- (Talk to Charlotte)
- Charlotte: Alright, I'm more than ready. After all, I made sure to build a deck that combines only the best of the best!
Let's play Genius Invokation TCG.
- (Open Genius Invokation TCG match interface)
Adjust the deck first...
- (Open Genius Invokation TCG deck interface)
I've got other things to do right now...
- (When the player defeats one of Charlotte's Character Cards)
- Charlotte: Wait, how'd that happen!?
- (When the player defeats two of Charlotte's Character Cards)
- Charlotte: How do you play this again...
- (When Charlotte defeats one of the player's Character Cards)
- Charlotte: Guess that magazine I read came in handy.
- (When Charlotte uses an Elemental Burst)
- Charlotte: Here comes the highlight of the match!
- (If the player wins the match)
- Charlotte: Huh, every card in my deck is super impressive on its own. Working together, you'd think the result would be even more impressive...
- (If the player loses the match)
- Charlotte: I won! As expected, hehe. I put the deck together myself, you know.
Change History[]
Released in Version 4.5