explode, Explode Me, Explo...
FrenchBombes harpastums chargées... Explosion !Harpastum Bombs Loaded... Explosion!
RussianГарпастумы? Бомбы! Пли!
Garpastumy? Bomby! Pli!
Harpastum? Bombs! Fire!
ThaiHarpastum? ระเบิด! บึ้มลอยปลิวไปแล้ว!
VietnameseQuả cầu? Đạn nổ! Nổ bay đi!
GermanHarpastum-Bomben geladen ... Spreng sie in die Luft!Harpastum Bombs Loaded ... Blow Them Sky-High!
IndonesianBom Harpastum Sudah Siap... Ledakkan!Harpastum Bomb is Ready... Blow It Up!
PortugueseHarpastum? Explosão! Tudo pelos ares!

Change History[]
