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This page contains information about a past event that may or may not return in a future version.

Elegant ladies and gentlemen each have their own approach to "wearing" perfume.

An Introduction to Perfumery is a Web Event in Version 4.8.

Event Duration[]

August 1, 2024 12:00 – August 7, 2024 23:59 (UTC+8)


Reach Adventure Rank 10 or above

Gameplay Details[]

  1. During the event, answer four scent selection questions from Emilie and receive the perfume recommended by Emilie along with its description card to obtain in-game rewards.
  2. After generating the perfume description card, you can select your favorite photo to save or share.

In-Game Rewards[]

Answer Emilie's scent selection questions to obtain Primogems, Character Ascension Materials, and other in-game rewards.

Mora 20,000 Mora

Event Notes[]

  1. Please log in to the event using your HoYoverse Account and select your corresponding character in Genshin Impact to take part. This will ensure that your rewards can be sent and claimed correctly.
  2. The event wallpaper is not available after the event ends. Please save it in time.
  3. After generating the perfume description card, the in-game rewards will be distributed via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
04City of Mellifluous GloryFountain of BelleauInto the Frame (A Film in Moments), Shadows in Motion (stage V), Glad Tidings From Afar (intro), An Introduction to Perfumery
Locations, Quests

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAn Introduction to Perfumery
Kousui Erabi Nyuumon
An Introduction to Perfume Selection
Korean향수의 세계로
Hyangsu-ui Segyero
To the World of Perfume
SpanishIntroducción a la perfumeríaIntroduction to Perfumery
FrenchIntroduction à la parfumerieIntroduction to Perfumery
RussianОсновы парфюмерии
Osnovy parfyumerii
VietnameseNước Hoa Nhập Môn
GermanEinmaleins der DuftwahlBasics of Fragrance Selection
IndonesianSeputar PerparfumanRegarding Perfurmery
PortugueseIntrodução à Perfumaria
TurkishParfümeriye Giriş
ItalianIntroduzione alla profumeria

Change History[]
