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Book in the Woods is a World Quest in Wuwang Hill, Liyue.

Start Location[]


  1. Talk to Little Nine
  2. Find the lost book in the forest (0/2)
    • The player will not find the book and Paimon will suggest to return to Little Nine's location.
  3. Go back and find Little Nine
    • Little Nine will not be there and the quest will finish.


UI Quest Quest Description

A little girl is hoping you'll play a game with her...
(Talk to Little Nine)
Little Nine: I can't find it anywhere...
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you looking for?
Little Nine: A book... Big Nine wrote it specially for me.
Little Nine: I was playing with Big Nine before, he said he had a book for me.
Little Nine: I started reading it and got really into it... I was so into it that I didn't even notice when Big Nine left.
Little Nine: I went to look for him but then I fell in the river... I made it out, finally, but then I lost the book...
Little Nine: (TravelerTraveler), can you help me look for it? That book's really special to Big Nine, if I lose it he will be really sad.
Icon Dialogue Talk How do you know my name?
Little Nine: People talk about you all the time! And I keep seeing you everywhere...
Little Nine: Everyone says that (TravelerTraveler) is a very good person and can do anything! Can you help me find my book? Pleeeease?
Icon Dialogue Talk Who's Big Nine?
Little Nine: He lives next door to me. We're both ninth in our family so our names both have nine in them. That's why we'd be the perfect match... Wait! Argh, no, don't tell Big Nine I said that...
Little Nine: The book was a present from him. He's gonna get it published, but he let me have a sneaky look at it first.
Icon Dialogue Talk But... where do I start?
Icon Dialogue Talk But... how am I gonna find it?
Little Nine: Hmm, let's see... The river carried me a long way, I know that. The water was really cold, it froze my hands stiff...
Little Nine: But I definitely didn't open it! I held it as tight as I could, because Big Nine told me how special it is...
Little Nine: Finally, I crawled onto the river bank. The first thing I did was find somewhere to dry the book out in the sun.
Little Nine: Then I was so exhausted that I lay down and fell asleep for a while. When I woke up, the book was gone.
Little Nine: It was in the woods over there that I dried the book out. You can have a look in there.
(Talking to Little Nine again)
Little Nine: Did you find the book? It's a really special book to Big Nine...
Little Nine: If it's gone, he will be sooo sad...
Little Nine: ...And if he knows that I lost it, he'll be really mad at me...

(Up the mountain)
Paimon: Not even a piece of paper here... Paimon thinks we can walk a bit more and look around.
(At the farthest east side)
Paimon: We've walked so far but still found nothing... Maybe the girl mistook the place?
(After checking both spots)
Paimon: Can't find it anywhere...
Paimon: Paimon thinks we should go back first and ask the girl for more clues.

(Looking around where you first met Little Nine)
Paimon: What the... Where'd that girl go?
Paimon: Has she gone to find the book herself?

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBook in the Woods
Línzhōng Xiǎo Shū
Little Book in the Forest
Línzhōng Xiǎo Shū
Issho ni Asobou
Let's Play Together
Supsok-ui Chaek
Book in the Forest
SpanishEl libro extraviado en el bosqueThe Book Lost in the Forest
FrenchUn livre dans les boisA Book in the Woods
RussianКнига в лесу
Kniga v lesu
A Book in the Forest
VietnameseCuốn Sách Trong RừngBook in the Forest
GermanBüchlein im WaldBooklet in the Forest
IndonesianBuku Kecil di Tengah HutanSmall Book Amidst the Forest
PortugueseLivro na FlorestaBook in the Forest
TurkishOrmandaki Kitap
ItalianUn libro nel bosco

Change History[]
