Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Fairytale Figurine: The Power of Wisdom is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

Fairytale Figurine: The Power of Wisdom can be obtained randomly from Figurine Fabrication during the Summertide Scales and Tales event, or exchanged with friends during the event period.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFairytale Figurine: The Power of Wisdom
Douwa no Mokei - "Chie no Chikara"
Fairytale Model - "The Power of Wisdom"
Korean동화 모형-「지혜의 힘」
Donghwa Mohyeong-"Jihyeui Him"
SpanishRéplica de cuento de hadas: El poder de la sabiduríaFairytale Replica: The Power of Wisdom
FrenchStatuette de conte « Pouvoir de la sagesse »Tale Statuette "Power of Wisdom"
RussianСказочная фигурка: Сила мудрости
Skazochnaya figurka: Sila mudrosti
Thaiแบบจำลองโลกนิทาน - "พลังปัญญา"
VietnameseBản Sao: Sức Mạnh Trí Tuệ
GermanMärchen-Replik – Die Kraft der WeisheitFairytale Replica – "The Power of Wisdom"
IndonesianReplika Dongeng: Kekuatan KebijaksanaanFairytale Replica: The Strength of Wisdom
PortugueseBoneco de Conto de Fadas: O Poder da Sabedoria
TurkishMasal Figürü: Bilgeliğin Gücü
ItalianStatuetta favolosa: Potere della saggezza

Change History[]

