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Complex Cartography is an Event Quest during the Perilous Expedition Event.


  1. Talk to the adventurer from Liyue


Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 19 Layla 3
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UI Quest Quest Description

A visibly troubled adventurer from Liyue stands by the riverside in Sumeru. Is some kind of problem giving them grief...
(Talk to Peixiu)
Peixiu: Geez, I'll have to trouble Lan again... But it's not like I have a choice. There's simply too much work, and I'm only one person. How am I supposed to finish?
Peixiu: I have no choice but to delay the mapping submission again. If this goes on, my living expenses here in Sumeru will exceed the deposit for the commission...
Peixiu: B-But there's nothing more terrifying than Lan's rage... *sigh*...
Paimon: Huh? What's an adventurer from Liyue doing over here...?
Paimon: Hey! You! From the Adventurers' Guild!
Peixiu: Huh? What's wrong? Am I not allowed to rest by the river here?
Paimon: No, no! Paimon's just curious...
Icon Dialogue Talk An adventurer from Liyue in Sumeru...
Paimon: It's really rare! And you even look super anxious, so we came over to ask if we could help!
Peixiu: I see. I'm Peixiu, and you are?
Paimon: Paimon is Paimon, and this is (TravelerTraveler)! So, Peixiu, what are you doing here in Sumeru...? Ah! Paimon knows! Did you get lost!?
Peixiu: Ahahahaha! So the cute little one is Paimon! Hahaha, lost...
Paimon: What's so funny!?
Icon Dialogue Talk It's barely funny.
Icon Dialogue Talk A three out of five...
Peixiu: ...Under most circumstances, no, it wouldn't be funny. But asking a cartographer if he's lost is quite amusing.
Paimon: C-Cartographer?
Peixiu: Yes, we are responsible for surveying the landscape and updating older maps... It's one of the Adventurers' Guild's duties.
Peixiu: I am one such cartographer, but...
Paimon: But?
Peixiu: I'm just an apprentice. I've completed some rough sketches, but there are tons of mistakes. I need to get to a shaded valley or tunnel to carry out a detailed survey.
Peixiu: Ugh, this is killing me. The terrain here in Sumeru is so complex, and there are so many roads and caves too. Sometimes, I wonder if the entire mountain is hollow...
Peixiu: Progress is just way too slow... *sigh* I don't know the terrain as well as the locals do.
Paimon: Huh? Then why don't you get a local adventurer to do it?
Peixiu: Er, it's actually a joint project between the Sumeru and Liyue branches of the Adventurers' Guild, and a completed map will be provided to those who trade or venture between the two.
Peixiu: It was entrusted to the Liyue branch because the Adventurer who was supposed to be in charge had cartographic experience, and her reputation is that of absolute reliability.
Peixiu: Supposedly, she already did something similar in Qiaoying Village. All it took was a single glance for her to know all the terrain inside and out, and her maps were very precise too.
Peixiu: But she left for some mining area. Uh, did she go to the Chasm or Blackcliff Forge...
Peixiu: Anyway, once we laid eyes on her map, we all felt ashamed of our own skills. The adventurers who used her map praised it to the skies!
Peixiu: I can't compete with that... I may have drawn a map, but there are too many omissions, and surveying everything again will take too long...
Peixiu: *sigh* I'm a stranger in a strange land. I may have the support of Sumeru's Adventurers' Guild, but I'm just not efficient enough. If this goes on much longer, the deposit I received won't even be able to cover my travel expenses.
Paimon: Ugh, that sounds awful.
Paimon: We don't really know much about cartography though... Maybe Paimon can help mark where you can find delicious food on your map instead?
Peixiu: Haha! That's a great idea! A map showing all the best local cuisine would definitely be popular!
Peixiu: But... well, my remaining work doesn't really require drawing the map. What's left is a final survey to verify the map's accuracy...
Peixiu: There are a few dangerous locations surrounded by difficult terrain that I haven't been able to get to.
Paimon: Oh, if that's all...
Icon Dialogue Talk That doesn't sound very difficult...
Paimon: Yeah, maybe we can help!
Peixiu: But most of these locations are really dangerous! There may even be monsters roaming around.
Paimon: That's exactly why you should leave it to us!
Peixiu: R-Really...? With your help, it feels like I'll be done in no time! I may even make the deadline...
Peixiu: Most importantly, supplying travelers with an updated map will help prevent them from getting led somewhere deserted or dangerous by the old map!
Paimon: Sounds great! Hehe, but we'll only help you on one condition! And that is that you have to mail us a copy of your food map once you're done making it!
Peixiu: Hahaha! But of course! However, this map has to be verified before any of that can happen! It's all up to you now!
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Peixiu, optional)
Peixiu: I thought this would be a good opportunity to hone myself, but in the end, it didn't go well... Nonetheless, I'm sure I will reach my senior's level someday...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishComplex Cartography
Fukuzatsu-na Chizu no Sokuryouhou
Korean복잡한 지도 제작법
Bokjaphan Jido Jejakbeop
Complex Cartography
SpanishLa complejidad de la cartografíaThe Complexity of Cartography
FrenchCartographie complexeComplex Cartography
RussianКомплексная картография
Kompleksnaya kartografiya
Complex Cartography
VietnameseCách Trắc Họa Bản Đồ Phức Tạp
GermanKomplexe KartografierungsmethodeComplex Cartography Method
IndonesianMetode Survey Peta RumitComplex Map Survey Method
PortugueseCartografia Complexa
TurkishKarmaşık Haritacılık
ItalianCartografia complessa

Change History[]
