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Collector of Anemo Sigils is a World Quest that occurs in Mondstadt, Mondstadt.

Start Location[]


  1. Talk to the shop owner, Marjorie

Gameplay Notes[]

  • It is not necessary to purchase anything from Marjorie in order to progress and complete the quest.


UI Quest Quest Description

Paimon has discovered a very unique store...
(Approaching the souvenir shop)
Media:vo tips anemosigil paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Look! Doesn't that shop look interesting?
Media:vo tips anemosigil paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Let's see what they're selling!
(Talk to Marjorie)
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 01.ogg Marjorie: Welcome. Every treasure here is unique, guaranteed.
Media:vo tips anemosigil paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hehe... Yep, there's nothing here that Paimon recognizes, that's for sure.
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 02.ogg Marjorie: Haha, what did I tell you! These are all rare items brought back by adventurers from all corners of the world.
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 03.ogg Marjorie: Is there anything that catches your eye?
Icon Dialogue Talk It's all so exquisite...
Icon Dialogue Talk I daren't ask about the price!
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 04.ogg Marjorie: No need! I forgot to mention, I operate on a trading basis. Goods for goods — no Mora accepted here.
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 05.ogg Marjorie: I've been trying to make something a bit special recently, and I need a lot of Anemo Sigils to decorate it with.
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 06.ogg Marjorie: Do you have any Anemo Sigils with you?
Icon Dialogue Talk I have a few.
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 07a.ogg Marjorie: Haha, it seems the Anemo Archon approves of your adventures then.
Icon Dialogue Talk What are those?
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 07b.ogg Marjorie: It's like a seal or emblem that the Anemo Archon gives to adventurers as a form of acknowledgment.
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 08.ogg Marjorie: More to the point, any Anemo Sigils you find you can trade in here for items in the shop.
Icon Dialogue Talk Browse items.
(After browsing the items for sale)
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 09.ogg Marjorie: Anemo Sigils appear all over Mondstadt. If you find yourself short, just keep exploring.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are they really just for decoration?
Media:vo tips anemosigil paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Absolutely! What could be more beautiful than a gift from the Anemo Archon?
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 10.ogg Marjorie: Haha, okay, you got me.
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 11.ogg Marjorie: It's actually more complicated than that, but it's easier for people to understand if I just say it's for decoration.
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 12.ogg Marjorie: Obviously the reason I need Anemo Sigils is because they have properties that other materials cannot provide.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let me see it when it's finished.
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 13a.ogg Marjorie: Haha, of course! I guarantee you will be quite surprised at the result.
Icon Dialogue Talk I feel like you're making this sound more mysterious than it actually is.
Media:vo tips anemosigil paimon 05b.ogg Paimon: But it's working... Paimon's curious now!
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 13b.ogg Marjorie: Haha! Well it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I gave everything away, now would it?
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 14.ogg Marjorie: Do come again soon — and bring me lots and lots of Anemo Sigils next time!
Media:vo tips anemosigil marjorie 15.ogg Marjorie: Please also visit if you come across any weird and wonderful treasures on your adventures!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCollector of Anemo Sigils
Shōují Fēngzhīyìn de Shàonǚ
The Girl Who Collects Anemo Sigils
Shōují Fēngzhīyìn de Shàonǚ
Kaze no Shirushi wo Atsumeru Shoujo
The Girl Who Collects Anemo Sigils
Korean바람의 인장을 수집하는 소녀
Baram-ui Injang-eul Sujiphaneun Sonyeo
The Girl Who Collects Wind Seal
SpanishColeccionista de insignias AnemoAnemo Insignias Collector
FrenchCollectionneuse de sceaux AnémoCollector of Anemo Sigils
RussianСобирательница печатей Анемо
Sobiratel'nitsa pechatey Anemo
Collector of Anemo Sigils[• 1]
Thaiหญิงสาวผู้สะสม Anemo Sigils
VietnameseThiếu nữ thu thập Ấn Phong
GermanDas Mädchen mit den Anemo-SiegelnThe Girl with the Anemo Sigils
IndonesianGadis Kolektor Anemo SigilCollector of Anemo Sigil
PortugueseColetor dos Selos AnemosCollector of Anemo Seals
TurkishRüzgar Mührü KoleksiyoncusuAnemoAnemoAnemoAnemoTooltip for AnemoAnemo Sigil Collector
ItalianCollezionista di Sigilli di Anemo
  1. Russian: Собирательница Sobiratel'nitsa is a female noun.

Change History[]
