Genshin Impact Wiki
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The Genshin Impact Wiki has some specific rulesets regarding the usage and romanization of Japanese text in articles, which may be different from other wikis, communities, or official standardization methods. Please read this page carefully before adding any sort of Japanese text or romanization.


The template {{Lang}} must be used when adding Japanese text and romanization (and can also support other languages like Chinese and Korean).


On the Genshin Impact Wiki, Japanese can be used in the following applications:

  • The Japanese part of Other Language sections
  • The names of Japanese voice actors
  • Names of characters, factions, locations, etc. that have a name based on Japanese
  • Japanese Voice-Over pages
  • Trivia sections or Lore pages for explaining etymologies

Japanese should not be used in the following applications:

  • Names of characters, factions, locations, etc. that have a name that is not based on Japanese
  • Places where only Chinese is necessary


Furigana is the representation of pronunciation in kana for Japanese text and may be included using {{Rubi}}.

  • Include official furigana (if needed) with a reference for the source of the furigana. For example:
    • Location names from the Map such as リーユェこう Riiywe-kou, "Liyue Harbor,"[1]
    • Character names such as シャンリン Shanrin, "Xiangling."[2]
  • Do not include unofficial furigana with {{Rubi}} in the lede or in Other Languages tables.
  • Avoid using furigana for anything that can be conveyed with romanization.
  • Furigana for official readings using non-standard ateji and phonetic borrowings are acceptable. (e.g., 西風セピュロス Sepyurosu, "Favonius,"[3] イェンドゥシェン Yendushen, "Bamboo Shoot Soup"[4])


There are a couple of strict romanization rules you must follow.

The romanization system we use is modified Hepburn, with the following modifications and/or enforcements of existing rules:

  • Macrons are completely disallowed. Write out long vowels in full. (e.g., 平蔵 Heizou, not Heizō)
    • For the chouonpu (), double the preceding vowel. (e.g., ゴロー Goroo)
  • and are romanized as dzu and dji.
    • ぢゃ, ぢゅ, and ぢょ should be romanized as dja, dju, and djo. (e.g., 一本調子 ippondjoushi, 御飯茶碗 gohandjawan, 大手まんぢゅう ootemandjuu)
  • The sokuon () should be romanized by doubling the succeeding consonant.
    • When the sokuon is not followed by any kana, it should be romanized as a single apostrophe (').
Example っふ っじ っち っぢ っづ あっ
Romanization ffu jji cchi ddji ddzu a'
  • , , and should always be romanized as wo, wi, and we, not o, i, and e.
  • should always be romanized as he, not e (including when it is used as a particle).
  • as a particle follows standard Hepburn romanization as wa.
  • When n is followed by ya, yu, or yo, or any vowel, an apostrophe (') needs to be inserted between n and the following kana.
  • Do not render n as m before labial consonants b, m, or p. (e.g., 先輩 senpai, not sempai)
  • For small kana (ぁぃぅぇぉ, ァィゥェォ), there are a couple rules:
Hiragana Katakana Romanization
+ any small vowel + any small vowel f + vowel
+ any small vowel + any small vowel ts + vowel
とぅ, どぅ トゥ, ドゥ tu, du
てぃ, でぃ ティ, ディ ti, di
すぃ, ずぃ スィ, ズィ si, zi
+ any small vowel + any small vowel v + vowel
, + , , , , + , , , kw, gw + vowel
+ , , , + , , , mw + vowel
+ , , , + , , , nw + vowel
+ , , , + , , , hw + vowel
any kana + , , any kana + , , consonant + ya, yu, yo
  • If a small vowel follows a kana of the same vowel and is not followed by the chouonpu (), treat it as a large vowel and double the vowel. (e.g., ねぇ nee)
    • If it is followed by the chouonpu (), ignore the small vowel and double the vowel normally. (e.g., グゥオパァー Guuopaa)
    • For the small kana , remove the preceding vowel and add wa (e.g., くゎつ kwatsu).


  • The romanization should follow the capitalization of the corresponding English text, whether it is in title case or sentence case.


When a kanji compound is five or more kanji in length and is not one coherent compound, spacing must be inserted to separate the compound in the romanization. The larger compound needs to be separated into smaller coherent compounds. For compounds of four or fewer kanji, no spacing is needed and the whole compound should be romanized as one spaceless word.

Spaces should be added between each particle and the word before it.

Voice Actor Names

The romanization of voice actor names should be chosen based on the following list (displayed in order from highest priority to lowest priority). These romanizations are permitted to deviate from the romanization guidelines listed above.

  1. For playable characters whose voice actors are listed in official media, the romanization used on Genshin Impact's official website;
  2. The voice actor's personal preference (for example, the romanization used on their website or social media);
  3. The most common romanization used in English media (including Wikipedia);
  4. The romanization guidelines listed above.

Old Japanese

You may sometimes require Old Japanese to explain specific etymologies in Genshin Impact. The corresponding language code in {{Lang}} is ojp.

Old Japanese may be written in either man'yougana or standard kana mixed script, but man'yougana is preferred if it is available if referencing a real-world text. If the text was not written in man'yougana, use mixed script.

Old Japanese text must be rendered in kyuujitai or then-contemporary variant glyphs of characters when written. Shinjitai is prohibited from use.

Old Japanese should be romanized with the following romanization table below.

Unvoiced syllables
a ka sa ta na pa ma ya ra wa
i kyi si ti ni pyi myi ri wi
kwi pwi mwi
u ku su tu nu pu mu yu ru
e kye se te ne pye mye ye re we
ke pe me
ə ko so to no po[Note 1] mo[Note 2] yo ro wo

[Note 2]
  1. The Kojiki may have made a distinction between po and *pə, but for simplicity, this potential distinction should not be respected and all 波行意 should be romanized as po.
  2. 2.0 2.1 For post-Kojiki texts, a mo- distinction is not made and all occurrences of 麻行意 should be romanized as mo.
Voiced syllables
Nga Nza Nda Nba
Ngyi Nzi Ndi Nbyi
Ngwi Nbwi
Ngu Nzu Ndu Nbu
Ngye Nze Nde Nbye
Nge Nbe
Ngo Nzo Ndo Nbo

Ngə Nzə Ndə

Chinese-Based You-on Sounds

When romanizing borrowings of Chinese readings of Chinese characters (kanji), special provisions are made for you-on sounds derived from Chinese which are non-existent in native Old Japanese phonology.

  • When wa or we follow ku or Ngu, u is dropped and the romanization will simply consist of k/Ng + wa or we.
  • When ya, yu, yo, or follow any -i or -wi column (伊段) kana, i is dropped and the romanization will simply consist of the consonant (+ w if -wi) + ya, yu, yo, or .


  1. Map, Label: Liyue Harbor (Japanese)
  2. Twitter: JP Character and VA Announcement
  3. Archon Quest, Prologue, Act I - The Outlander Who Caught the Wind, Part 4: Wind-Riding Knight (Japanese Voice-Over)
  4. YouTube: 【原神】グルメの旅——「璃月グルメ集」第一期