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Dr. Edith's Transport Request is a Random World Quest that can activate in certain areas within Mondstadt.


  1. Talk to Dr. Edith
  2. Give the goods to Dr. Livingstone


The player can gain rewards from Random Events and Random World Quests up to 10 times per day. Companionship EXP varies based on the area the reward was completed in and is doubled during Co-Op Mode with at least two or more players.


UI Quest Quest Description

Help Dr. Edith take something to Dr. Livingstone
(Talk to Dr. Edith)
Dr. Edith: Traveler! Fancy meeting you here. I'm sure you are very busy, as always.
Dr. Edith: But I just need a moment of your time. Could you give this to Dr. Livingstone for me?
Dr. Edith: I was planning to deliver it myself but something else came up...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll handle it.
Dr. Edith: Luckily I have you to help. I am very grateful.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sorry, I'm dealing with something else right now.
Dr. Edith: Okay then. To be fair, you do seem to be getting more on your plate each day!
(Does not accept the quest)

(Deliver the item to Dr. Livingstone)
Dr. Livingstone: Hmm, I wonder why my delivery hasn't arrived...
Dr. Livingstone: Traveler! How can I help?
Icon Dialogue Talk You must be waiting for these.
Dr. Livingstone: Oh! I never expected you to be the one delivering this!
Dr. Livingstone: This is a huge help. Please, take these.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishDr. Edith's Transport Request
Àidísī Bóshì de Huòyùn Qǐngqiú
Dr. Edith's Transport Request
Àidísī Bóshì de Huòyùn Qǐngqiú
Iidisu-hakase no Unpan Irai
Dr. Edith's Transport Request
Korean이디스 박사의 화물 운송 부탁
Idiseu Baksa-ui Hwamul Unsong Butak
Dr. Edith's Cargo Transport Request
SpanishSolicitud de transporte de la Dra. EdithTransport Request from Dr. Edith
FrenchLivraison pour le Dr ÉdithDelivery for Dr. Edith
RussianДоставка для доктора Эдит
Dostavka dlya doktora Edit
Delivery for Dr. Edith
Thaiคำขอให้ช่วยขนสินค้าของ Edith
VietnameseThỉnh cầuThỉnh cầu vận chuyểnvận chuyển của tiến sĩtiến sĩ EdithDr. Edith's Transport Request
GermanDr. Ediths Bitte zum WarentransportDr. Ediths Request for Article Transport
IndonesianKebutuhan Transportasi Dr. EdithDr. Edith's Transportation Need
PortugueseSolicitação de Transporte do Dr. Edith
TurkishDr. Edith'in Nakliye İsteği
ItalianRichiesta di consegna della dottoressa Edith

See Also[]

Change History[]

